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Eric Day

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Eric Day

Eric Day.

Pronouns: He/Him/His


Office: Dale Hall Tower 814

Curriculum Vitae

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Dr. Day is looking to admit graduate students for the 2025-2026 academic year. 


My research interests span personnel psychology and organizational behavior, including topics in personnel assessment, selection, training and development, leadership, and group dynamics. My primary research interest involves the study of human performance and complex skill learning with emphases on individual differences in ability and motivation, cognitive and social processes, self-regulation, skill decay, and skill adaptability. My interests in group dynamics are fairly broad, including team training, team adaptability, and group decision making. With respect to leadership, I am interested in the use of simulations (e.g., assessment centers and situational judgment tests) for assessing and developing leadership skills, and more generally I am also interested in the interplay between leadership and group dynamics.

Selected Publications

Graduate student advisees are underlined. Undergraduate student coauthors are underlined and italicized.

Jorgensen, A., Day, E. A., Huck, J. T., Westlin, J., Richels, K., & Nguyen, C. (in press). Emotion-performance relationships in the acquisition and adaptation of a complex skill: Are relationships dynamic and dependent on activation potential? Human Performance.


Fife, D. A., Day, E. A., Terry, R., & Mendoza, J. L. (2020). Estimating subgroup differences in staffing research when the selection mechanism is unknown: A response to Li’s Case IV Correction. Organizational Research Methods, 23, 367-384.


Richels, K., Day, E. A., Jorgensen, A.,Huck, J. T., & Westlin, J. (2020). Keeping calm and carrying on: Relating affect spin and pulse to complex skill acquisition and adaptive performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 377.


Arthur, W. Jr., & Day, E. A. (2019). Skill decay: The science and practice of mitigating loss and enhancing retention. P. Ward, J. M., Schragen, J. Gore, & E. Roth (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Expertise: Research & Application. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.


Hardy, J., III, Day, E. A., & Arthur, W., Jr. (2019). Exploration-exploitation tradeoffs and information-knowledge gaps in self-regulated learning: Implications for training and development. Human Resource Management Review, 29, 196-217.


Hardy, J., III, Day, E. A., Steele, L. M. (2019). Interrelationships among self-regulatory processes: Toward a dynamic process-based model of self-regulated learning. Journal of Management, 45, 3146-3177.


Kramer, M. W., Day, E. A., Nguyen, C., Hoelscher, C. S., & Cooper, O. D. (2019). Leadership in an interorganizational collaboration: A qualitative study of a statewide interagency taskforce. Human Relations, 72, 397-419.


Hoelscher, C. S., Kramer, M. W., Nguyen, C., Cooper, O. D., & Day, E. A., (2017). Decision making and communication in a statewide interagency task force: An investigation of planned versus utilized processes. Management Communication Quarterly, 31, 39-68.


Yammarino, F. Y., Mumford, M. D., Connelly, M. S., Day, E. A., Gibson, C., McIntosh, T., & Mulhearn, T. (2015). Leadership models for team dynamics and cohesion: The Mars Mission. In E. Salas, W. B. Vessey, & A. X. Estrada (Eds.). Team cohesion: Advances in psychology theory, methods, and practice (pp. 213-245). Emerald Group Publishing.


Hardy, J., III, Day, E. A., Hughes, M. G., Wang, X., & Schuelke, M. J. (2014). Individual differences and exploration in learning a complex task: A between- and within-person examination. Organizational and Human Decision Processes, 125, 98-112.


Hardy, J., III, Imose, R., & Day, E. A. (2014). Relating trait and domain mental toughness to complex task learning. Personality and Individual Differences, 68, 59-64.


Mracek, D. L., Day, E. A., Arsenault, M., & Terry, R. (2014). A multilevel approach to relating subjective workload to performance after shifts in task demands. Human Factors, 56, 1401-1413.


Arthur, W. Jr., Day, E. A., Bennett, W. Jr., & Portrey, A. M. (Eds.). (2013). Individual and team skill decay: State of the science and implications for practice. New York: Taylor-Francis.


Day, E. A., Arthur, W. Jr., Villado, A. J., Boatman, P. R., Kowollik, V., Bhupatkar, A., & Bennett, W. Jr. (2013). Relating individual differences in ability, personality, and motivation to the retention and transfer of skill on a complex command-and-control simulation. In W. Arthur, Jr., E. A. Day, W. Bennett, Jr., & A. Portrey (Eds.), Individual and team skill decay: State of the science and implications for practice (pp. 282-301).  New York: Taylor-Francis.


Hughes, M. G., Day, E. A., Wang, X., Schuelke, M. J., Arsenault, M., Harkrider, L. N., & Cooper, O. D. (2013). Learner-controlled practice difficulty in the training of a complex task: Cognitive and motivational mechanisms. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98, 80-98.


Wang, X., Day, E. A., Kowollik, V., Schuelke, M. J., & Hughes, M. G. (2013). Factors influencing knowledge and skill decay after training: A meta-analysis. In W. Arthur, Jr., E. A. Day, W. Bennett, Jr., & A. Portrey (Eds.), Individual and team skill decay: State of the science and implications for practice (pp. 68-116).  New York: Taylor-Francis.


Arthur, W. Jr., & Day, E. A. (2010). Assessment centers. In S. Zedeck (Ed.), Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology: Volume II, Selecting Members (pp. 205-235). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.


Schuelke, M. J., Day, E. A., McEntire, L. E., Espejo, J., Boatman, P. R., Kowollik, V., & Wang, X. (2009). Relating indices of knowledge structure coherence and accuracy to skill-based performance: Is there utility in using a combination of indices? Journal of Applied Psychology, 94, 1076-1085.


Day, E. A., Boatman, P. R., Kowollik, V., Espejo, J., McEntire, L. E., & Sherwin, R. E. (2007). Collaborative training with a more experienced partner: A strategy for remediating low pre-training self-efficacy in the acquisition of a complex skill. Human Factors, 49, 1132-1148.


Edwards, B. D., Day, E. A., Arthur, W. Jr., & Bell, S. T. (2006). Relationships between team ability composition, team mental models, and team performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91, 727-736.


Lievens, F., Chasteen, C. S., Day, E. A., & Christiansen, N. D. (2006). Large-scale investigation of the role of trait activation theory for understanding assessment center convergent and discriminant validity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91, 247-258.


Day, E. A., Arthur, W. Jr., Edwards, B. D., Bell, S. T., Bennett, W. Jr., Tubre, T. C., & Mendoza, J. L. (2005). Ability-based pairing strategies in the team-based training of a complex skill: Does the cognitive ability of your training partner matter? Intelligence, 33, 39-65.


Arthur, W. Jr., Day, E. A., McNelly, T. L., & Stanush, P. L. (2003). A meta–analysis of the criterion–related validity of assessment center dimensions. Personnel Psychology, 56, 125-154.


Day, E. A., Radosevich, D. J., & Chasteen, C. S. (2003). Construct- and criterion-related validity of four commonly used goal orientation instruments. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 28, 434-464.


Day, E. A., Arthur, W. Jr., & Gettman, D. (2001). Knowledge structures and the acquisition of a complex skill. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86, 1022-1033.