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Adrienne Carter-Sowell

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Adrienne Carter-Sowell

Pronouns: She/Her


Office: Dale Hall Tower 714

Research Lab Areas: Dale Hall, room 48 (a-h), Wagner Hall, room 270, and 5 Partners Place, Suite 4100

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Director of the First Year Experience Course & Research Interests

Dr. Adrienne Carter-Sowell is the Director of the First Year Experience course: Gateway to belonging at OU and is a faculty member in the Department of Psychology in both the Social and Industrial-Organizational Programs. She received her Ph.D. from Purdue University and her B.A. at the University of Virgina. 

As a Social and I/O Psychologist, Dr. Carter-Sowell evaluates and addresses the costs of being "professionaly and/or socially invisible". In addition to expanding her scholarly research work and carry out STEM centered projects funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Dr. Carter-Sowell will also develop, implement and oversee an inaugural course to the General Education curriculum. She endorses a teaching philosophy that all students learn differently. She varies her methods of teaching and forms of assessments so that students are engaged, included and increasingly educated scholars throughout the term.