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Marko Micic

Marko Mićić

Dodge Family Postdoctoral Fellow

Astrophysics & Cosmology

Marko Micic



Office: NH 241




Research Site


B.S. University of Belgrade (2018)

Ph.D. University of Alabama (2024)


I am an observational astrophysicist and I am using various ground- and space-based telescopes to study the coevolution of galaxies and black holes at the lowest mass scales. I am mostly interested in investigating the relationship between low-mass galaxy interactions and black hole accretion.

My most notable contributions include the discovery of the first ever candidates for dual AGN in dwarf-dwarf galaxy mergers. I also discovered the first ever early stage minor merger with a dominant secondary AGN. Most recently, I performed an in-depth search for dwarf-dwarf galaxy pairs and dwarf galaxy groups. This effort resulted in discovering 80 dwarf pairs and 15 dwarf groups, doubling existing samples. I extended this work by discovering 6 new AGN residing in these dwarf systems, and demonstrating, for the first time, that low-mass galaxy interactions are efficient in triggering black hole accretion, a finding important for modeling the growth and emergence of the first supermassive black holes.

Currently, I am studying the relationship between low-mass galaxy interactions and star formation. I am also investigating the mechanisms of rapid black hole grow using extreme minor merger secondary AGN. Additionally, I have begun the Chandra LOw-Count Quasar (CLOCQ) Survey, where I am mining various astronomical databases to search for exotic quasars.

 Marko Mićić CV.pdf

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