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Umang Jain

Umang Jain

Graduate Student

Atomic, Molecular, & Optical Physics

A photo of Umang Jain.



Office: LH 240

Advisor: Alberto Marino




B.S./M.S. Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata (2018)


I am Umang Jain, a physics PhD student at the University of Oklahoma. My research primarily focuses on practical applications of low noise squeezed twin beams of light. I generate squeezed beams of light in my lab and use their sub shot-noise properties to enhance the sensitivity of particular type of sensors. These sensors include: Plasmonic chip sensors used for refractive index modulation measurement, fiber bragg grating (FBG) sensors for temperature and mechanical strain measurement, etc. I am also working on an industry application based project that aims to enhance the sensitivity of leak detection system in oil pipelines (both leak flow rate and leak location) using fiber coupled squeezed light.

Featured Publications

Awards & Honors

  • INSPIRE fellowship (2013-2018)