B.S. Notre Dame (1964)
Ph.D. University of Michigan (1971)
My current work focuses on the use of video techniques to enhance physics instruction. Using 3-D computer animation, the Physics Video Project is producing a video series entitled Understanding Modern Technology to illustrate the application of the principals of physics to modern technology. Also in production is a companion series of Physics Video Clips designed to elucidate physical phenomena that evolve in time and thus are not readily illustrated in a static figure. The goal of the Physics Video Project is to enhance learning in introductory physics classes by illustrating the applications of physics and demonstrating concepts that students often have difficulty visualizing or understanding mathematically.
A continuing area of interest is the development of new techniques and instrumentation for use in such fields as materials characterization, non-destructive testing, and energy conservation. A differential, constant-resistance anemometer developed for energy conservation has application in both analytical chemistry and geophysics.