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MyMedia Video Quiz

Video Quizzes in MyMedia

Video quizzes are a great way to turn a passive video experience into an active learning opportunity. OU’s MyMedia video platform allows you to turn any video in your MyMedia library into a video quiz, including YouTube videos you have added to MyMedia.

When a student encounters a video quiz question, the video will pause and the student will answer a question or read a short text. The quiz can be used as a graded assignment in Canvas, used to track “attendance,” or simply as an opportunity for students to actively engage the video they are watching.

Video quizzes do not have to be used as assessments. They can also be used to pause the video and offer commentary, clarification, or relate the video to course content. 

Click here to download a guide to creating video quizzes in MyMedia (pdf)


The following is an example of a video quiz using a YouTube video loaded into MyMedia: