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SpeedGrader Screen Recording

Canvas Teaching Tips - Get the most out of Canvas

Canvas Teaching Tips are distributed by the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences Online and Academic Technology Services office and offer SHORT helpful tips about Canvas, online learning, and academic technology.

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SpeedGrader Screen Recording

Have you ever wanted to walk through a student’s paper with them in order to give clearer feedback and guidance? Now you can in Canvas!

Using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, you can record a screen capture as a comment on student submissions in SpeedGrader. This lets you scroll through the paper while discussing your feedback and recommendations in real time. Plus, auto-captioning ensures accessibility for all students.

Please Note: You may need to give permission for Chrome or Edge to screen record and/or access your microphone when prompted.




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If you'd like to learn more about this Canvas tip, or Canvas in general, please contact our office at 405.325.5854 or