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Canvas Teaching Tips - Get the most out of Canvas

Canvas Teaching Tips are distributed by the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences Online and Academic Technology Services office and offer SHORT helpful tips about Canvas, online learning, and academic technology.

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The rubrics tool in Canvas is a great opportunity to communicate expectations you have for an assignment to students. Once a rubric is created it can be applied to any assignment and then utilized as a grading tool in SpeedGrader. Rubrics can also be copied from course to course.

Example of a Discussion Rubric table. The table is titled Discussion Rubric. The sections are titled Criteria, Ratings, and Points. The first criterion row is for Quality and is worth a possible 20 points. The possible ratings are 20 to 15 points for Initial Post thoroughly addresses each prompt, 15 to 10 points for Initial post addresses each prompt, 5 to 0 points for minimal references to prompt of assignment, and 0 points for no refernces to prompt of assignment. The next criterion row is for Participation and is worth a possible 20 points. The possible ratings are 20 to 15 points for Student responds to 2 peers and elaborates, 15 to 10 points for Student responds to 2 peers and somewhat elaborates, 10 to 5 points for Student responds to 1 peer and elaborates on their posts, 5 to 0 points for Responses to peers are limited, and 0 points for Student does not respond to peers. The next criterion row is for Organization and is worth a possible 5 points. The possible ratings are 5 to 4 points fort Structure of the postings are consistently clear and easy to follow, 4 to 2 points for The Structure and organization of the discussion postings are good but could be strengthened, 2 to 0 points for Structure of the discussion postings is not easy to follow, and 0 points for Lack of organization and structure detracts from the message of the writer. The final criterion row is for Grammar and is worth a possible 5 points. The possible ratings are 5 to 4 points for Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed and spelling is correct, 4 to 2 points for Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are usually followed and spelling is correct, 2 to 0 points for Discussion posting contains several grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors, and 0 points for Discussion postings contain numerous grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. At the bottom of the table is text indicating the total points add up to 50.



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