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Setting Due Dates in Canvas

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Setting Canvas Due Dates Helps Students

Many students rely on the Canvas TO DO LIST to know what to complete and when. An assignment must have a due date for it to appear on a student's To Do list. By setting Canvas due dates, you can help students manage their assignments.


Graphic depicting a student holding a Canvas To Do list. A clip art person holding a list of due dates in Canvas that is a pop out from a clip art calendar. The list of due dates includes To Do at the top. Under this heading are listed Introduction Discussion for PSY 2123 with a due date of August 25 at 11 59 pm, Topic 1 Paper for ANTH 1223 with a due date of September 2 at 11 59 pm, and Essay 1 for ENGL 1234 with a due date of September 2 at 11 59 pm. Next is a heading of Coming Up. Under this heading are listed Module 1 Discussion for HIST 3443 with a due date of Sept 3 at 11 59 pm, and Research Project for ANTH 1223 due on September 4 at 11 59 pm. At the bottom of the graphic is text which reads Image adapted from one created by on


To learn more about how to set assignment Due Dates view this guide:
How do I add or edit details in an assignment? (scroll down to “Edit Due and Availability Dates”)


Pro Tip:

You can also set due dates for Pages in Canvas. To learn more, use this guide:
How do I add a page to the student To-Do list as an instructor?


Other Helpful Guides:

Did you know you can change multiple dates all at one time (including due dates)? To learn more, view this guide: How do I bulk update due dates and availability dates as an instructor?

There are several different dates you can set for assignments in Canvas. Find out more: What is the difference between assignment due dates and availability dates?

What does the To Do list look like for students? See this student guide to find out: How do I use the To Do list and sidebar in the Dashboard as a student?



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