Canvas Teaching Tips are distributed by the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences Online and Academic Technology Services office and offer SHORT helpful tips about Canvas, online learning, and academic technology.
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Instructor-produced educational videos can be an important component of instruction and content delivery. When made well, they enhance student learning and engagement and provide excellent opportunities for teaching and exploration.
Videos can be used for many different purposes, such as:
Creating effective videos involves choosing the right TYPE of video and knowing the best METHODS.
Our office is equipped to help you effectively incorporate video into your courses. To help you get started, visit these resources on our website.
Click here to visit our page on the different types of educational videos we can help you produce.
Click here to visit our page on best practices for creating effective educational videos.
Click here to visit our page on best practices for creating effective PowerPoint presentations.
Canvas help is easy to find and always available. Click the Help button in the Canvas global navigation for 24 hour support and great help guides.
If you'd like to learn more about this Canvas tip, or Canvas in general, please contact our office at 405.325.5854 or