Language Placement
The University of Oklahoma offers several options for students wishing to pursue language study or to demonstrate knowledge in a particular language. Please see the following guide for information about which option is best for you.
FLRA exams have currently been transferred to the OU Testing Center. For more information on how to register for the FLRA, please see below.
Tip: to view the flowchart below in a more readable format, right click and open image in new tab. Or view it on the LLC site.

**The results of the Placement Exam and FLRA may satisfy some or all of the language requirement for your degree path but do NOT provide academic credit. They are simply tools for assessing proficiency level.
Native Speaker Policy
Students who have previously studied a language are required to take a placement test. This test establishes the student’s reading and writing competency level in the language. It also ensures that the student is placed in the most appropriate course for their skill level.
The results of the placement test may satisfy some or all of the language requirement for your degree however, it does not provide academic credit. Please speak with your advisor to make the final decision about which course is right for you.
To take a placement test in languages offered by the University, visit the Language Learning Center in Kaufman Hall. There is no fee for the language placement test.
For more details, contact the Language Learning Center or the Advisor (link) for the
relevant language.
Who should take placement test?
All students who have studied the desired language for at least 2 years
within the last 5 years.
How do I take a placement test?
A. For students pursuing French, German, Spanish, or Russian, a placement test may be taken in the Language Learning Center without scheduling an appointment. For a full list of hours, see here (link). This
test is online and should only take 30-40 minutes.
B. For Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Persian, or Portuguese, contact the
advisor for the relevant language
The Statement of Background Waiver is intended for students who wish to pursue a language that they have not studied. It is an exemption from the placement test.
Who should fill out the SBW?
Students who have:
never studied the language
studied the language for less than 2 years
studied the language, but at a time of more than 5 years ago.
The language assessment (FLRA) waives the general language requirement for students who are already competent in oral, reading, and written skills in another language at or above the intermediate level.
It does NOT provide academic credit.
The FLRA exam is NOT administered by the Modern Languages Department, but is instead administered by the OU testing center.
For languages NOT offered in the Modern Languages Department, there is NO guarantee of an approved examiner to administer the exam.
Who should pursue an FLRA interview/form?
Students who are competent speakers of a foreign language whose level is likely to be higher than the intermediate level in speaking, reading, and writing and are seeking to satisfy their general education language requirement.
How do I take the FLRA exam?
For students who wish to waive the language requirement, go to the registration page: (link). Note that the exam now costs $100, which can be paid at register blast. If you have any questions, email them to
For frequently asked questions about the FLRA assessments, please see the FAQ link:
The OU Testing Center offers two types of testing for foreign language: CLEP and Prior Learning Assessment. These tests DO provide
academic credit, but are offered at a cost to the Student. For more information
about these tests, visit OU Testing Center (link).
Who should take an exam offered through the OU Testing Center?
Eligible students who wish to earn academic credit hours by successfully completing a paid exam.