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Social Issues in Brazil (HR 4170) - Spring

Human Relations in Brazil HR 4170/5113

Spring 2025

Brazil OU studnets in class
Dates & Leaders

Spring Break: March 15 through March 23, 2025

Travel Dates: March 16 through March 24, 2025

Leaders: Dr. Wesley Long and Jennifer Jarvis-Denny, MHR

Course Description

This course is designed to familiarize students with the significant current issues affecting marginalized groups within Brazil and the history that led to the vast challenges faced by these individuals. Through heart-felt lectures given by local change agents and significant service-learning engagements, students will discover their own role in being an agent of change in this world.  Ultimately, this course allows students to explore ways in which they can be effective Human Relations professionals beyond the confines of the United States, and work to address issues and protect human rights on a global scale.  

Program Requirements: Students must have a passport valid through six months after the conclusion of the study abroad program. For this program, students must have a passport valid until October 2025.

Dates & Itinerary

Saturday March 15, 2025Depart from OKC in the morning. Travel overnight.
Sunday March 16, 2025Arrive in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and transfer to hotel. Attend orientation and lunch. Walking orientation of the local area
Monday March 17, 2025Morning lecture. Lunch. Visit the Hippie Fair and take a walking tour of the Praca Mauá, Pedra do Sal, Caus do Valongo, Jardins suspensos do Valongo, Cemitério dos Pretos Novos, Museu de Historia e Cultura Afro-Brasileira. Attend afternoon lecture. Participate in evening discussion groups
Tuesday March 18, 2025Meet with Iris Silva, Director of Education for the Projeto Tio Lino @projetotiolino to discuss current educational challenges faced by families within the favelas. Conduct service-learning activities for the Projeto. Lunch with community partners. Attend afternoon lecture. Dine with Projeto leaders for informal discussion on the challenges faced by their group. Evening soccer.
WednesdayMarch 19, 2025Visit Christ the Redeemer and Sugar Loaf in the morning. Participate in the Capoeira class in Copacabana park in the afternoon. Dine with local youth activists to discuss being an agent of change in Brazil.
ThursdayMarch 20, 2025Attend lecture given by Dr. Renata de Melo Rosa, Founder and Director of Escola Crítica de Relacoes Internacionais do Rio de Janeiro to learn about intercultural relations. Tour the Escadaria Selarón area. Lunch with local professors. Attend evening lecture and participate in discussion groups.
Friday March 21, 2025Visit Academia Delfim and voluntarily participate in a workout. Listen to a lecture given by Gabriel Ribeiro, Owner and social activist working with adjudicated youthful offenders to rehabilitate. Lunch with social workers. Attend lecture.
Saturday  March 22, 2025Participate in early morning final lecture and purchase final souvenirs. Lunch near hotel with local partners. Depart for U.S. in the evening.

Budget Estimate:  There are three cost categories for study abroad courses.  The categories are tuition and campus fees, the program fee, and airfare.

a.       Tuition and campus fees are based on a 3-hour course.  The student’s enrollment status, resident or non-resident, will determine the amount billed to the student.  Since this course takes place within the spring semester, the tuition and campus fees will fall under the flat-rate tuition of the spring semester. Also, students can apply various scholarships and financial aid awards to these fees.  For additional information specific to your circumstances, contact the OU Bursar’s Office for specific information about the course cost associated with study abroad. 

b.       The program fee for this program is $3,900. THIS PROGRAM FEE IS ALL-INCLUSIVE. It includes housing accommodations, all meals, in-country transportation, excursions associated with the course, and insurance.  The application for the scholarship from the Human Relations department to cover a portion of the program fee will be available December 16th – December 22nd , 2024. Applicants will receive notification of the award by Monday,  January 6th, 2025  . To reserve a space in this program, a non-refundable $200 deposit is due by December 13th, 2024. The remainder of the program fee will be due by February 3rd , 2025. 

c.       The airfare varies based on many factors.  On average, the cost of airfare to travel to Brazil at this time is estimated at $1,100. The PITF is a scholarship through OU to cover the cost of airfare. APPLICATION DEADLINE IS DECEMBER 1, 2024, WITH A DECISION DATE OF DECEMBER 8TH; HOWEVER, THE APPLICATION IS CURRENTLY OPEN AND WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

 Students will stay in a hotel in the Copacabana district of Rio de Janeiro. The housing, all meals, in-country transportation, and course-related excursions are included in the program fee.

Students must attend two pre-departure orientations. The orientation dates and times will be determined at a later time. During pre-departure orientations, we will discuss course and service-learning details, a detailed packing list, conduct expectations while in country, inherent risks associated with international travel, potential mental and physical health challenges while traveling abroad, and traditions and customs specific to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The orientation will allow students the opportunity to ask any questions they may have to better prepare for the experience.

To Enroll or Ask Questions:  Contact Jennifer Jarvis-Denny at 405-227-8885 or

Deadline for Enrollment:  Sunday, February 11, 2025.