Health promotion is a discipline that seeks to improve the health of individuals and communities through education, behavior change, and environmental improvement.
What is health promotion?

What is exercise physiology?

Exercise physiology is both a basic and an applied science that describes, explains, and uses the body's responses to acute exercise and its adaptation to chronic training to maximize human physical potential.
Our interdisciplinary undergraduate program combines the study of exercise physiology (biological science) and health promotion (behavioral science) and is one of the largest in the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences. The undergraduate program integrates biological, physiological, medical, and behavioral sciences as they relate to physiological responses to exercise and other aspects of human health.
At the graduate level, we offer four unique master's degrees (health and exercise science, exercise physiology, health promotion, and sports data analytics) and three doctoral degrees (cellular and behavioral neurobiology: exercise physiology, exercise physiology, and health promotion).
The department's mission is to lead the state and nation in exercise science and health promotion education and research by providing a rich and diverse undergraduate and graduation curriculum that draws from the life sciences, social sciences, health and exercise sciences, and the humanities; and to contribute to the enhancement of quality of life for the general public.