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Faculty and Staff Awards

Faculty and Staff Awards

The Kinney-Sugg Outstanding Professor Award in the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences was established through a generous contribution from Sandy Kinney and Mike Sugg. The recipient will receive a one-time award of $5,000 as a salary supplement. The recipient will also have their name placed on a plaque for permanent display in the college office. The award is presented annually.

The nominee should be a model teacher, recognized for dedication, effectiveness and the ability to inspire students to high levels of achievement. Outstanding teaching should be demonstrated through student-teacher evaluations, chair recommendations and additional information such as student or peer letters of support, sample syllabi, course materials, etc. Outstanding scholarship should be demonstrated through peer-reviewed publications, prestigious fellowships, external grant support and other forms of peer recognition.

The nominee must be a faculty member with at least two years of service in the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences at the rank of assistant professor or higher. A department may nominate no more than one person for any year.

Oct. 11, 2024

Nomination Procedures
Submit electronic nominations (in pdf format) to Elizabeth McHenry at  The Dean or his/her designee will appoint five members to a selection committee comprised of a faculty member from each of the four areas of the college (humanities, professional, sciences and social sciences) and one alumni representative. The Dean or his/her designee will serve as the non-voting chair of the committee.

The nomination packet should include:

  1. Letter of nomination from the Chair/Director (prepared in consultation with Committee A) describing the candidate’s accomplishments and how the candidate meets the award criteria. The letter should not exceed two pages.
  2. Letters of support from students and faculty members
  3. Current curriculum vitae
  4. Other supporting evidence, including a list of courses taught, teaching evaluations and other appropriate materials in support of the nomination.

Award Announcement
The award will be presented in the spring at the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences Impact Celebration (formerly the Kaleidoscope Evening Event).

Previous Faculty Award Winners

The Irene Rothbaum Award for Outstanding Assistant Professor in the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences was established with a generous donation from Julian Rothbaum in honor of his wife. The recipient will receive a one-time award of $2,500 as a salary supplement. The recipient also will have their name placed on a plaque for permanent display in the college office. The award is presented annually.

The nominee should be a model teacher, recognized for dedication, effectiveness and ability to inspire students to high levels of achievement. Outstanding teaching should be demonstrated through student-teacher evaluations, chair recommendations and additional information such as student or peer letters of support, sample syllabi, course materials, etc. The nominee also should show evidence for good progress in scholarship, such as publication in peer-reviewed outlets and fellowship or grant support.

The nominee must be a tenure-track assistant professor in the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences with at least two complete years in rank at OU. This award may be bestowed upon an individual only once. A department may nominate no more than one person for any year.

Oct. 11, 2024

Nomination Procedures
Submit electronic nominations (in pdf format) to Elizabeth McHenry at  The Dean or his/her designee will appoint five members to a selection committee comprised of a faculty member from each of the four areas of the college (humanities, professional, sciences and social sciences) and one alumni representative. The Dean or his/her designee will serve as the non-voting chair of the committee.

The nomination packet should include:

  1. Letter of nomination from the Chair/Director (prepared in consultation with Committee A) describing the candidate’s accomplishments and how the candidate meets the award criteria. The letter should not exceed two pages.
  2. Letters of support from students and faculty members
  3. Current curriculum vitae
  4. Other supporting evidence, including a list of courses taught, teaching evaluations and other appropriate materials in support of the nomination.

Award Announcement
The award will be presented in the spring at the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences Impact Celebration (formerly the Kaleidoscope Evening Event).

Previous Faculty Award Winners

The John H. and Jane M. Patten Teaching Award was established with a generous donation from John and Jane Patten. The recipient will receive a one-time award of $6,000 and will also have their name placed on a plaque for permanent display in the college office. The award is presented annually.

The nominee must have made an outstanding contribution as a classroom instructor. The nominee should be a model teacher, recognized for dedication, effectiveness and the ability to inspire students to high levels of achievement. Outstanding teaching should be demonstrated through student-teacher evaluations, chair recommendations and additional information such as student or peer letters of support, sample syllabi, course materials, etc. While classroom instruction is the primary focus of the award, research, publications and public service may also be considered in the selection process.

The nominee must be a full-time faculty member in the traditional humanities in a humanities or social sciences unit in the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences.

Oct. 11, 2024

Nomination Procedures
Nominations, including self-nominations, may come from any faculty member and should be submitted electronically (in pdf format) to Elizabeth McHenry at The Dean or his/her designee will assemble a seven-member selection committee comprised of the Provost or designee; the Chair of the Board of Trustees of the OU Foundation or designee; the Dean of the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences or designee; the Chair of Faculty Senate or designee; one faculty member appointed by the Chair of Faculty Senate, who must be from a discipline other than that of the Chair; and two student representatives appointed by the President of the Student Government Association. The Provost or designee will serve as the chair of the committee.

The nomination packet should include:

  1. Letter of nomination from the Chair/Director (prepared in consultation with Committee A) describing the candidate’s accomplishments and how the candidate meets the award criteria. The letter should not exceed two pages. (If the nomination comes as a self-nomination or from outside the nominee’s department, that letter should be included here.)
  2. Letters of support from students and faculty members
  3. Current curriculum vitae
  4. Other supporting evidence, including a list of courses taught, teaching evaluations and other appropriate materials in support of the nomination.

Award Announcement
The award will be presented in the spring at the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences Impact Celebration (formerly the Kaleidoscope Evening Event).

Previous Faculty Award Winners

The Longmire Prize for Teaching in the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences is supported by the William Jr. & Jane Longmire Academic Enrichment Fund. The recipient will receive a one-time award of $2,500 and will also have their name placed on a plaque for permanent display in the college office. The award is presented annually.

The nominee should exhibit a scholarly and thoughtful approach to innovative teaching. Outstanding teaching should be demonstrated through student-teacher evaluations, chair recommendations and additional information such as student or peer letters of support, sample syllabi, course materials, etc.

The nominee must be a faculty member with at least two years of service in the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences at the rank of assistant professor or higher. A department may nominate no more than one person for any year.

Oct. 11, 2024

Nomination Procedures
Submit electronic nominations (in pdf format) to Elizabeth McHenry at The Dean or his/her designee will appoint five members to a selection committee comprised of a faculty member from each of the four areas of the college (humanities, professional, sciences and social sciences) and one alumni representative. The Dean or his/her designee will serve as the non-voting chair of the committee.

The nomination packet should include:

  1. Letter of nomination from the Chair/Director (prepared in consultation with Committee A) describing the candidate’s accomplishments and how the candidate meets the award criteria. The letter should not exceed two pages.
  2. Letters of support from students and faculty members
  3. Current curriculum vitae
  4. Other supporting evidence, including a list of courses taught, teaching evaluations and other appropriate materials in support of the nomination.

Award Announcement
The award will be presented in the spring at the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences Impact Celebration (formerly the Kaleidoscope Evening Event).

Previous Faculty Award Winners

The James and JoAnn Holden Faculty Award in the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences was established through a generous donation from James and JoAnn Holden. The recipient will receive a one-time award of $4,000 as a salary supplement and will also have his/her name placed on a plaque for permanent display in Ellison Hall. The award is presented annually.

The nominee should demonstrate excellence in teaching courses at the freshman or sophomore level.  The nominee should also exhibit excellent leadership in research. Outstanding teaching should be demonstrated through student-teacher evaluations, chair recommendations, and additional information such as student and peer letters of support. Research excellence should be demonstrated by contributions to scholarship or creative activity that are viewed as influential within one or more fields, award recognition or other measures of excellence in scholarship.

The nominee must be a full-time faculty member at the rank of assistant professor or higher in the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences.

Oct. 11, 2024.


Nomination Procedures
Submit electronic nominations (in pdf format) to Elizabeth McHenry at Recipients will be selected by the Dean and a committee of his choosing.

The nomination packet should include:

  1. Letter of nomination from the Chair/Director (prepared in consultation with Committee A) describing the candidate’s accomplishments and how the candidate meets the award criteria. The letter should not exceed two pages.
  2. Letters of support from students and faculty members
  3. Current curriculum vitae
  4. Other supporting evidence, including a list of courses taught, teaching evaluations and other appropriate materials with regard to teaching and research in support of the nomination.  

Award Announcement
The award will be presented in the spring at the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences Impact Celebration (formerly the Kaleidoscope Evening Event).

Not offered in the 2025 academic year.

The purpose of this award is to recognize exemplary staff members within the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences and to reward their impact on the college and university. The college will recognize up to four staff members.

Award – Four $1,000 awards may be given annually to exemplary staff members.

Criteria for Selection

To qualify for the Dean’s Staff Impact Award, candidates must have consistently provided excellent service to the unit, the college and the university.  Staff members selected for these awards will reflect the virtues of collegiality, initiative, service, and effort that demonstrates a commitment to their job responsibilities and service that goes above and beyond those responsibilities.

Candidates also should exhibit the following professional and personal characteristics:

  • Exemplary quality of job performance that demonstrates a commitment to the college and university missions.
  • Mastery of university, college, and departmental regulations, policies, and procedures.
  • Effective interpersonal skills and organizational skills.
  • Collegiality and effective engagement with other offices and colleagues across campus, including students.

Any current, full-time staff member who works within the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences college-wide. Current nominees or recipients of the University Staff Awards are also eligible for this award.

March 28, 2024 Contact Darla Madden, at

Nomination Procedures
Any member of the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences faculty, staff or student may nominate a staff member for this award. Of particular importance in evaluating a candidate will be the supporting materials included in the nomination packet as follows:

  • Nominator’s letter
  • Letter from the department chair addressing the effectiveness of the nominee’s effort in the context of departmental needs. A letter from the department chair is not required, but strongly encouraged. (Note: If the department chair is the nominator, one letter will suffice.)
  • Letters from students supporting academic advisors by whom they have been engaged.

Please include the answers to the following questions within the nomination packet:

  • ·What does this person do in the everyday performance of their job that makes their quality of work superior?
  • What special activities does this person perform that makes the University a better place? (Committees, special events, etc.)
  • How does this staff member go above and beyond to further the mission of the college and the university.
  • Submit nomination packet to Darla Madden at by designated deadline.

Selection Process
The Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences distributes a call for nominations no later than February in the academic year.  Nominations are due to the DFCAS Dean’s Office in March.  Each nomination must be accompanied by a nomination later indicating how the nominee meets the criteria for selection.  A second letter of support must be from the department chair or an individual who serves in a supervisory capacity to the nominee.  Members of the selection committee will evaluate the nominations.  Their recommendations are due to the Dean later in March.  The Dean will make the final selection. The recipient will be recognized at the college annual spring meeting.

Previous Award Winners