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Economics in London

Study Abroad in London

Stylized crimson line.

Program Highlights

  • Historic sites including the John Snow Walk and Tower of London
  • World famous British Museum and London Transportation Museum
  • Tours of the London School of Economics and University College London
  • Day trip to Bath, a cozy town known for its ancient Roman baths
  • See Wimbledon or check out the theatre
  • Unlimited access to central London using "The Tube" and the iconic buses
  • See 46 Gordon Square where John Keynes developed many of his theories still used today

Academic Requirements

ECON 4353: Urban Economics (with Professor Greg Burge) 

  • Public expenditures, their nature, cause of the increase, and classification; sources of public revenue; methods of distributing the tax burdens; public debts and debt management; introduction to fiscal theory and policy

ECON 4853: World Economic Development (with Professor Joan Hamory)

  • The economics of the developing nations; a review and analysis of common problems and issues. Learn the impact development can have on a nation and how it can impact their future growth and prosperity.  
Study abroad group in front of the John Snow Water Pump.

Check Out Testimonies From Previous Students!

Frequently Asked Questions

Students will be housed in co-educational flats either in or within walking distance of the Florida State University center in London, where classes are held.

In addition to meeting the study abroad eligibility requirements, you must also have:

  • Passport (valid through six months after return from study abroad)
  • 1 recommendation letter from any OU professor
  • ECON 1113: Principles of Economics - Macro is required and ECON 1123: Principles of Economics - Micro is highly recommended prior to the start of the program

Absolutely! Classes will be scheduled Monday-Thursday and students will receive a detailed scheduled before departing for England.

To learn more, please visit OU Education Abroad or email Dr. Burge or Dr. Hamory for more information!