Position: Professor
Education: Ph.D., University of Kansas, 2008
Email: ryanbisel@ou.edu
Office Phone: 405-325-6042
Office: Burton Hall Room 224
Office Hours: W/F 11 - noon and by appointment
Dr. Ryan S. Bisel

Spring 2025 Courses
- COMM 2113 - Business & Professional Communication
- MAOL 5113 - Management & Leadership [G]
- COMM 5323 - Advanced Qualitative Research Methods [G]
Academic Interests
Dr. Bisel is a Professor of Organizational Communication. His researches leadership communication, organizational culture, and behavioral ethics.
Dr. Bisel’s (2018) book titled, "Organizational Moral Learning: A Communication Approach" (Routledge) was honored with two Book of The Year Awards from the National Communication Association. Also, Dr. Bisel was honored as the 2009 and 2011 Saxton Applied Research Award Recipient for his work in organizational change messaging and team learning, respectively. His 2013 article on team learning earned the Dennis Gouran Article Award from the National Communication Association. Furthermore, Bisel was awarded with the 2010 Longmire Prize for Teaching and the 2019 Kinney-Sugg Outstanding Professor in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Dr. Bisel’s research is published in top communication and management journals, such as Communication Monographs, Human Relations, Communication Theory, Management Communication Quarterly, The Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Small Group Research, and Academy of Management Journal,
In addition to his academic experience, Professor Bisel has worked as a process consultant, speaker, trainer, and facilitator for organizations such as Sorb Technologies Fresenius North America, Crossed Cannons Brewery, Children's Hospital Foundation, Douglas County Visiting Nurses and Hospice, South Central Climate Science Center, OU Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rose State College, Alphi Phi Foundation, OU Department of Mathematics, Marquette Corporate Communication Summit, Air Force Public Affairs Center of Excellence, OSU-OU Executive Education Partnership Program, OU Department of Anesthesiology, Lawrence Chamber of Commerce, Cornerstone Credit Union League, Governor's Executive Partnership Program (OK), Grace Fellowship, Oklahoma State Department of Health, Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security, National Weather Association, and Kansas Health Foundation.
Representative Publications
Bisel, R. S., Greer, R., Beaty, R., & Okpaireh, E. (2024). Imagined interactions with the boss: Upward dissent and defensive silence in organizations. Management Communication Quarterly, 38, 923-941.
Bisel, R. S., Rush, K. A., & Roeder, A. C. (2024). Professional caregivers’ communicative resilience and flourishing during the COVID-19 pandemic: When disruption lasts. International Journal of Business Communication, 61, 760-782.
Bisel, R. S., & Bisel, D. L. (2023). Organizational Constitution in Entrepreneurship: Movable Type. New York: Routledge. See: https://www.routledge.com/Organizational-Constitution-in-Entrepreneurship-Movable-Type/Bisel-Bisel/p/book/9781032257464
Bisel, R. S., Kavya, P., & Tracy, S. J. (2020). Positive deviance case selection as a method for organizational communication: A rationale, how-to, and illustration. Management Communication Quarterly 34, 279-296.
Bisel, R. S., & Adame, E. A. (2019). Encouraging upward ethical dissent in organizations: The role of deference to embodied expertise. Management Communication Quarterly, 33, 139-159.
Bisel, R. S. (2018). Organizational Moral Learning: A Communication Approach. New York: Routledge. See: https://www.routledge.com/Organizational-Moral-Learning-A-Communication-Approach/Bisel/p/book/9781138119567
Bisel, R. S., Kramer, M. W., & Banas, J. A. (2017). Scaling up to institutional entrepreneurship: A life history of an elite training gymnastics organization. Human Relations, 70, 410-435.
Zanin, A. C., Bisel, R. S., & Adame, E. N. (2016). Supervisor moral talk contagion and trust-in-supervisor: Mitigating the workplace moral mum effect. Management Communication Quarterly, 30, 147-163.