Position: Associate Professor
Education: Ph.D., University of Washington, 2013
Email: jreedy@ou.edu
Office: Burton Hall Room 131
Office Hours: By appointment
Dr. Justin Reedy

Spring 2024 Courses
- COMM 5313 - Qualitative Research Methods
Academic Interests
Dr. Justin Reedy is an associate professor in the Department of Communication and research associate in the Institute for Public Policy Research & Analysis (formerly the Center for Risk & Crisis Management) at the University of Oklahoma.
Dr. Reedy studies political communication and deliberation, mass and digital media, and group communication. In particular, his research focuses on how individuals and groups of people make decisions on contentious issues in face-to-face and online settings, how people and policy makers can come together to deliberate and make better decisions on issues that involve significant societal and personal risk, and how communication research can address racial and ethnic inequalities in our society. Some recent and ongoing projects involve helping communities deliberate on and develop solutions to environmental problems, working with American Indian / Alaska Native communities to address health and biomedical research inequities through community engaged research, studying how underserved and minority communities can be better reached with risk communication messages, and analyzing how news media content may contribute to marginalization of minority groups and immigrants.
Dr. Reedy earned a B.S. degree from Georgia Tech in 2000, and earned a master’s degree (2008) and then a Ph.D. (2013) in communication, with a certificate in political communication, at the University of Washington. Prior to graduate school, he was a media professional, working as a reporter and columnist at daily newspapers in the Atlanta area, and then as a media relations specialist and science writer for the UW Medicine system of the University of Washington.
Representative Publications
Anderson, C., & Reedy, J. (2019) Compensatory Control Theory and Public Opinion on Nuclear Policy: Developing an Experimental Measure in an Applied Environmental Context. Frontiers in Communication (Science and Environmental Communication). https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcomm.2019.00027/full
Gastil, J., Knobloch, K., Reedy, J., Henkels, M., & Cramer, K. (2018). Assessing the electoral impact of the 2010 Oregon Citizens’ Initiative Review. American Politics Research, 46, 534-563. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1532673X17715620
Reedy, J. (2015). Paths to the practices of citizenship: Political discussion and socialization among Mexican-heritage immigrants in the US. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 44, 201-223. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17475759.2015.1053823
Knobloch, K., Gastil, J., Reedy, J., & Walsh, K.C. (2013). Did they deliberate? Applying an evaluative model of democratic deliberation to the Oregon Citizens’ Initiative Review. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 41, 105-125.
Wells, C., Reedy, J., Gastil, J., & Lee, C. (2009). Information Distortion and Voting Choices: The Origins and Effects of Factual Beliefs in Initiative Elections. Political Psychology, 30, 953-969.