Position: Associate Professor
Education: Ph.D., Northwestern University, 1998
Email: jedy@ou.edu
Phone: 405-325-5051
Office: Burton Hall Room 221
Office Hours: By appointment
Dr. Jill A. Edy

Spring 2024 Courses
- COMM 2713 - Communication Theory
- COMM 4423 - Communication & Public Opinion
Academic Interests
Jill Edy is an Associate Professor who specializes in the study of media and politics. She earned her Ph.D. at Northwestern University (1998), her M.A. at Leicester University in the U.K., and her B.A. at The George Washington University.
Dr. Edy is best known for her research on how the public’s shared memory of events is created and maintained through mass media. In her book, Troubled Pasts: News and the Collective Memory of Social Unrest (2006), she studied whether shared memories of 1960s social protests had evolved. In more recent work, she has explored how shared memory affects news coverage of current events and examined its potential to influence political decision making. Her work has appeared in a variety of communication, journalism, and political science journals including: Journal of Communication, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, American Journal of Political Science,andJournal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media.
Dr. Edy typically teaches seminars in political communication, public opinion, and media. She also occasionally teaches the core course in communication theory (2713) and the senior capstone class (4713). At the graduate level, her courses include the political communication seminar and qualitative methods.
Representative Publications
A Nation Fragmented: The Public Agenda in the Information Age. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. (with Patrick C. Meirick)
The Fragmenting Public Agenda: Diversity and Volatility in Responses to the ‘Most Important Problem’ Question. Public Opinion Quarterly, 82(4), 661-685. doi:10.1093/poq/nfy043 (with Patrick C. Meirick)
Consensus without focus: Why news agenda setting expands the public agenda. The Agenda Setting Journal: Theory, Practice, Critique, 3(2), 108-122. doi: 10.1075/asj.18026.mei (with Patrick C. Meirick)
Communication and Collective Memory. In Moy. P. (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Communication. New York: Oxford University Press.
The Political Economy of Global Memory: Collective Memory of Global Conflict in Captain America: The First Avenger. Memory Studies. Online advanced: doi: 10.1177/1750698019843957 (with Garett Castleberry)
Rumor Communities: The Social Dimensions of Internet Political Rumors. Social Science Quarterly, 97(3), 588-602. doi: 10.1111/ssqu.12309 (with Erin E. Risley-Baird)
Misperceptions as Political Conflict: Using Schattschneider’s Conflict Theory to Understand Rumor Dynamics. International Journal of Communication, 10, 2596-2615. (with Erin E. Risley-Baird)
“Making News Necessary: How Journalism Resists Alternative Media’s Challenge.” Journal of Communication, 61: 816- 834 (with Shawn M. Snidow).
“The Democratic Potential of Mediated Collective Memory.” In Meyers, O., Neiger, M. and Zandberg, E. (Eds). On Media Memory: Collective Memory in a New Media Age, London: Palgrave McMillan.
“Conventional Wisdom: Putting National Party Convention Ratings in Context.” Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 86: 499-512 (with Miglena Daradanova).
“Wanted, Dead or Alive: Media Frames, Frame Adoption, and Support for the War in Afghanistan.” Journal of Communication, 57: 119-141 (with Patrick C. Meirick).
“Reporting through the Lens of the Past: From Challenger to Columbia.” Journalism, 7: 131-151 (with Miglena Daradanova).