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Charles Bergen

Charles Bergen

Charles Bergen

Major Professor: Rybenkov

Spring, TX

High School:
Klein Collins High School

, Marine Biology, Texas A&M University Galveston

My interest in biochemistry comes from my previous undergraduate studies in marine biology, where I researched the effects of oil on the interplay between phytoplankton and associated bacteria. From these experiences, I learned about the role chemistry has in shaping various biological outcomes.

Currently, I am working in Dr. Rybenkov's laboratory, researching computational applications for antibiotic drug discovery. My most recent project involves delineating the chemical properties of efflux pump inhibitors, substrates, and avoiders using supervised machine-learning techniques. From this work, we hope to understand the chemical traits that define each class of compound to aid further drug optimization.

Additionally, I am studying the effects of efflux pump and gacS (an important lifestyle and virulence regulator) deletion in Pseudomonas aeruginosa using RNA-Seq. Results from this study will elucidate unique changes in gene expression attributable to specific deletions. Expanding our current understanding of the role gacS and efflux pumps have in P. aeruginosa lifestyle and virulence during infection.

Following graduation, I would like to either continue my research in a private setting for a pharmaceutical company or in an academic setting as a postdoc.

Publications, Presentations & Awards

  • Kamalanathan, M.; Schwehr, K. A.; Labonté, J. M.; Taylor, C.; Bergen, C.; Patterson, N.; Claflin, N.; Santschi, P. H.; Quigg, A. The Interplay of Phototrophic and Heterotrophic Microbes Under Oil Exposure: A Microcosm Study. Frontiers in Microbiology 2021, 12.
  • Schwehr, K. A.; Xu, C.; Chiu, M.-H.; Zhang, S.; Sun, L.; Lin, P.; Beaver, M.; Jackson, C.; Agueda, O.; Bergen, C.; Chin, W.-C.; Quigg, A.; Santschi, P. H. Protein: Polysaccharide Ratio in Exopolymeric Substances Controlling the Surface Tension of Seawater in the Presence or Absence of Surrogate Macondo Oil with and without Corexit. Marine Chemistry 2018, 206, 84–92.
  • Gervasoni S, Mehla J,Bergen CR, Leus IV, Margiotta E, Malloci G, Bosin A, Vargiu AV, Lomovskaya O, Rybenkov VV, Ruggerone P, Zgurskaya HI. 2023. Molecular determinants of avoidance and inhibition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa MexB efflux pump. mBio 14:e01403-23.
  • Undergraduate Research Symposium, Texas A&M University Galveston, April 2019 Poster: “Using radiolabels as an indicator to understand the interplay of phytoplankton and their associated bacteria in the presence and absence of oil.” 
  • Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference, February 2019 Poster: “The Effects of Crude Oil and Corexit on the Diatom Phaeodactylum Tricornutum Under Nutrient Stress.” 
  • Undergraduate Research Symposium, Texas A&M University Galveston, April 2018 Poster: “Protein/polysaccharide ratio in exopolymeric substances controlling the surface tension of seawater in the presence or absence of oil and/or Corexit”
  • Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR, February 2018 Title: “Insights on Marine Oil Snow or Emulsion Formation from Protein-Polysaccharide Interactions with Oil and Dispersant from Surface Tension and Microscopy.”
  • Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference February 2018 Poster: “Insights on Does oil aggregate or emulsify with added dispersant? Results from measurements of surface tension, FTIR, and microscopy of Formation from colloidal EPS protein-polysaccharide interactions with oil and/or dispersants are added.”
  • Fellowship in Antibiotic Discovery and Resistance, 2020
  • Kenneth & Joye Harwell Endowed Scholarship, 2021