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2024 News Highlights

April 12, 2024

2024 Chemistry & Biochemistry Spring Awards Banquet

The department's annual award banquet was held in the Molly Shi Boren Ballroom on Tuesday, April 9, 2024. Undergraduate and graduate students, who were nominated by faculty members, were presented with awards based on their Graduate Teaching Assistant skills, and outstanding scholarly and research activity. The Society of Chemical and Biochemical Researchers, the department's student organization, also presented awards that were peer-voted.

April 29, 2024

Undergraduate Scholarship Winners

The department congratulates Anna Lewis, Amer Abuabed, and Vignesh Anand on receiving the Summer 2024 Provost’s Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Fellowship.

April 23, 2024

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry hosts Chickasha High School Students

OU faculty Rakhi Rajan, Len Thomas and Steven Foster hosted 11 AP Chemistry students and teacher Novah Klein from Chickasha High School. Dr. Rajan organized the all-day event to promote a future in STEM and encourage students to join our department in their future academic endeavors.

April 9, 2024

Laura Clifford, Ph.D. Promoted.

The department would like to congratulate Laura Clifford, Ph. D., on her recent promotion to Associate Professor.  Dr. Clifford earned her Ph.D. from Michigan State University in 2002 and joined the faculty at OU in 2005. During her time here, she has taught over 14,000 students and is currently the Coordinator for General Chemistry. She has served on many committees and was awarded the General Education Teaching Award from the University of Oklahoma in 2023.  Congratulations, Dr. Clifford!

March 4, 2024

Dr. Helen Zgurskaya Elected as a New Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology.

Helen Zgurskaya.

Dr. Helen Zgurskaya has been elected as a new fellow to the class of 2024 American Academy of Microbiology.  She is one of 65 accomplished scientists worldwide to be elected this year.  Inductees are chosen through a peer-review process based on their achievements and contributions to the Microbiology Field.

Dr. Zgurskaya began her career with the University of Oklahoma in 2000.  She is a founding Center for Antibiotic Discovery and Resistance member at the University of Oklahoma, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.  In her esteemed career, she has published over 100 papers, written several book chapters, and co-edited a book.

More about Helen Zgurskaya

January 4, 2024

CHEM 4913: Senior Thesis Class Poster Presentations

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry would like to recognize Oliver Wu and Matthew Lettow for their recent poster presentations.  Poster presentations are a requirement of CHEM 4913: Senior Thesis class. 

Oliver Wu’s poster topic was Protein Thermal Depletion Coupled with Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry for Analysis of Protein-Ligand Interactions in Complex Samples.  He was mentored by Sisi Wu and Rakhi Rajan.

Matthew Lettow’s poster title was Abscisic Acid and Drought Response of Solanum Lycopersicum During Tobacco Mosaic Virus Infection.  Susan Schroeder served as mentor for Matthew.

The coordinator for the program is Dr. Paul Sims.

February 6, 2024 | Dr. Nagib Ahsan, Research Associate Professor & Director of Proteomics Core Facility

Nagib Ahsan

Dr. Ahsan has authored over 70 peer-reviewed publications in the areas of proteomics, mass spectrometry-based method development, identification of potential biomarkers, toxicity, stress tolerance, and allergens. Together with his collaborators, he has published his research in a number of prestigious journals, including Nature Immunology, Nature Communications, Cell Metabolism, Communication Biology, Journal of Virology, Molecular Oncology, Elife, Redox Biology, Plant Physiology, Mass Spectrometry Reviews, Journal of Proteomics, Journal of Proteome Research, Amino Acids, Food Chemistry, and more.

For over 15 years, he has been working on various mass spectrometry-based proteomics platforms to investigate fundamental biological questions with potential translational impact. His research intersects various biological fields and involves both basic scientists and healthcare professionals. He has a particular interest in the field of discovery proteomics, clinical proteomics, biomarker development and allergen analysis.

As a director of OU Proteomics Core facility, he offers specialized service and expertise for the analysis of peptides and proteins using mass spectrometry. He continually develops new methods and optimized proteomics approaches for profiling and quantifying peptides, proteins, and post translational modifications from any biological units and suggests proteomic experimental strategies for grant proposals.

Prior to joining the OU faculty in 2020, Dr. Ahsan was a research staff member in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Missouri, a research assistant professor at Brown University and was the co-director of the Center for Cancer Research Development, Proteomics Core Facility at Rhode Island Hospital.

When asked about his recent promotion, he stated, "To me, this promotion is definitely motivating, encouraging, and fostering a pleasant work environment. It is not only an indication of active support or encouragement for advancement and development, but also a reminder of new responsibilities. I am therefore extremely grateful to the chair of the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, as well as to all the committee members, faculty, staff, and leadership of the VPRP office, for their confidence in me and for providing this new opportunity."

Dr. George Richter-Addo Honored with Award

George Richter Addo.

University of Oklahoma chemist, Dr. George Richter-Addo was recently honored with the 2023 Oklahoma Chemist Award.  The award, given to outstanding chemists, was given by the ACS Oklahoma Section. Along with serving as chair of the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department for 8 years, Dr. Richter-Addo has published many articles and mentored many PhD, MS graduates and postdoctoral associates. 

Dr. Richter-Addo states that the most rewarding experience in his career is, "without question, having students and postdocs in my lab come up with original research questions, and then seeing them design high quality and thoughtful experiments to provide answers to those questions to the world. My greatest joy is seeing my students shine to become independent researchers."

We asked Dr. Richter-Addo what the Oklahoma Chemist Award means to him.  “This award recognizes the highly impactful research results that my students and postdocs have been able to achieve and disseminate over the past several years.”

Congratulations Dr. Richter-Addo

2023 News Highlights  

October 26,2023 | Dr. McCall and Dr. Zhibo Award from Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

Dr. Laura-Isobel McCall, Ph.D.

Dr. Laura-Isobel McCall's main approach implements state-of-the-art ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS). High-resolution MS/MS data is then analyzed using big data computational tools and novel metabolomics techniques such as molecular networking and fragmentation trees. We are particularly interested in understanding how small molecule spatial distribution relates to function, by integrating 3D modeling with our mass spectrometry data, an approach called “chemical cartography”. 


Congratulations to Dr. Laura-Isobel McCall along with Dr. Zhibo Yang as they have been given an award from Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to support their proposed studies. You can read more at . 

Dr. Zhibo Yang, Ph.D.

Dr. Zhibo Yang's research is in mass spectrometry (MS). This is a powerful analytical technique for sensitive detection and accurate identification of molecules. We are interested in the development and application novel MS techniques for bioanalysis. Our research is focused on: Single cell MS and MS imaging.


Congratulations to Dr. Zhibo Yang and Dr. Laura-Isobel McCall as they have been given an award from Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to support their proposed studies. You can read more at . 

September 27, 2023 | HMS researcher to lead $104 million effort to study bacteria and antiniotic resistance

Reviewed by Lily Ramsey, LLM

Helen Zurskaya, Ph.D.

Helen Zgurskaya and Valentin V. Rybenkov from OU will be joining Harvard Medical School researcher Johan Paulsson who will lead a multi-institutional $104 million effort to study bacteria and antibiotic resistance, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced today. 

The work is funded by the newly established Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) in an effort to address an unfolding crisis of antibiotic resistance that is expected to get worse as more bacteria become impervious to existing drugs.

Under Paulsson's leadership, scientists from 25 research groups in California, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin, and the United Kingdom will work to develop novel microscopy, microfluidics, single-cell assays, and machine learning tools into technology for identifying bacteria and understanding their behavior.

Valentin V. Rybenkov, Ph.D.

The researchers plan to use this technology to improve diagnosis of bacterial infections in the clinic, and to aid in the development of more effective antibiotics in the lab. If it succeeds, the research has the potential to drastically transform how bacterial infections are diagnosed and treated.

More broadly, the work will aim to unravel the mysteries of bacterial behavior and the biologic mechanisms of bacterial disease

August 15, 2023 | Department of Energy Early Career Award Recipient to Study Custom Composite Nanocrystals

by Chelsea Julian

Yitong Dong, Ph.D. Demonstrating Nanocrystal Structures in his lab.

Yitong Dong, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oklahoma, is the only recipient in the state of Oklahoma to have been selected for funding through the 2023 Department of Energy’s Early Career Research Program.

Nanocrystals are a type of building block of nanotechnology that can be used to improve secure communications. Dong’s research group has developed a unique capability to produce extremely small nanocrystals that could enhance the purity of single photon emissions and advance capabilities toward scalable, room-temperature quantum communications.

“The future of quantum information science will enable us to encrypt our information communication in a nearly perfect way that it can never be hacked or eavesdropped,” Dong said. “This relies on quantum light sources, but current quantum light sources have to work at very low temperatures that usually require liquid helium and an ultra-high vacuum to have sufficient emission efficiencies, so that's going to be very expensive if we're looking at scalable quantum communication devices. Our nanocrystals, on the other hand, can emit light at room temperature with really high efficiencies.” 

By adjusting the size of these nanocrystals, some as small as several billionths of a meter, Dong’s research group is studying how the nanocrystals' surface influences how they emit light.

“For this project, we synthesized a very special nanocrystal called perovskite nanocrystal,” Dong said. “They are very, very bright. How they emit light and the color of the light emitted will change as a function of their sizes. As a nanocrystal materials research group, we can make billions or trillions of them with almost identical size, and then we can control their surface.”

Perovskite nanocrystals are easy to make and easily malleable. However, the surface lattices – the crystal units along the surface area of each nanocrystal – vary in their flexibility, which affects their single photon emission performance. The ability to customize the light emitted from these nanocrystals is an important requirement for quantum information network construction and a current gap in the field.

“Our research is targeting the development of single photon emitters using our nanocrystals, which are cheap and work at room temperatures, to enable the future construction of scalable quantum information networks,” Dong said. “What we propose to do in this project is to use a supramolecular matrix where we can embed our tiny nanocrystals into this matrix, and the matrix can rigidify the surface lattice of the nanocrystals.”

This composite material, Dong says, resembles a chocolate chip cookie. “By tuning the rigidity of the supramolecular matrix (the cookie bread), it will anchor the surface of the nanocrystals (chocolate chips) embedded inside of it and thereby rigidify the surface.”

Then, in addition to measuring the stability of this composite material, they will study how the changes in surface rigidity change the single photon emission properties, such as brightness and purity.

“In the end, we're targeting photo coherence,” he said. “Are the photons emitted from the same nanocrystal all the same in terms of their phase and wavelength? If they’re all the same, they’re going to be very useful for the future of quantum computing and quantum communications.”

About the Project

Yitong Dong is the principal investigator of the project, “Understanding the relationship between surface lattice rigidity and single photon emission dynamics in strongly confined cesium lead bromide perovskite quantum dots.” The five-year project is expected to receive approximately $875,000 from the Office of Basic Energy Sciences through the Department of Energy’s Early Career Research Program, beginning July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2028. Dong is one of 93 early career scientists selected to receive a combined $135 million in funding from the 2023 DOE Early Career Research Program designed to develop the next generation of STEM leaders to solidify America’s role as the driver of science and innovation around the world.              

August 7, 2023 | OU Researchers Discover Antifungal Molecule 

by Josh DeLozier

Robert Cichewicz, Ph.D.

Researchers with the University of Oklahoma’s Natural Products Discovery Group recently published findings that indicate a novel breakthrough treatment for fungal infections.

Fungal infections are killing thousands of Americans each year, some with a morbidity rate of nearly 80%. To make matters worse, only a handful of antifungal treatments are available, and even those are becoming less effective as fungi become more resistant. However, University of Oklahoma researchers recently published findings in the Journal of Natural Products indicating that a novel breakthrough treatment may have been discovered.

“The molecule we’re excited about is called persephacin,” said Robert Cichewicz, Ph.D., principal investigator and Regents' Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences at OU. “This antifungal discovery appears to work on a broad spectrum of infectious fungi, and it is reasonably non-toxic to human cells, which is a huge deal because many current treatments are toxic to the human body.”

The rise in fungal infections is due, in part, to the successful treatment of other diseases. As people live longer and successfully undergo treatments like chemotherapy and organ transplants, they often live with weakened immune systems. When drugs that treat arthritis and other ailments that also weaken immune systems are added to the mix, a perfect storm is created for potentially deadly fungal infections.

Cichewicz, who has been researching fungi for nearly 20 years, leads the Natural Products Discovery Group at OU. This team of researchers discovered this novel molecule and developed a unique method for testing plants for their antifungal properties.

“Fungi are found throughout the botanical world, and plants and fungi often work together. Some of these fungi kill competitors or deter insects from eating the plant,” Cichewicz said. “We hypothesized that if these plant-dwelling fungi, known as endophytes, could help the plants fight off infections by killing the invading fungi, then these molecules might also be able to protect humans and animals from fungal pathogens. As it turns out, we were right.”

The team developed a novel way to procure leaf samples using a laser device called the Fast Laser-Enabled Endophyte Trapper, or FLEET. This method helps generate samples in a sterile environment and drastically increases the number of samples that can be acquired.

“Using traditional methods, we could process roughly four to six samples per minute,” Cichewicz said. “But our FLEET system is capable of aseptically generating between 500-600 tissue specimens in 10 minutes. This allows us to rapidly screen more samples and enhances the opportunity for potential drug discoveries.”

With assistance from the Office of Technology Commercialization at the University of Oklahoma, Cichewicz was awarded a U.S. patent for using persephacin to control infectious pathogens.

“It’s taken us a long time to get to this point, but now we’re hoping to work with an industry partner to help us develop this treatment,” Cichewicz said. “Antifungal resistance keeps evolving, and this could provide a new alternative. That’s why this molecule is so exciting.”

Read more about this research in the article, “Percephacin Is a Broad-Spectrum Antifungal Aureobasidin Metabolite That Overcomes Intrinsic Resistance in Apergillus fumigatus,” in the Journal of Natural Products, DOI 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.3c00382

June 28, 2023 | OU Professor Wins Prestigious International Prize From Royal Society of Chemistry

John Peters, Ph.D.

John Peters, Ph.D., chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oklahoma, and his electron bifurcation team have won the prestigious Faraday Horizon Prize from the Royal Society of Chemistry. The team won the award for their biologically inspired discovery that captures energy from renewable sources.

The competitive international Horizon Prize celebrates groundbreaking developments that push the boundaries of science. The Royal Society of Chemistry has recognized excellence in the chemical sciences for more than 150 years.

The electron bifurcation team, a collaboration involving researchers from Duke University, the University of Georgia, the University of Kentucky, Montana State University, Arizona State University, Washington State University and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, was the only North American team to win the 2023 Horizon Prize.

Peters, a presidential professor at OU, and the team successfully unraveled the rules underpinning how living systems split apart pairs of electrons into high- and low-energy pools without producing energy-wasting “short-circulating” reactions. Such reactions can be used to define new biologically inspired approaches to capture and manipulate energy from renewable sources.

“There is a lot of interest in the energy industry in upcycling fuels to make them more energy efficient and better for the environment,” Peters said. “Our research examines enzymatic catalysis and electron bifurcation to try to inform the Department of Energy about how to make better chemical reactions that would affect the energy industry.”

Peters joined OU in 2022 after serving as director and principal investigator of the U.S. Department of Energy-funded Biological Electron Transfer and Catalysis Energy Frontiers Research Center at Washington State University and Montana State University, where much of the research originated. Peters and the team submitted their application for the Horizon Prize while he was affiliated with Washington State University.

“The Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences congratulates Dr. Peters and the electron bifurcation team on being selected for this highly prestigious recognition of their achievement,” said David Wrobel, dean of the college. “Throughout his career, Dr. Peters has consistently demonstrated creativity, innovation and leadership in fundamental electron transfer reactions in biology that are relevant to energy and agriculture. Dr. Peters joined OU last year from Washington State and brings an extensive record of excellence and national recognition in research. This honor illustrates the caliber of faculty we attract to OU who are driving our research mission forward.”

At Washington State University, Peters served as professor, director of the Institute of Biological Chemistry and special adviser to the Vice President for Research for Strategic Research Initiatives. He previously served as professor and chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Undergraduate Program Committee at Montana State University.

Peters earned a bachelor’s degree in microbiology from the University of Oklahoma. He earned his doctorate in biochemistry from Virginia Tech University and was an NIH postdoctoral fellow at the California Institute of Technology. Peters also received the Cozzarelli Prize from the National Academy of Sciences in 2020.

For more information about the Faraday Horizon Prize, visit

April 19, 2023 | Department Newsletter, Sooner Elements, Published

We are pleased to release the Spring 2023 edition of Sooner Elements, our department newsletter. As you will see, we have lots of great news to share with you and the larger community! Through communicating these and future news on a regular basis, we hope to build a more engaging and supportive community for our faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends.   

This newsletter was made possible through the efforts of two student editors (Carly Wickizer and Chance Lander) and one staff editor (Amelia Beste). Please let them know if you have any comments or suggestions for future editions.   

Our department used to publish an annual newsletter, APEX (Alumni Program in Excellence), with the last edition released in 2002. We are proud to revive the tradition.  

Go Sooner Elements!

Sooner Elements Newsletter (pdf)

April 12, 2023 | Dr. Wu awarded Neal Lane Award for Excellence in Research in the Natural Sciences

Si Wu

Dr. Wu's research focuses on the rapid identification, characterization, and quantification of proteins in the understanding of protein functionality. This is critical to understanding cellular pathways and human disease. She is currently the editor of the Journal of Mass Spectrometry, and her recognitions include being featured in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences as Young Scientist of the Year and winning the US Human Proteome Organization's Robert J. Cotter New Investigator Award in 2020.

Congratulations to Dr. Si Wu who has been awarded the Neal Lane Award for Excellence in Research in the Natural Sciences!