Years | School | Degree |
1975 | University of Wisconsin-Madison | B.A. in Botany |
1977 | Northern Arizona University-Flagstaff | M.S. in Biology |
1981 | University of Alberta-Edmonton, Canada | Ph.D. in Botany |
Years | Organization | Position Held |
1976-1977 | Northern Arizona University | Teaching Assistant |
1977-1980 | University of Alberta | Teaching Assistant |
1980-1981 | University of Alberta | Predoctoral Fellow |
1981-1982 | University of Oklahoma | Acting Assist.Professor |
1982-1987 | University of Oklahoma | Assistant Professor |
1989 | École Normale Supérieure de Lyon | Chair privée |
1987-1992 | University of Oklahoma | Associate Professor |
1992-2000 | University of Oklahoma | Professor |
1997 | University of Melbourne | Visiting Professor |
1984-present | Samuel Roberts Noble Electron Microscopy Laboratory | Director |
2000-present | University of Oklahoma | George Lynn Cross Research Professor |
- 1980-81 University of Alberta Dissertation Fellowship
- 1986-87 OU Associates Distinguished Lecturer
- 1987
- Focus on Excellence - Samuel Roberts Noble Electron Microscopy Laboratory - O.U. Faculty Senate
- 1988
- Jeanette Siron Pelton award for sustained and imaginative research in experimental plant morphology, Botanical Society of America
- 1994
- Regents' Award for Superior Research and Creative Activity, University of Oklahoma.
- 1998
- Special Service Award for efforts in website development and inaugurating American Journal of Botany online, Botanical Society of America.
- 2000
- George Lynn Cross Research Professorship, University of Oklahoma.
- 2001
- Special Service Award for efforts in website development, Botanical Society of America.
- 2001-02
- President-Elect, Botanical Society of America.
- 2001-2012
- Managing Editor, Sexual Plant Reproduction.
- 2002-03
- President, Botanical Society of America. Special Service Award by the Oklahoma Microscopy Society / Vice President, International Association for Sexual Plant Reproduction Research (2002-2006)
- 2003-04
- Past President, Botanical Society of America
- 2005
- Merit Award, Botanical Society of America (career accomplishment award based primarily on research contributions—highest award offered by the BSA)
- 2006
- Centennial Award for contributions to the plant sciences, offered at the centennial meeting of the Botanical Society of America
- 2006-2010
- President, International Association for Sexual Plant Reproduction Research
- 2010-2011
- President, Oklahoma Microscopy Society
- 2010-2014
- Past-President, International Association for Sexual Plant Reproduction Research
Awards to Students
- 1992
- Diatome Award for best electron microscopic work on sectioned biological or physical sciences specimens at the annual meeting of the Electron Microscopy Society of America, second prize with H.-S. Yu.
- 1997
- Microscopy Society of America Award for best microscopic poster in the biological sciences at the annual meeting of the Microscopy Society of America, second prize with Z. Zhang.
- 1997
- Dissertation Award presented to Stephen D. Fields for his dissertation entitled "Ultrastructural and physiological analysis of the nascent symbiosis between Gymnodinium acidotum (Dinophyceae) and Chroomonas sp. (Cryptophyceae)" Ph.D., April 1996
- General Botany (PBIO 1114)
- Cell Biology (BIOL/MBIO/PBIO 3113)
- Plant Anatomy (PBIO 4283)
- Transmission Electron Microscopy (BIOL/MBIO/PBIO 5364)
- Scanning Electron Microscopy (BIOL/MBIO/PBIO 5374)
- Comparative Morphology of Vascular Plants (PBIO 4264/5264)
- College of Liberal Studies Introductory Seminars (BLS program)
- Special Courses in Freeze Fracture Electron Microscopy and Scientific Graphics
- Independent Study courses in Plant Anatomy, Electron Microscopy and Plant Cell Biology
- Graduate Supervision
| 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 |
- Russell, S. D. 1979. Fine structure of megagametophyte development in Zea mays. Can. J. Bot. 57: 1093-1110.
- Russell, S. D. 1980. Participation of male cytoplasm during gamete fusion in an angiosperm. Plumbago zeylanica. Science (Washington, D.C.) 210: 200-201.
- Russell, S. D. and D. D. Cass. 1981. Ultrastructure of fertilization in Plumbago zeylanica. Invited paper of the VI Symposium on Plant Cytoembryology. Lublin, Poland. Acta Societalis Botanicorum Poloniae. 50: 185-189.
- Russell, S. D. and D. D. Cass. 1981. Ultrastructure of the sperms of Plumbago zeylanica. l. Cytology and association with the vegetative nucleus. Protoplasma 107: 85-107.
- Russell, S. D. 1982. Fertilization in Plumbago zeylanica: Entry and discharge of the pollen tube within the embryo sac. Can. J. Bot. 60:2219-2230.
- Russell, S. D. and D. J. Peteya. 1982. A simple, rapid method of staining grids for transmission electron microscopy. Ok-SEM Bull. 4(2):9-10.
- Russell, S. D. and D. D. Cass. 1982. Unequal distribution of plastids and mitochondria during sperm cell formation in Plumbago zeylanica. In: Pollen: biology and implications for plant breeding. Ed. D. L. Mulcahy and E. Ottoviano. Elsevier Biomedical. New York. pp. 135-140.
- Russell, S. D. 1983. Fertilization in Plumbago zeylanica: Gametic fusion and fate of the male cytoplasm. Amer. J. Bot. 70:416-434.
- Russell, S. D. 1983. Gametic fusion in Plumbago. BioScience 33: 390.
- Russell, S. D. and D. D. Cass. 1984. Ultrastructure of gamete fusion in Plumbago zeylanica. Invited paper of the VII Symposium on Embryogenesis of Ovulated Plants. Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. pp. 245-248.
- Russell, S. D. 1984. Timetable of fertilization. Pollination '84 Symposium volume. University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia. pp. 69-77.
- Russell, S. D. 1984. Ultrastructure of the sperms of Plumbago zeylanica. 2. Quantitative cytology and three-dimensional organization. Planta 162:385-391.
- Russell, S. D. 1984. An aid to calculating amounts of fixative. Ok-SEM Newsletter 6(1):11.
- Russell, S. D. and M. Ehdaie. 1984. Megagametophyte development in Nandina domestica and its taxonomic implications. Phytomorphology 34:221-225.
- Dumas, C., R. B. Knox, C. A. McConchie and S. D. Russell. 1984. Emerging physiological concepts in fertilization. What's New in Plant Physiology 15:17-20.
- Russell, S. D. 1985. Sperm-specificity in Plumbago zeylanica. Proceedings of VIII Symposium on Sexual Reproduction in seed plants, ferns and mosses. PUDOC, Wageningen, Netherlands. pp 145-146.
- Russell, S. D. 1985. Preferential fertilization in Plumbago: ultrastructural evidence for gamete-level recognition in an angiosperm. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (USA). 82:6129-6132.
- Russell, S. D. and C. P. Daghlian. 1985. Scanning electron microscopic observations on deembedded biological tissue sections: comparison of different fixatives and embedding materials. Journal of Electron Microscopy Technique 2: 489-496.
- Brandenberg, D. M., S. D. Russell, J. R. Estes and W. F. Chissoe. 1985. Backscattered electron imaging as a technique for visualizing silica bodies in the grasses. SEM, Inc. Chicago, Ill. Vol. IV: 1509-1517.
- Russell, S. D. 1986. Biphasic pollen tube growth in Plumbago zeylanica. Pollen Biotechnology and Ecology. D. L. Mulcahy (ed.) Springer-Verlag, New York: pp 385-390.
- Russell, S. D. 1986. Dimorphic sperm cells, cytoplasmic transmission, and preferential fertilization in the synergid-less angiosperm. Plumbago zeylanica. In: The Chondriome. Longman, London. pp 69-116.
- Russell, S. D. 1986. A method for the isolation of sperm cells in Plumbago zeylanica. Plant Physiology 81: 317-319.
- Russell, S. D. and T. W. Mislan. 1986. Microtubule-organelle associations during generative cell polarization in Plumbago zeylanica. Electron Microscopy 44: 280-28l.
- McConchie, C. A., S. D. Russell, C. Dumas, M. Touhy and R. B. Knox. 1987. Quantitative cytology of the mature sperm cells of Brassica campestris and B. oleracea. Planta 170: 446-452.
- Russell, S. D. 1987. Quantitative cytology of the egg and central cell of Plumbago zeylanica and its impact on cytoplasmic inheritance patterns. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 74: 693-699.
- Pennell, R. I., N. R. Geltz, E. Koren, and S. D. Russell. 1987. Production and partial characterization of hybridoma antibodies elicited to the sperm of Plumbago zeylanica. Botanical Gazette 148: 401-406.
- Russell, S. D. Fertilization. 1987 Yearbook of Science and Technology. McGrawHill, New York. pp. 197-199.
- Secor, D. L. and S. D. Russell. 1988. Organization of the megagametophyte in a polyembryonic line of Linum usitatissimum American Journal of Botany 75: 114-122.
- Russell, S. D. and D. D. Cass. 1988. Fertilization in Plumbagella micrantha. American Journal of Botany. 75:778-781.
- Russell, S. D., G. W. Strout, R. A. Thompson, T. W. Mislan and L. M. Schoemann. 1988. Polarization in the generative cell of Plumbago zeylanica. In: Flowering plant sperm cells: prospects for breeding and biotechnology. (H. J. Wilms and C. J. Keijzer, eds) PUDOC, Netherlands, pp 17-26.
- Geltz, N. R. and S. D. Russell. 1988. Two-dimensional electrophoretic studies of the proteins and polypeptides in mature pollen grains and the male germ unit of Plumbago zeylanica. Plant Physiology 88: 764-769.
- Russell, S. D. 1989. Fertilization in Plumbago zeylanica - a review. Phytomorphology 39:1-20.
- Russell, S. D., B. Q. Huang and G. W. Strout. 1989. Intermediate voltage transmission electron microscopic observations of isolated embryo sacs of Plumbago zeylanica. In: Festschrift for Professor Dr. A. Lebegue, Universite de Picarde, (J. Pare, N. Bugnicourt and J. Mortier, eds.) pp. 109-119.
- Huang, B. Q. and S. D. Russell. 1989. Isolation of fixed and viable eggs, central cells, and embryo sacs of Plumbago zeylanica. Plant Physiology 90: 9-12.
- Russell, S. D., G. W. Strout, and D. M. Hurd. 1989. Mitosis and cytokinesis in higher plant cells: Scanning electron microscopic observations of deplasticized sections. Electron Microscopy Society of America Proceedings 47: 980-981.
- Strout, G. W. and S. D. Russell. 1990. A micro-sample critical point drying apparatus for small specimens. Journal of Electron Microscopy Technique 14:175-176.
- Russell, S. D. 1990. A method for improved resolution for fluorescence microscopy using plastic-embedded material subjected to resin extraction. Stain Technology 65:259-261.
- Roeckel, P., A. Chaboud, E. Matthys-Rochon, S. Russell and C. Dumas. 1990. Sperm cell structure, development and organization. In: Microspores-evolution and ontogeny, (S. Blackmore and R. B. Knox, eds.) Academic Press, London, pp. 281-307.
- Russell, S. D. 1990. Three-dimensional reconstruction in generative cell development and sperm organization: importance, methodology and results. In: Characterization of male transmission units in higher plants (B. Barnabus K. Liszt, eds.) Agricultural Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, pp 3-7.
- Tiezzi, A., A. Moscatelli, M. Murgia, S. Russell, C. del Casino, A. Bartelesi, and M. Cresti. 1990. Immunofluorescence studies on microtubules in the generative cell using confocal scanning laser microscopy. Characterization of male transmission units in higher plants. (B. Barnabus K. Liszt, ed). Agricultural Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, pp. 17-21.
- Russell, S. D., M. Rougier, and C. Dumas. 1990. Organization of the early post-fertilization megagametophyte of Populus deltoides: Ultrastructure and implications for male cytoplasmic transmission. Protoplasma 155:153-165.
- Russell, S. D. 1990. Isolation and characterization of the angiosperm gamete. NATO Ast Series. Series H. Cell Biology Vol. 45 In: Mechanism of fertilization: plants to man. (B. Dale, ed.) Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 3-15.
- Russell, S. D. and Mao L-J. 1990. Patterns of embryo sac organization, synergid degeneration and cotyledon orientation in Linum usitatissimum. Planta 182: 52-57.
- Russell, S. D., M. Cresti, and C. Dumas. 1990. Recent progress on sperm characterization in flowering plants. Physiol. Plantarum 80: 669-675.
- Huang, B.-Q., S. D. Russell, G. W. Strout, and Mao L.-J. 1990. Organization of isolated embryo sac and eggs of Plumbago zeylanica (Plumbaginaceae) before and after fertilization. Amer. J. Bot. 77:1401-1410.
- Russell, S. D. 1990. Energy-dispersive x-ray microanalysis of cellular components in the pollen of an angiosperm, Plumbago zeylanica. XII International Congress for Electron Microscopy Proceedings pp. 804-805.
- Russell, S. D. 1991. Isolation and characterization of sperm cells in flowering plants. Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology 42: 189-204.
- Rougier, M., N. Jnoud, C. Said, S. Russell and C. Dumas. 1991. Male gametophyte development and formation of the male germ unit of Populus deltoides after self-pollination. Protoplasma 162:140-150.
- Huang, B.-Q., and S. D. Russell. 1992. Synergid degeneration in Nicotiana: A quantitative, fluorochromatic and chlorotetracycline study. Sexual Plant Reproduction 5: 151-155.
- Huang, B.-Q., E. S. Pierson, S. D. Russell, A. Tiezzi, and M. Cresti. 1992. Video microscopic observations of living, isolated embryo sacs of Nicotiana and their component cells. Sexual Plant Reproduction 5: 156-162.
- Rougier, M., N. Jnoud, C. Said, S. Russell, and C. Dumas. 1992. Interspecific incompatibility in Populus: inhibition of tube growth and male germ unit behavior in Populus deltoides x P. alba cross. Protoplasma 168: 107-112.
- Dumas, C. and S. D. Russell. 1992. Plant reproductive biology: trends. International Review of Cytology. 140:565-592.
- Huang, B.-Q., and S. D. Russell. 1992. Female germ unit: organization, isolation and function. International Review of Cytology 140: 233-293.
- Russell, S. D. 1992. Double fertilization. International Review of Cytology 140: 357-388.
- Russell, S. D. and C. Dumas. (eds.) 1992. "Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants", a supplemental issue to the International Review of Cytology. Academic Press, New York, 615 pp.
- Yu, H. S., S-Y. Hu, and S. D. Russell. 1992. Sperm cells in pollen tubes of Nicotiana tabacum L.: Three-dimensional reconstruction, cytoplasmic diminution and quantitative cytology. Protoplasma 168: 172-183.
- Brandenburg, D. M., J. R. Estes, S. D. Russell and J. W. Thieret. 1992. One-nerved paleas in Cinna arundinaceae L. (Poaceae). Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science .
- Watson, B. S., J. S. Fletcher and S. D. Russell. 1992. A morphometric analysis of suspension cultures of Paul's scarlet rose cells. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 31: 37-46.
- Yu, H.-S, and S. D. Russell. 1992. Male cytoplasmic diminution and male germ unit in young and mature pollen of Cymbidium goeringii: a 3-dimensional and quantitative study. Sexual Plant Reproduction 5: 169-181.
- Yu, H.-S and S. D. Russell. 1992. Generative cell mitosis in pollen tubes of Nicotiana tabacum: ultrastructure and three-dimensional reconstruction. Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscopy Society of America, pp. 848-849.
- Huang, B.-Q., and S. D. Russell. 1993. Polarity of nuclear and plastid DNA during megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis in Plumbago zeylanica. Sexual Plant Reproduction 6: 205-211.
- Huang, B. Q., E. S. Pierson, S. D. Russell, A. Tiezzi, and M. Cresti. 1993. Cytoskeletal organization and modification in the process of fertilization of Plumbago zeylanica. Zygote 1:143-154.
- Russell, S.D. 1993. The egg cell: development and role in fertilization and early embryogenesis. Plant Cell 5:1349-1359.
- Huang, B.-Q, G. W. Strout and S. D. Russell. 1993. Fertilization in Nicotiana tabacum: Ultrastructural organization of propane jet-frozen embryo sacs in vivo. Planta 191:256-264
- Yu- H.-S and S. D. Russell. 1993. Three dimensional ultrastructure of generative cell mitosis in pollen tubes of Nicotiana. European Journal of Cell Biology. 61:338-348.
- Fields, S. D., G. W. Strout and S. D. Russell. 1993. Spray-freezing apparatus for cryofixation of unicellular algae. Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Microscopy Society of America, pp. 134-135.
- Bedinger, P. and S. D. Russell. 1994. Megasporogenesis and megametogenesis in corn. In Maize Handbook (M. Freeling and V. Walbot, eds.), Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 48-61.
- Russell, S. D. and D. P. West. 1994. Protocols for studying megasporogenesis and megametogenesis in corn. In Maize Handbook (M. Freeling and V. Walbot, eds.), Spring-Verlag, New York, pp. 135-139.
- Yu, H.-S. and S. D. Russell. 1994. Populations of plastids and mitochondria during male reproductive cell maturation in Nicotiana tabacum L.: a cytological basis for occasional biparental inheritance. Planta 193:115-122.
- Yu, H.-S and S. D. Russell. 1994. Male reproductive cell development in pollen tubes of Nicotiana tabacum: male germ unit associations and quantitative cytology during sperm maturation. Sexual Plant Reproduction 7:324-332.
- Yu, H.-S., B.-Q. Huang and S. D. Russell. 1994. Transmission of male cytoplasm during fertilization in Nicotiana tabacum. Sexual Plant Reproduction 7:312-323.
- Huang, B.-Q. and S. D. Russell. 1994. Fertilization in Nicotiana tabacum: Cytoskeletal modifications in the embryo sac during synergid degeneration. A hypothesis for short distance transport of sperm cells prior to gamete fusion. Planta 194:200-214.
- Russell, S.D. 1994. Fertilization in higher plants. In Pollen-Pistil Interactions. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Penn State Symposium in Plant Physiology, American Society of Plant Physiology, Washington, D.C., pp. 99-111.
- Yu, H.-S. and S. D. Russell. 1994. Quantitative differences in sperm cells and organelles of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) grown under differing environmental conditions. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 89: 7814-817.
- Yu, H.-S., and S. D. Russell. 1994. Occurrence of mitochondria in the nuclei of Nicotiana tabacum sperm cells. Plant Cell 6:1477-1484.
- Russell, S. D. 1994. Fine structure of megagametophyte development. In: Embryology of Flowering Plants: Terminology and Concepts. Volume I. Generative Organs of Flowers, Professor Tatyana B. Batygina, Editor, pp. 202-206. World and Family Publishers, St. Petersburg, Russia. 1994. (Received in October 1995)
- Huang, B. Q., W. F. Sheridan, and S. D. Russell. 1995. Cytoskeletal and nuclear behavior during female gametophyte development and fertilization in angiosperms. Zoological Studies 34: 162-164.
- Russell, S. D., G. W. Strout, A. K. Stramski, T. W. Mislan, R. A. Thompson and L. M. Schoemann. 1996. Development polarization and morphogenesis of the generative and sperm cells of Plumbago zeylanica. 1. Descriptive cytology and three-dimensional organization. American Journal of Botany 83: 1435-1453.
- Cao, Y., A. Reece and S.D. Russell. 1996. Isolation of sperm cells of Nicotiana tabacum. Zygote 4: 81-84.
- Russell, S.D. 1996. Attraction and transport of male gametes for fertilization. Sexual Plant Reproduction 9: 337-342.
- Cao, Y. and S. D. Russell. 1997. Mechanical isolation and ultrastructural characterization of viable egg cells in Plumbago zeylanica. Sexual Plant Reproduction 10: 368-373
- Fields, S. D., G.W. Strout, and S. D. Russell. 1997. Spray-freezing freeze substitution (SFFS) of cell suspensions for improved preservation of ultrastructure. Microscopy Research and Technique 38: 315-328
- Tian, H.Q. and S.D. Russell. 1997. Development changes in calcium distribution and accumulation in fertilized and unfertilized ovules and embryo sacs of Nicotiana tabacum. Planta 202: 93-105.
- Tian, H.Q. and S.D. Russell. 1997. Micromanipulation of male and female gametes of Nicotiana tabacum: I. Isolation of gametes. Plant Cell Reports 16: 555-560.
- Tian, H.Q. and S.D. Russell. 1997. Micromanipulation of male and female gametes of Nicotiana tabacum: II. Preliminary attempts for in vitro fertilization and egg cell culture. Plant Cell Reports 16: 657-661
- Southworth, D., G. W. Strout and S. D. Russell. 1997. Freeze fracture of Plumbago zeylanica L. sperm in pollen and in vitro. Sexual Plant Reproduction 10: 217-226
- Zhang, Z. and S. D. Russell. 1997. Immunofluorescent localization of myosin on the sperm cells of Plumbago zeylanica. Proceedings of the Microscopy Society of America meetings, pp. 183-184
- Russell, S. D. 1998. Biology of the angiosperm male gamete and its role in fertilization. Acta Agronomica Hungarica 46: 409-413.
- Russell, S.D. 1998. "Cytoplasmic transmission during fertilization" for the volume "Anther" in the book, Modern Embryology. Terminology and Concepts, Professor T. Batygina, editor. Komorov Botanical Institute, Leningrad, USSR, pp. 169-175.
- Russell, S.D. 1998. "Fertilization mechanisms in flowering plants" for the volume "Anther" in the book, Modern Embryology. Terminology and Concepts, Professor T. Batygina, editor. Komorov Botanical Institute, Leningrad, USSR, pp. 186-192.
- Russell, S.D. 1998. "In vitro fertilization in flowering plants" for the volume "Anther" in the book, Modern Embryology. Terminology and Concepts, Professor T. Batygina, editor. Komorov Botanical Institute, Leningrad, USSR, pp. 210-211.
- Russell, S.D. 1998. "The male germ unit" for the volume "Anther" in the book, Modern Embryology. Terminology and Concepts, Professor T. Batygina, editor. Komorov Botanical Institute, Leningrad, USSR, pp. 127-135.
- Tian, H. Q., A. Kuang, M. E. Musgrave, and S. D. Russell. 1998. Calcium distribution in fertile and sterile anthers of a photoperiod-sensitive genic male-sterile rice. Planta 205: 183-192.
- Tian, H.Q., Z. Zhang, and S. D. Russell. 1998. Isolation of the male germ unit (MGU): organization and function in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) Plant Cell Reports 18: 143-147.
- Tian, H.Q. and S. D. Russell. 1998. The fusion of sperm cells and the function of male germ unit (MGU) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) Sexual Plant Reproduction 11: 171-176.
- Zhang, Z. and S. D. Russell. 1998. Isolation and collection of two populations of viable sperm cells from the pollen of Plumbago zeylanica Zygote 6: 295-298.
- Huang BQ, Sheridan WF, Russell SD. 1999. Cytoskeletal and nuclear behavior during female gametophyte development and fertilization in angiosperms. In: "Focus on Multdimensional Microscopy", Cheng PC, Hwang PP, Wu JL, Wang G (eds.). World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd., Singapore, pp. 89-97.
- Okada T, Zhang Z, Russell SD, Toriyama K. 1999. Localization of the Ca2+-binding protein, Bra r 1, in anthers and pollen tubes. Plant Cell Physiology 40: 1243-1252.
- Tian HQ, Russell SD. 1999. Culture-induced changes in osmolality of tobacco cell suspensions using four exogenous sugars. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 55: 9-13.
- Zhang Z, Russell SD. 1999. Sperm cell surface characteristics of Plumbago zeylanica in relation to transport in the embryo sac. Planta 208: 539-544.
- Zhang Z, Tian HQ, Russell SD. 1999. Immunogold scanning electron microscopic localization of myosin on isolated sperm cells of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) Protoplasma 208: 123-128.
- Tian HQ, Zhu H, Russell SD. 2000. Developmental changes in calcium distribution and accumulation in fertilized and unfertilized ovules and embryo sacs of Plumbago zeylanica. Sexual Plant Reproduction 13: 11-20.
- Russell SD. 2001. Female gametogenesis: Ontogenesis of the embryo sac and female gametes. In: "Current Trends in the Embryology of Angiosperms," Bhojwani S, Soh WY (eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 65-88.
- Southworth D, Russell SD. 2001. Male gametogenesis: Development and structure of sperm. In: "Current Trends in the Embryology of Angiosperms," Bhojwani SS, Soh WY (eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 1-16.
- Tian HQ, Zhang Z, Russell SD. 2001. Sperm dimorphism in Nicotiana tabacum L. Sexual Plant Reproduction 14: 123-125.
- Singh MB, Xu H, Bhalla P, Zhang Z, Swoboda I, Russell SD. 2002. Developmental expression of polyubiquitin genes and distribution of ubiquitinated proteins in generative and sperm cells. Sexual Plant Reproduction 14: 325-329.
- Wan S, Yuan T, Bowdish S, Wallace LL, Russell SD, Luo YQ. 2002. Response of an allergenic species, Ambrosia psilostachya, to experimental warming and clipping: implications for public health. American Journal of Botany 89: 1843-1846.
- Lord EM, Russell SD. 2002. Mechanisms of pollination and fertilization. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology 18: 81-105.
- Russell SD. 2003. Plant sexuality, cell expression and preferential fertilization. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica 38 (3-4): 349-356. (invited)
- Weterings K, Russell SD. 2004. Experimental analysis of the fertilization process. Plant Cell 16: S107-118 (invited.)
- Tian HQ, Yuan T, Russell SD. 2005. Relationship between double fertilization and the cell cycle in male and female gametes of tobacco. Sexual Plant Reproduction 17: 243-252.
- Xie CT, Qiu YL, Yang YH, Tian HQ, Zhang Z, Russell SD. 2005. Isolation of two populations of sperm cells and microelectrophoresis of pairs of sperm cells from pollen tubes of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). Sexual Plant Reproduction 18: 47-53.
- Russell SD, Strout GW. 2005. Development, polarization and morphogenesis of the generative and sperm cells of Plumbago zeylanica. 2. Quantitative cytology and organelle dynamics. Sexual Plant Reproduction 18: 113-130.
- Wei XP, Gou XP, Yuan T, Russell SD. 2006. A highly efficient in vitro plant regeneration system and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in Plumbago zeylanica. Plant Cell Reports 25: 513-521
- Wang YY, Kuang A, Russell SD, Tian HQ. 2006. In vitro fertilization as a tool for investigating sexual reproduction of angiosperms. Sexual Plant Reproduction 19: 103-115
- Ge LL, Tian HQ, Russell SD. 2007. Calcium function and distribution during fertilization process of angiosperms. American Journal of Botany 94: 1046-1060.
- He K, Gou X, Yuan T, Lin H, Asami T, Yoshida S, Russell SD, Li J. 2007. BAK1 and BKK1 regulate brassinosteroid-dependent growth and brassinosteroid-independent cell-death pathways. Current Biology 17: 1109-1115.
- Yuan T, Fujioka S, Takatsuto S, Matsumoto S, Gou X; Kai H; Russell SD; Li J. 2007. BEN1, a gene encoding a dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR)-like protein, regulates the levels of brassinosteroids in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal 51: 220-233.
- Singh M, Bhalla P, Russell SD. 2008. Molecular repertoire of flowering plant male germ cells. Sexual Plant Reproduction 21: 27-36
- Qiu YL, Liu RS, Xie CT, Russell SD, Tian HQ. 2008. Calcium changes during megasporogenesis and megaspore degeneration in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). Sexual Plant Reproduction 21: 197-204
- Russell SD, Bhalla PL, Singh MB. 2008. Transcriptome-based examination of putative pollen allergens of rice (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica). Molecular Plant 1: 751-759
- Ge LL, Xie CT, Tian HQ, Russell SD. 2009. Distribution of calcium in the stigma and style of tobacco during pollen germination and tube growth. Sexual Plant Reproduction 22: 87-96
- Gou XP, Yuan T, Wei XP, Russell SD. 2009. Gene expression in the dimorphic sperm cells of Plumbago zeylanica: Transcript profiling, diversity, and relationship to cell type. Plant Journal 60: 33-47.
- Zhang YN, Wei DM, He EM, Miao S, Tian HQ, Russell SD. 2010. Isolation of male and female gametes of rice. Crop Science 50: 2457-2463
- Russell SD, Gou XP, Wei XP, Yuan T. Male gamete biology in flowering plants. 2010 In: “Cell-Cell Communication in Plant Reproduction,” Biochemical Society Transactions 32: 598-603
- Russell SD Fertilization in angiosperms. 2011. In: Pua Eng Chong and Mike Davey. Plant Developmental Biology Biotechnological Perspectives. Springer, pp. 283-300
- Ge LL, Gou XP, Yuan T, Nakashima J, Blancaflor EB, Tian HQ, Russell SD. 2011. Migration of sperm cells during pollen tube elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana: Behavior during transport, maturation and upon dissociation of male germ unit associations. Planta 233: 325-332
- Russell SD. "Plant Reproduction" 2011. In: McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, McGraw-Hill, NY (in press)
- Zechmann B, Koffler B, Russell SD. 2011. Glutathione synthesis is essential for pollen germination in vitro. BMC Plant Biology 11: 54
- Ming Luo, Jen Taylor, Hongyu Zhang, Andrew Spriggs, Scott D. Russell, Mohan B. Singh, Anna Koltunow. 2011. A genome-wide survey of imprinted genes in rice seeds reveals imprinting primarily occurs in the endosperm. PLoS Genetics 7(6): e1002125
- Sharma N, Russell SD, Bhalla PL, Singh MB. 2011. Computational analysis of cis-regulatory elements in highly expressing genes in sperm cells of rice. BMC Research Notes 4: 319
- Zechmann B, Russell SD. 2011. Glutathione synthesis is essential for pollen germination in vitro. Plant Signaling and Behavior 6:9, 1259-1262
- Russell SD, Gou XP, Wong CE, Wang X, Yuan T, Wei XP, Bhalla PL, Singh MB. 2012. Genomic profiling of rice sperm cell transcripts reveals conserved and distinct elements in the flowering plant male germ lineage. New Phytologist 195: 560-573
- Fu S, Zhang YN, Wang YY, Zhu XY, Tian HQ, Russell SD. 2013. Defects in cytoskeletal microtubule deployment of microsporocytes contribute to fertility loss in genic male-sterile Chinese cabbage. Plant Reproduction 26: 55-61
- Strout G, Russell SD, Pulsifer DP, Erten S, Lakhtakia A, Lee DW. 2013. Silica nanoparticles aid in structural leaf coloration in the Malaysian tropical rainforest understorey herb Mapania caudata. Annals of Botany 112: 1141-1148
- Anderson S, Johnson C, Jones D, Conrad, Gou X, Russell S, Sundaresan V. 2013. Transcriptomes of isolated rice gametes characterized by deep sequencing: Evidence for distinct sex-dependent chromatin and epigenetic states before fertilization. Plant Journal 76: 729-741
- 1978
- With D. D. Cass. Post-fertilization development in Plumbago zeylanica. Botanical Society of America Annual Meetings, Blacksburg, Virginia.
- 1979
- Developmental modifications of sperm structure during pollen tube growth in Plumbago zeylanica. American Institute of Biological Sciences Annual Meetings, Stillwater, Oklahoma.
- 1980
- Gamete delivery and syngamy in Plumbago zeylanica. Botanical Society of America/Canadian Botanical Association Annual Meetings, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- 1980
- With D. D. Cass. "Ultrastructure of fertilization in Plumbago zeylanica". VI Symposium on Plant Cytoembryology, Lublin, Poland. (Presented by D. D. Cass.)
- 1981
- Structure and quantitative cytology of male gametes in Plumbago zeylanica. XIII. International Botanical Congress, Sydney, Australia.
- 1981
- Gamete delivery and gamete fusion in the flowering plant Plumbago zeylanica. Oklahoma Academy of Science/Oklahoma Society for Electron Microscopy Annual Meetings, Enid, Oklahoma.
- 1982
- With D. D. Cass. "Ultrastructure of gamete fusion in Plumbago zeylanica." VII Symposium on Embryogenesis in Ovulated Plants. Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. (Presented by D. D. Cass).
- 1982
- With D. D. Cass. "Unequal distribution of plastids and mitochondria during sperm cell formation in Plumbago zeylanica." Symposium on Pollen Biology. Lake Garda, Italy. (Presented by D. D. Cass).
- 1982
- "Quantitative cytology and stereology of male gametes and transmitted male cytoplasmic organelles in Plumbago zeylanica." Botanical Society of America Annual Meetings. College Station, Pennsylvania.
- 1983
- "Gametic fusion in Plumbago zeylanica: Ultrastructual evidence for gamete recognition and the preferential transmission of sperm plastids into the zygote." Botanical Society of America/Canadian Botanical Association Annual Meetings. Grand Forks, North Dakota.
- 1983
- "Evidence for gametic recognition in the angiosperm Plumbago zeylanica." Oklahoma Academy of Science/Oklahoma Society for Electron Microscopy Annual Meetings, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
- 1984
- "Timetable of Fertilization." Pollination '84, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
- 1984
- "Gametic recognition in Plumbago and its implications in angiosperm reproduction." VIII Symposium on the Embryogenesis of Ovulated Plants, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
- 1984
- "Three-dimensional reconstruction in the study of the male gamete of a flowering plant." Oklahoma Academy of Science/Oklahoma Society for Electron Microscopy Annual Meetings, Ada, Oklahoma.
- 1984
- "Megagametophyte development in Nandina domestica Thunb. and its taxonomic implications." With M. Ehdaie. Oklahoma Academy of Science, Ada, Oklahoma.
- 1985
- "Microgametogenesis in Plumbago zeylanica." Botanical Society of America annual meetings. Gainesville, Florida.
- 1985
- "Biphasic pollen tube growth in Plumbago zeylanica." Biotechnology and Ecology of Pollen Symposium. Amherst, Massachusetts.
- 1985
- "Development, polarization, and morphogenesis of the generative cell, and studies on sperm specificity in Plumbago zeylanica." International Conference on Angiosperm Male Gamete Structure. Flagstaff, Arizona.
- 1985
- "Dimorphic sperm cells, cytoplasmic transmission and preferential fertilization in the synergid-less angiosperm, Plumbago zeylanica". The Chondriome. Second Wye International Symposium. Wye, Ashford, Kent, United Kingdom.
- 1985
- "Isolation of sperm cells of Plumbago zeylanica." The Chondriome. Second Wye International
Symposium. Wye, Ashford, Kent, United Kingdom.
- 1985
- "Isolation of sperm cells of Plumbago zeylanica." Oklahoma Academy of Science/Oklahoma Society for Electron Microscopy Annual Meeting, Shawnee, Oklahoma.
- 1985
- "Compositional analysis of tooth amalgam". With W. F. Chissoe. Oklahoma Academy of Science/Oklahoma Society
for Electron Microscopy Annual meeting. Shawnee, Oklahoma.
- 1986
- "Microtubule-organelle associations during generative cell polarization in Plumbago zeylanica." With T. W. Mislan. Electron Microscopy Society of America Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- 1987
- "Ultrastructure of fertilization." XIV International Botanical Congress. West Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany.
- 1987
- "Polarization in the generative cell of Plumbago zeylanica". Second International Conference on Flowering Plant Sperm Cells. Wageningen, Netherlands.
- 1987
- "Two-dimensional electrophoretic studies of protein and polypeptides in mature pollen grains of Plumbago zeylanica". With N. R. Geltz. Oklahoma Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting. Alva, Oklahoma.
- 1987
- "Isolation of embryo sacs and eggs of Plumbago zeylanica." With B. Q. Huang. Oklahoma Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting. Alva, Oklahoma.
- 1987
- "Computer assisted three-dimensional portrayal of plant reproductive cell development." With A. K. Stramski. Oklahoma Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting. Alva, Oklahoma.
- 1987
- "Generative cell polarization in Plumbago zeylanica: development and morphogenesis". With G. W. Strout. Oklahoma Academy of Sciences/Oklahoma Society for Electron Microscopy. Alva, Oklahoma.
- 1988
- "Analysis and characterization of mature pollen protein and polypeptides of Plumbago." With N. R. Geltz. Botanical Society of America Annual Meetings. University of California, Davis, California.
- 1988
- "Isolation and characterization of isolated embryo sac and eggs of Plumbago." With B-Q. Huang and G. W. Strout. Botanical Society of America Annual Meetings. University of California, Davis, California.
- 1988
- "Three-dimensional organization of generative cells during polarization and morphogenesis of Plumbago zeylanica." With A. K. Stramski and G. W. Strout. Botanical Society of America Annual Meetings, University of California, Davis, California.
- 1989
- "Generative cell polarization and formation of the male germ unit in Plumbago zeylanica". Laboratoire Reconnaissance Cellulaire et Amelioration des Plants. Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon 1, Villeurbanne Cedex, France.
- 1989
- "Characterization of the male gamete of the angiosperm Plumbago zeylanica". BAP meeting of European Economic Community, Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon 1, Villeurbanne Cedex, France.
- 1989
- "Three-dimensional reconstruction in generative cell development and sperm organization: importance, methodology
and results". Third meeting of the plant sperm cell club, Agricultural Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Martonvasar, Hungary.
- 1989
- "Gamete isolation in angiosperms." NATO Advances in Science Workshop; "Mechanism of Fertilization: Plants to Man." Hotel Tramontano, Sorrento, Italy.
- 1990
- "Isolation and characterization of gametes of Plumbago." With B-Q. Huang. AIBS/BSA Annual Meetings. Richmond Center. Richmond, Virginia.
- 1990
- "Energy-dispersive x-ray microanalysis of cellular components in the pollen of an angiosperm, Plumbago zeylanica." XII International Congress for Electron Microscopy. Seattle, Washington.
- 1990
- "Cytoskeletal organization and modification in the process of fertilization of Plumbago zeylanica." With B.Q. Huang. Oklahoma Academy of Science, Section K, Electron Microscopy, Tulsa.
- 1990
- "Sperm cells in the pollen tube of Nicotiana." With H.S. Yu. Oklahoma Academy of Science, Section K, Electron Microscopy, Tulsa.
- 1991
- "Cytoskeleton organization and modification during fertilization in Plumbago zeylanica." With B.-Q. Huang. TSEM/Ok-SEM Joint Spring Workshop on 3-D imaging, Arlington, Texas.
- 1991
- "Origin of dimorphic sperm cells in the angiosperm Plumbago zeylanica." With G. W. Strout. TSEM/Ok-SEM Joint Spring Workshop on 3-D imaging, Arlington, Texas.
- 1991
- "Three dimensional reconstruction and quantitative cytology of the pollen of an orchid, Cymbidium goeringii." With H.-S. Yu. TSEM/Ok-SEM Joint Spring Workshop on 3-D Imaging, Arlington, Texas.
- 1991
- "Double fertilization in flowering plants." Developmental Biology Society of America, mini-symposium on "Sexual Reproduction in Plants," Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- 1991
- "Video microscopy of organelle movement in growing pollen tubes and isolated embryo sacs." With E. S. Pierson, B.-Q. Huang, I. K. Lichtscheidl and M. Cresti. International Symposium on Angiosperm Pollen and Ovules. Basic and Applied Aspects. Villa Olmo, Como, Italy.
- 1991
- "Male cytoplasmic diminution in generative and sperm cells of flowering plants." With H.-S. Yu. American Institute of Biological Sciences/Botanical Society of American Annual Meetings, San Antonio, Texas.
- 1991
- "Fertilization in Nicotiana: synergid degeneration and cytoskeleton modification." With B.-Q. Huang. American Institute of Biological Sciences/Botanical Society of American Annual Meetings, San Antonio, Texas.
- 1991
- "Cytoskeleton organization and modification during fertilization in Nicotiana and Plumbago." with B.-Q. Huang. Oklahoma Academy of Science/Ok-SEM Fall Meeting, Durant, Oklahoma.
- 1991
- "Three-dimensional ultrastructure of generative cell mitosis in the pollen tubes of Nicotiana tabacum." with H.-S. Yu. Oklahoma Academy of Science/Ok-SEM Fall Meeting, Durant, Oklahoma.
- 1992
- "Generative cell mitosis in pollen tubes of Nicotiana tabacum: ultrastructure and three-dimensional reconstruction." With H.-S. Yu. 50th Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscopy Society of America, Boston, Massachusetts.
- 1992
- "Freeze-fracture observations of the sperm cells of Plumbago zeylanica in the pollen grain and after isolation." With G. W. Strout. American Institute of Biological Sciences/Botanical Society of America, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- 1992
- "Synergid degeneration in Nicotiana: a light, transmission and scanning electron microscopic study." With B.-Q. Huang. XII International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, Columbus, Ohio.
- 1992
- "The ultrastructural organization of freeze-substituted ovules of Nicotiana tabacum before and after fertilization." With B.-Q. Huang and G. W. Strout. XII International Congress on Sexual Reproduction, Columbus, Ohio.
- 1992
- "Cytoskeletal organization within the embryo sac before and after fertilization in Nicotiana and Plumbago." With B.-Q. Huang. XII International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, Columbus, Ohio.
- 1992
- "Computer-assisted three-dimensional reconstruction of generative cell mitosis in pollen tubes of Nicotiana." With H.-S. Yu. XII International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, Columbus, Ohio.
- 1992
- "Three-dimensional reconstruction and quantitative cytology in pollen of Cymbidium goeringii." With H.-S. Yu. XII International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, Columbus, Ohio.
- 1992
- "Male cytoplasmic transmission during fertilization in Nicotiana." With B.-Q. Huang and H.-S. Yu. XII International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, Columbus, Ohio.
- 1992
- "Development of a spray freezing apparatus for the rapid cryofixation of a fragile, unicellular alga." With Fields, S. D. and G. W. Strout. Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science/Oklahoma Society for Electron Microscopy, Lawton, Oklahoma.
- 1992
- "Cytoskeletal organization within the embryo sac before and after fertilization in Nicotiana." With B.-Q. Huang. Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science/Oklahoma Society for electron Microscopy, Lawton, Oklahoma.
- 1992
- "Fertilization in flowering plants." Annual Meetings of Crop Sciences Society of America, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- 1992
- "Mitochondria entrapped within the sperm nucleus of Nicotiana tabacum." With H.-S. Yu. Annual meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science/Oklahoma Society for Electron Microscopy, Lawton, Oklahoma.
- 1992
- "Occurrence of mitochondria inside the sperm nucleus of tobacco." With H.-S. Yu. Annual Meeting of American Society of Cell Biology, Denver, Colorado.
- 1993
- "Gametes, cytoskeleton and fertilization in angiosperms." Congress on Cell and Tissue Culture, San Diego, California.
- 1993
- "Ultrastructure and three-dimensional organization of mitosis in generative cells of Nicotiana tabacum." With H.-S. Yu. Annual Meeting of Botanical Society of America/Canadian Botanical Association, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
- 1993
- "Spray-freezing apparatus for cryofixation of unicellular algae." With S. D. Fields and G. W. Strout. 51st Annual Meeting of the Microscopy Society of America, Cincinnati, Ohio.
- 1993
- "Fertilization in flowering plants." Gordon Research Conference, Plymouth, New Hampshire.
- 1993
- "Cytoskeletal organization within the embryo sac before and after fertilization in Plumbago and Nicotiana." XV International Botanical Congress, Yokohama, Japan.
- 1993
- "Mitosis in the generative cell of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum): Ultrastructural and three-dimensional organization. Oklahoma Microscopy Society/Oklahoma Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Ada, Oklahoma.
- 1993
- "Endosymbiosis of the free-living alga Chroomonas in Gymnodinium acidotum: Quantification of endophyte modifications revealed by serial reconstruction." With S. D. Fields. Oklahoma Microscopy Society/Oklahoma Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Ada, Oklahoma.
- 1994
- "Fertilization in higher plants." Ninth Annual Symposium on Plant Physiology. Pennsylvania State
University, State College, Pennsylvania.
- 1994
- "Gametes, cytoskeleton and fertilization in two flowering plant model systems." With B.-Q. Huang. XIII International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
- 1994
- "Acquisition of chloroplasts through phagotrophy in the freshwater dinoflagellate Gymnodium acidotum." With S. D. Fields. Oklahoma Microscopy Society/Oklahoma Academy of Science, Norman, Oklahoma.
- 1994
- "Ultrastructural characterization of isolated sperm cells of the genus Plumbago." With G. W. Strout, D. Southworth, A. Reece and S. D. Fields. Oklahoma Microscopy Society/Oklahoma Academy of Science, Norman, Oklahoma.
- 1995
- "Calcium distribution and accumulation in ovules and embryo sacs of Nicotiana tabacum." With H. G. Rian. Harnessing Apomixis: A New Frontier in Plant Science, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, September 25-27, 1995.
- 1995
- "Calcium distribution and accumulation in ovules and embryo sacs of the synergid-lacking angiosperm Plumbago zeylanica." With H. Zhu. Harnessing Apomixis: A New Frontier in Plant Science, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, September 25-27, 1995.
- 1995
- "Microscopy of the Internet: a tool for communication, education and research." Oklahoma Microscopy Society/Oklahoma Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Alva, Oklahoma, November 3, 1995.
- 1995
- "Surface charge of Plumbago sperm cells estimated from microelectrophoretic mobility." With Z. Zhang. Oklahoma Microscopy Society/Oklahoma Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Alva, Oklahoma, November 3, 1995.
- 1995
- "The observation of calcium-induced precipitations in Plumbago zeylanica ovule." With H. Zhu. Oklahoma Microscopy Society/Oklahoma Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Alva, Oklahoma, November 3, 1995.
- 1995
- "Toward in vitro fertilization in Plumbago zeylanica." With Y. Cao. Oklahoma Microscopy Society/Oklahoma Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Alva, Oklahoma, November 3, 1995.
- 1995
- "Sperm cell surface characteristics of flowering plants in relation to transport in the embryo sac." With Z. Zhang. American Society for Cell Biology, Annual Meetings, December 8-13, 1995, Washington, D. C.
- 1996
- "Cell surface biology of male garnetes of Plumbago zeylanica." 14th International Congress of Sexual Plant Reproduction, Lorne, Australia, February 18-23, 1996.
- 1996
- "Structural considerations in angiosperm fertilization." Banbury Center Conference, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY, April 21-24, 1996.
- 1996
- "Attraction and transport of male garnetes for fertilization." 75th Birthday Symposium on Sexual Reproduction in Angiosperms for Professor Hans F. Linskens, Nijmegen, Netherlands, April 26-27, 1996.
- 1996
- "Fertilization in flowering plants." Plant Developmental Genetics symposium, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), Summer Research Conference, August 10-15, 1996, Saxtons River, VT.
- 1997
- "Sexual reproduction and fertilization in flowering plants." School of Botany, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, May 20, 1997.
- 1997
- "Attraction and transport of male gametes for fertilization." Botanical Society of America/Canadian Botanical Association Annual Meetings, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 3-7, 1997.
- 1997
- "Construction and maintenance of Internet sites: rewards and drawbacks." Botanical Society of America/Canadian Botanical Association Annual Meetings, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 3-7, 1997.
- 1997
- "Plant gametes and fertilization." With D. Southworth. Botanical Society of America/Canadian Botanical Association Annual Meetings, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 3-7, 1997.
- 1997
- "Scanning electron microscopy study of isolated sperm cells of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)." With Z. Zhang. Oklahoma Microscopy Society/Oklahoma Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Chickasha, November 7, 1997.
- 1998
- "Collection and characterization of male gametes of Plumbago and Nicotiana." With Z. Zhang and H-Q. Tian. Botanical Society of America Annual Meetings, Baltimore, Maryland, August 2-6, 1998.
- 1998
- "Flowering plant sperm cell collection, fusion and transport." With Z. Zhang and H-Q. Tian. 15th International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, Wageningen, Netherlands, August 16-21, 1998
- 1998
- "Immunolocalization of myosin on the surface of isolated sperm cells of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and its relation to sperm cell transport." With Z. Zhang and H-Q. Tian. 15th International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, Wageningen, Netherlands, August 16-21, 1998
- 1998
- "Biology of the angiosperm male gamete and its role in fertilization." International Symposium on Molecular and Biotechnical Aspects of Sexual Reproduction in Higher Plants (ICRO-UNESCO and FAO Symposium), Martonvasar, Hungary, August 23-25, 1998.
- 1998
- "Comparison of hexamethyldisilazane and critical point drying on the surface structure of Nicotiana tabacum pollen tubes." With Z. Zhang. Oklahoma Microscopy Society/Oklahoma Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Tahlequah, November 14, 1998.
- 1998
- "Freeze-substitution of Brassica anthers for preserving Bra r I, a pollen allergenic protein." With Z. Zhang, T. Okada and K. Toriyama. Oklahoma Microscopy Society/Oklahoma Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Tahlequah, November 14, 1998.
- 1999
- "Short-distance transport of sperm cells during fertilization in angiosperms." XVI International Botanical Congress, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, August 1-7, 1999.
- 1999
- "Heterospermy during male germ unit maturation in Nicotiana tabacum." Development of gametes in flowering plants, D. Southworth and M.B. Singh, organizers. XVI International Botanical Congress, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, August 1-7, 1999, with Zhang, Z., and H.Q. Tian.
- 1999
- "Heterospermy and preferential fertilization in tobacco." XVI International Botanical Congress, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, August 1-7, 1999, with Zhang, Z., and H.Q. Tian.
- 1999
- "Ovule development." 3rd International EPS Conference. Catholic University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, November 1-4, 1999.
- 1999
- "Sperm-egg interactions." 3rd International EPS Conference. Catholic University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, November 1-4, 1999.
- 2000
- "Sperm collection and isolation for cDNA libraries." With Z. Zhang, H. Xu, I. Swoboda, P. Bhalla, M. B. Singh. XVI International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, Banff Centre, Canada, April 1-5, 2000.
- 2000
- "Interactivity on the Internet and interactive learning environments." Botanical Society of America Annual Meetings, Portland, Oregon, August 6-10, 2000.
- 2000
- "Plumbago zeylanica sperm isolation, collection and cDNA library characterization." With Z. Zhang, H. Xu, I. Swoboda, P. Bhalla, M. B. Singh. Botanical Society of America Annual Meetings, Portland, Oregon, August 6-10, 2000.
- 2000
- "Biology of angiosperm sperm cells." Frontiers in Sexual Plant Reproduction, Department of Biological Sciences, SUNY, Albany, New York, October 28-29, 2000.
- 2001
- "Cell cycle, sperm dimorphism and sperm cell biology in flowering plants / Internet resources for botany". Texas Microscopy Society annual workshop, keynote speaker, Houston, TX, April 5, 2001.
- 2001
- "Relationship between double fertilization and the cell cycle in male and female gametes of tobacco." With HQ Tian and T Yuan. Botany 2001 meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Albuquerque, NM, August 12-16, 2001.
- 2002
- "Sex and the single plant." Botany 2002 meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Madison, WI, August 3-7, 2002, Address of the President-Elect at the Annual Banquet.
- 2003
- "Preferential fertilization in angiosperms." Plant Minisymposium research address, Wes Watkins Conference Center, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, March 20-21, 2003.
- 2003
- "Selection of differentially expressed gene products in the sperm cells of Plumbago zeylanica." Botany 2003 meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Mobile, AL, July 25-31, 2003 (With XP Gou, T Yuan and MB Singh)
- 2003
- "Cell cycle sychronization in the male and female gametes of Nicotiana tabacum." Botany 2003 meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Mobile, AL, July 25-31, 2003 (With XP Gou, T Yuan and MB Singh)
- 2003
- "“Sex and the single plant”" Keynote address at the Congress of the joint meeting of the Botanical Society of Argentina and the Botanical Society of Chile, San Luis, Argentina, October 20, 2003.
- 2004
- “Seed plant gametophytes – still the forgotten generation?!?” Botany 2004 meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Snowbird, UT, August 1-4, 2004
- 2004
- “Generation and partial characterization of cDNA libraries generated using dimorphic sperm cells of Plumbago zeylanica L. (Plumbaginaceae)” XVIII International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, Beijing, China, August 20-24, 2004 (With XP Gou, T Yuan, XP Wei, D Kupfer, SY So, and B Roe)
- 2004
- “Fertilization”, EMBO Workshop, Beijing, China, August 25-September 7, 2004 (presented 28 August 2004).
- 2004
- "Generation and partial characterization of cDNA libraries generated from dimorphic sperm cells of
Plumbago zeylanica", Frontiers in Sexual Plant Reproduction II, Department of Biological Sciences, SUNY, Albany, New York, October 15-17, 2004 (presented 17 October 2004; with XP Gou, T Yuan, XP Wei).
- 2005
- “Gene expression in the dimorphic sperm cells of the angiosperm, Plumbago zeylanica.” Gordon Conference, Fertilization and Activation of Development, 17-21 July 2005, Holderness School, Holderness, NH (presented 18 July 2005; with XP Gou, XP Wei, T Yuan).
- 2005
- “Highly efficient plant regeneration and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Plumbago zeylanica” Annual Meetings of Botanical Society of America, 13-17 August, 2005, Austin Hilton, Austin, TX (presented 16 August 2005; with XP Wei, XP Gou, T Yuan)
- 2005
- “Gene expression in the dimorphic sperm cells of the angiosperm, Plumbago zeylanica.” Annual Meetings of Botanical Society of America, 13-17 August, 2005, Austin Hilton, Austin, TX (presented 16 August 2005; with XP Gou, T Yuan, XP Wei).
- 2005
- “Gene expression in the dimorphic sperm cells of Plumbago zeylanica.” XII International Conference on Plant Embryology, 5-7 September 2005, Jagiellonian University, Krákow, Poland (presented 5 September 2005; with XP Gou, T Yuan, XP Wei).
- 2006
- “Gene expression in flowering plant sperm cells” XIX International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, Budapest, Hungary, July 11-17, 2006 (presented 13 July 2006, with XP Gou, T Yuan, XP Wei)
- 2006
- “Transcriptional profiling and gene expression of flowering plant sperm cells” Annual Meetings of Botanical Society of America, 29 July-3 August, 2006, Chico State University, Chico, CA (presented 2 August 2006; with XP Gou, T Yuan, XP Wei).
- 2007
- “Characterization of the Pollen Transcriptome of Rice (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica Katy” Annual Meetings of American Society of Plant Biologists / Botanical Society of America aka Botany/Plant Biology 2007, 7-12 July 2007, Downtown Hilton, Chicago, IL (presented 10 July 2007, with XP Gou, T Yuan, XP Wei, P Bhalla, MB Singh).
- 2007
- “Stalking the Silicon Dumbbell: Challenges of Installing a High Resolution 200KV FEG Electron Microscope” Oklahoma Microscopy Society/Oklahoma Academy of Science, Tulsa Community College, Tulsa, Oklahoma (presented 2 November 2007, with GW Strout, E. Vaughn, S Mishina, T Mashima, M Johnson, M Curtis, PR Larson, J Key).
- 2008
- “Dynamics of the angiosperm male germ unit during conveyance of sperm cells in Arabidopsis thaliana: Observation of GFP fluorescent cells in elongating pollen tubes.” Annual Meetings of Botanical Society of America/Canadian Botanical Association, Botany 2008, 25-30 July 2008, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada (presented 29 July 2008, with L Ge, XP Gou).
- 2008
- “Profiling of the male gametophyte of rice and other flowering plants.” XXth International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction Research (ICSPR), biennial meeting of the IASPRR, Brasilia, Brazil, 4-8 August 2008 (presented 5 August 2008, with XP Gou, T Yuan, XP Wei, P Bhalla, MB Singh)
- 2008
- “Expression profile of the rice male gametophyte.” IIIrd Frontiers in Sexual Plant Reproduction (FSPR III), University of Arizona, Tucson, 15-17 October 2008 (presented 17 October 2008, with XP Gou, T Yuan, XP Wei, MB Singh, P Bhalla)
- 2009
- “Genomic profiling of rice sperm cells.” 2009. Annual Meetings of Botanical Society of America/Mycological Society of America, Botany/Mycology 2009, 25-29 July 2009, Snowbird Resort and Conference Center, Snowbird, UT (presented 28 July 2009, with XP Gou, ACE Wong, T Yuan, XP Wei, MB Singh, P Bhalla)
- 2009
- “RiceChip: Annotational support for rice (Oryza sativa) microarray analysis.” Annual Meetings of Botanical Society of America/Mycological Society of America, Botany/Mycology 2009, 25-29 July 2009, Snowbird Resort and Conference Center, Snowbird, UT (presented 27 July 2009)
- 2009
- “Ultrastructual basis of blue interference color in leaves of Mapania caudata, a Malaysian tropical rainforest understory herb.” Annual Meetings of Botanical Society of America/Mycological Society of America, Botany/Mycology 2009, 25-29 July 2009, Snowbird Resort and Conference Center, Snowbird, UT, (presented 27 July 2009, with GW Strout, D Lee)
- 2009
- “Male gamete biology in flowering plants.” Cell-cell communication in plant reproduction, Biochemical Society Conference Series, September 14-16 2009, Bath UK (presented 15 September 2009, with XP Gou, T Yuan, XP Wei)
- 2010
- “Gene expression in male gametes of flowering plants,” Plant Biology Conference, Nanjing, PR China, October 29, 2010
- 2010
- Ge LL, XP Gou, T Yuan, GW Strout, J Nakashima, EB Blancaflor, HQ Tian, SD Russell. 2010. “Sperm cell behavior during pollen tube elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana: Transport, maturation and male germ unit dissociation.” Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Microscopy Society and Oklahoma Academy of Science, Northeastern State University in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma (presented 5 November 2010).
- 2011
- “Ultrastructual basis of blue interference color in leaves of Mapania caudata, a Malaysian tropical rainforest understory herb.” Annual Meetings of Botanical Society of America/Mycological Society of America, Botany/Mycology 2009, 25-29 July 2009, Snowbird Resort and Conference Center, Snowbird, UT, (presented 27 July 2009, with GW Strout, D Lee)
- 2011
- “Genome-wide transcriptional profiles of the pre-and post-fertilization rice gametes reflect unique contributions from the egg and sperm cell,” Botany 2011, Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America, 9-13 July 2011, St. Louis, MO (presented 13 July 2011, with XP Gou, Y Zhang, S Miao, HQ Tian)
- 2012
- “Gene expression in male gamete cells,” Plant Reproduction for Food, the 22nd International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, 13-17 February 2012, University of Melbourne, Australia (presented by Xiaoping Gou, 14 February 2012, with T Yuan, XP Wei, JH Zhang, J Li, SD Russell)
- 2012
- “Early transcriptional dynamics in the unfertilized egg, fertilized egg and zygote of rice,” Plant Reproduction for Food, the 22nd International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, 13-17 February 2012, University of Melbourne, Australia (presented 17 February 2012, with Zhang Y, M Sen, XP Gou, HQ Tian)
- 2012
- “Female gametophytes and flowering plant reproduction: Green eggs and no SAM,” 54th Annual Maize Genetics Conference, Portland, OR. (presented by V. Sundaresan, March 2012, with A Panoli, X Song, S Anderson, L Conrad, G Pagnussat, M Alandete-Saez, G Chen, S Russell and V Sundaresan)
- 2012
- “Genomics of the maternal to zygotic transition in rice,” 54th Annual Maize Genetics Conference, Portland, OR. (poster presented, 15 March 2012, with Anderson SA, LC Conrad, G Chen, S Russell and V Sundaresan)
- 2012
- “Molecular dissection of male germ lineage-specific promoters reveals multiple regulatory motifs,” Botany 2012, Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America, 7-11 July 2012, Columbus, OH (presented 9 July 2012, with Gou XP, T Yuan, XP Wei, JH Zhang, J Li)
- 2013
- “GmFWL1, a regulator of soybean nodulation, encodes a membrane raft-associated protein.” 22nd North American Conference on Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation, July 14-17, 2013, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (presented by Libault M, Z Qiao, L Brechenmacher, GW Strout, C Jones, SD Russell, G Stacey).
- 2013
- “Differential gene expression in the male and female germ lineage of Oryza sativa ssp. japonica.” Botany 2013, Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America, 27-31 July 2013, New Orleans, LA (presented 30 July 2013 by Daniel Jones, with S Anderson, C Johnson, M Chen, L Conrad, X Gou, SD Russell, V Sundaresan)
- 2013
- “Three-dimensional visualization of the embryo sac of Oryza sativa through fertilization.” Botany 2013, Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America, 27-31 July 2013, New Orleans, LA (presented 29 July 2013 by Daniel Jones, with J Chesnut, SD Russell) (poster presentation)
- 1980
- "Male gametes and fertilization in angiosperms." With D. D. Cass. Botanical Society of America/Canadian Botanical
Association Symposium: "Gametogenesis, Fertilization, and
Embryo Development in Angiosperms." (Presented by D. D. Cass.)
- 1982
- "Fertilization in Plumbago zeylanica:
The structural basis of male cytoplasmic inheritance." Oklahoma
State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma.
- 1983
- "Fertilization in Plumbago zeylanica."
University of Texas, Austin, Texas.
- 1984
- "Timetable of fertilization in angiosperms."
Pollination '84, International Symposium. University of Melbourne,
Melbourne, Australia.
- 1984
- "Gametic recognition in Plumbago
and its implications in angiosperm reproduction. "VIII Symposium
on the Embryogenesis of Ovulated Plants, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
- 1985
- "Fertilization in Plumbago zeylanica
and the concept of dimorphic sperm cells." University of
California, Riverside, California.
- 1985
- "Fertilization in angiosperms." University
of California, Berkeley, California.
- 1985
- "Dimorphic sperm cells, cytoplasmic transmission,
and preferential fertilization in the synergid-less angiosperm,
Plumbago zeylanica." The Chondriome, International
Symposium, Wye College, University of London, Wye, Ashford, Kent,
- 1985
- "Dimorphic sperm cells and preferential
fertilization in Plumbago zeylanica." Agricultural
University, Wageningen, Netherlands.
- 1987
- "Fertilization in angiosperms and the concept
of preferential fertilization." Auburn University, Auburn,
- 1987
- "Ultrastructure of fertilization".
XIV International Botanical Congress, West Berlin, Federal Republic
of Germany.
- 1987
- "Polarization in the generative cell of
Plumbago zeylanica". Second Conference on Flowering
Plant Sperm Cells. Wageningen, Netherlands.
- 1988
- "Dimorphic sperm cells and preferential
fertilization in Plumbago". University of Georgia,
Athens, Georgia.
- 1988
- "Sperm cell isolation, characterization
and dimorphism". Modern Advances in Flowering Plant Embryogenesis,
Peking University, Beijing, P.R. China.
- 1988
- "Development, polarization and morphogenesis
of the generative cell of Plumbago zeylanica". Modern
Advances in Flowering Plant Embryogenesis. Peking University,
Beijing, P.R. China.
- 1988
- "Techniques, rationales and procedures
for conducting quantitative cytology and three-dimensional reconstruction".
Modern Advances in Flowering Plant Embryogenesis, Peking University,
Beijing, P.R. China.
- 1988
- "Fertilization in angiosperms. Conceptual
framework and evolutionary speculation". Modern Advances
in Flowering Plant Embryogenesis, Peking University, Beijing,
P. R. China.
- 1988
- "Generative cell morphogenesis and sperm
formation in Plumbago zeylanica". Beijing Forestry
University, Beijing, P.R. China.
- 1989
- "Generative cell development and fertilization
in Plumbago zeylanica". Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon
1, Villeurbanne Cedex, France.
- 1989
- "Characterization of the male and female
gametes of Plumbago zeylanica". Deparimento di Biologie
Ambientale, Universita di Siena, Siena, Italy.
- 1989
- "Characterization of the male gamete of
the angiosperm Plumbago zeylanica". BAP meeting of
European Economic Community, Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon 1,
Villeurbanne Cedex, France.
- 1989
- "Biochemical and hybridoma antibody characterization
of the male germ unit of Plumbago zeylanica".
Université Claude Bernard-Lyon 1, Villeurbanne Cedex, France.
- 1989
- "Fertilization in Populus deltoides:
Implications for male cytoplasmic inheritance." Oklahoma
Academy of Science, Keynote address, Section K, Electron Microscopy.
- 1989
- "Gamete isolation in angiosperms."
NATO Advances in Science Workshop; "Mechanisms of Fertilization
Plants to Man." Hotel Tramontano, Sorrento, Italy.
- 1989
- "New concepts in fertilization in flowering
plants." Oklahoma State University. Stillwater, Oklahoma.
- 1990
- "Fertilization in angiosperms." Department
of Anatomical Sciences, OU Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City,
- 1990
- "Isolation and characterization of gametes
of Plumbago." AIBS/BSA meeting, symposium "Plant
Gametes and Fertilization." Richmond Center, Richmond, Virginia.
- 1991
- "Synergid handedness, male cytoplasmic
reduction and related topics." Oklahoma State University.
Stillwater, Oklahoma.
- 1991
- "Gamete isolation, characterization and
fertilization in flowering plants." Division of Plant Biology,
Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Ardmore, Oklahoma.
- 1991
- "Female gamete and gametophyte organization
and function in flowering plants." Plant Development minisymposium
on "Plant Sexual Reproduction," Society for Developmental
Biology, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- 1992
- "Fertilization in flowering plants."
Crop Sciences Society of America Meetings, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- 1992
- "Cytoskeletal organization within the embryo
sac before and after fertilization in Nicotiana and Plumbago."
With B.-Q. Huang. XII International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction,
Columbus, Ohio.
- 1993
- "Fertilization in angiosperms." IRBV
& Department of Biology, University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
- 1993
- "Fertilization in flowering plants."
Department of Botany, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,
- 1993
- "Gametes, cytoskeleton and fertilization
in angiosperms." Congress on Cell and Tissue Culture, San
Diego, California.
- 1993
- "Fertilization in flowering plants."
Gordon Research Conference on "Fertilization." Plymouth,
New Hampshire.
- 1993
- "Cytoskeletal organization within the embryo
sac before and after fertilization in Plymbago and Nicotiana."
XV International Botanical Congress, Yokohama, Japan.
- 1994
- "Fertilization in higher plants" Ninth
Annual Symposium on Plant Physiology. Pennsylvania State University,
State College, Pennsylvania.
- 1995
- "Fertilization in flowering plants: New
techniques and insights." Department of Botany, Oklahoma
State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma.
- 1996
- "Cell surface biology of male garnetes
of Plumbago zeylanica." 14th International Congress
of Sexual Plant Reproduction, Lorne, Australia, February 18-23,
- 1996
- "Emerging concepts in the study of sexual
reproduction in angiosperms." Distinguished Visiting Lecturer
series, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia, February
27, 1996.
- 1996
- "Structural considerations in angiosperm
fertilization." Banbury Center Conference, Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory, NY, April 21-24, 1996.
- 1996
- "Attraction and transport of male gametes
for fertilization." 75th Birthday Symposium on Sexual Reproduction
in Angiosperms for Professor Hans F. Linskens, Nijmegen, Netherlands,
April 26-27, 1996.
- 1996
- "Fertilization in flowering plants."
Plant Developmental Genetics symposium, Federation of American
Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), Summer Research Conference,
August 10-15, 1996, Saxtons River, VT.
- 1997
- "Sexual reproduction and fertilization
in flowering plants." School of Botany, University of Porto,
Porto, Portugal, May 20, 1997.
- 1997
- "Attraction and transport of male gametes
for fertilization." Botanical Society of America/Canadian
Botanical Association Annual Meetings, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,
August 3-7, 1997.
- 1997
- "Construction and maintenance of Internet
sites: rewards and drawbacks." Botanical Society of America/Canadian
Botanical Association Annual Meetings, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,
August 3-7, 1997.
- 1997
- "Calcium in pollen tube attraction, ovule
fertility and synergid receptivity." Plant Molecular Biology
and Biotechnology Group, Institute of Land and Food Resources,
University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia, October 15, 1997.
- 1997
- "Generative cell formation, development and morphogenesis" Department of Agriculture and Resource Management, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia, November 12, 1997.
- 1997
- "Fertilization in angiosperms." Department of Botany, Latrobe University, Bundoora, Melbourne, Australia, December 3, 1997.
- 1998
- "Flowering plant sperm cell collection, fusion and transport." With Z. Zhang and H-Q. Tian. 15th International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, Wageningen, Netherlands, August 16-21, 1998
- 1998
- "Biology of the angiosperm male gamete and its role in fertilization." International Symposium on Molecular and Biotechnical Aspects of Sexual Reproduction in Higher Plants (ICRO-UNESCO and FAO Symposium), Martonvasar, Hungary, August 23-25, 1998.
- 1999
- "Short-distance transport of sperm cells during fertilization in angiosperms." XVI International Botanical Congress, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, August 1-7, 1999.
- 1999
- "Heterospermy and preferential fertilization in tobacco." Development of gametes in flowering plants, D. Southworth and M.B. Singh, organizers. XVI International Botanical Congress, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, August 1-7, 1999, with Zhang, Z., and H.Q. Tian.
- 1999
- "Fertilization in flowering plants." Department of Botany, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, October 22, 1999.
- 1999
- "Ovule development." 3rd International EPS Conference. Catholic University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, November 1-4, 1999.
- 1999
- "Sperm-egg interactions." 3rd International EPS Conference. Catholic University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, November 1-4, 1999.
- 2000
- "Interactivity on the Internet and interactive learning environments." Botanical Society of America Annual Meetings, Portland, Oregon, August 6-10, 2000.
- 2000
- "Biology of angiosperm sperm cells." Frontiers in Sexual Plant Reproduction, Department of Biological Sciences, SUNY, Albany, New York, October 28-29, 2000.
- 2000
- "Two topics: Sperm cell biology and Accessing Internet Resources in Biology". Department of Resource Management and Horticulture, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia, November 29, 2000.
- 2000
- "Cell cycle, sperm dimorphism and preferentiality in flowering plant fertilization." CSIRO Plant Industry Division, Canberra, Australia, December 1, 2000.
- 2001
- "Cell cycle, sperm dimorphism and sperm cell biology in flowering plants / Internet resources for botany". Texas Microscopy Society annual workshop, keynote speaker, Houston, TX, April 5, 2001.
- 2001
- "Relationship between double fertilization and the cell cycle in male and female gametes of tobacco" Department of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, December 5, 2001.
- 2002
- "Cell cycle, sperm dimorphism, and preferential fertilization in flowering plants" Department of Agronomy and Range Science, University of California, Davis, May 16, 2002.
- 2002
- "Sex and the single plant" Address of the President-Elect at the Annual Banquet of the Botanical Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin, August 8, 2002.
- 2003
- "Preferential fertilization in angiosperms." Plant Minisymposium research address, Wes Watkins Conference Center, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, March 20-21, 2003.
- 2003
- "Preferential double fertilization in the flowering plant, Plumbago zeylanica: molecular and structural studies of a remarkable model system." Departmental seminar, Department of Biology, University of North Texas, Denton, September 25, 2003
- 2003
- "Sex and the single plant" Keynote address at the Congress of the joint meeting of the Botanical Society of Argentina and the Botanical Society of Chile, San Luis, Argentina, October 20, 2003.
- 2004
- “Dimorphic sperm cells and preferential double fertilization in Plumbago zeylanica”, Department of Botany, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, January 28, 2004.
- 2004
- "Double fertilization in flowering plants: A novel model system." Department of Biology, Texas Women’s University, Denton, TX, February 20, 2004.
- 2004
- “Seed plant gametophytes: Still the forgotten generation?!?” Plenary symposium at Botany 2004, Snowbird Convention Center, Snowbird, UT, August 2, 2004.
- 2004
- “Double fertilization in Plumbago zeylanica,” Institute of Botany, Academica Sinica, Beijing, China, August 14, 2004.
- 2004
- “Directed double fertilization in Plumbago zeylanica: A novel model system,” 100th Nanqiang Lecture (University distinguished lecture series). Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, August 18, 2004.
- 2004
- “Fertilization,” EMBO Workshop, Institute for Developmental Biology, Academica Sinica, Beijing, China, August 25-September 7, 2004 (presented August 28, 2004).
- 2004
- "Gamete Biology and Fertilization in Two Flowering Plant Models", Sichuan University, College of Life Sciences, Chengdu, China, August 30, 2004.
- 2004
- “Gametes and fertilization in tobacco and Plumbago”, Wuhan University, College of Life Sciences, Wuhan, China, August 31, 2004.
- 2004
- "Generation and partial characterization of cDNA libraries generated from dimorphic sperm cells of
Plumbago zeylanica", Frontiers in Sexual Plant Reproduction II, Department of Biological Sciences, SUNY, Albany, New York, October 15-17, 2004 (presented 17 October 2004; with XP Gou, T Yuan, XP Wei).
- 2005
- "Sperm-expressed genes and opportunities", Ceres Inc., Malibu, California, June 2, 2005
- 2005
- “Gene expression in the dimorphic sperm cells of Plumbago zeylanica.” XII International Conference on Plant Embryology, 5-7 September 2005, Jagiellonian University, Krákow, Poland (presented 5 September 2005; with XP Gou, T Yuan, XP Wei).
- 2005
- "Flowering plant sperm cell messages and their potential influence on double fertilization”, Heidelberg, Germany, September 9, 2005.
- 2006
- “Gene expression in flowering plant sperm cells” XIX International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, Budapest, Hungary, July 11-17, 2006 (presented 13 July 2006, with XP Gou, T Yuan, XP Wei)
- 2008
- “Profiling of the male gametophyte of rice and other flowering plants.” XXth International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction Research (ICSPR), biennial meeting of the IASPRR, Brasilia, Brazil, 4-8 August 2008 (presented 5 August 2008, with XP Gou, T Yuan, XP Wei, P Bhalla, MB Singh)
- 2008
- “Expression profile of the rice male gametophyte.” IIIrd Frontiers in Sexual Plant Reproduction (FSPR III), University of Arizona, Tucson, 15-17 October 2008 (presented 17 October 2008, with XP Gou, T Yuan, XP Wei, MB Singh, P Bhalla)
- 2009
- “Male gamete biology in flowering plants.” Cell-cell communication in plant reproduction, Biochemical Society Conference Series, September 14-16 2009, Bath UK (presented 15 September 2009, with XP Gou, T Yuan, XP Wei)
- 2009
- “Gene expression in sperm cells of flowering plants: Transcript profiling, diversity, and potential significance,” Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, September 17 2009 (with XP Gou, T Yuan, XP Wei)
- 2010
- “Gene expression in gametophytic cells of flowering plants: Transcript diversity profiles and potential significance,” Department of Biological Sciences, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, April 30, 2010
- 2010
- “Male gamete biology and double fertilization,” XX1st International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction Research (ICSPR), biennial meeting of the IASPRR, Bristol, UK, 2-6 August 2010 (presented 5 August 2010, with XP Gou, XP Wei, T Yuan, Yanan Zhang, and Sen Miao)
- 2010
- “Gene expression in flowering plant male gametes,” Department of Botany, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, September 14, 2010
- 2010
- "Gene expression in male gametes cells of flowering plants : From confocal observation of living cells to molecules,” Department of Zoology and Physiology and the Robert A. Jenkins Microscopy Facility, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, October 1, 2010
- 2010
- “Male gametes of flowering plants: Gene expression and paternal transcripts in early development,” Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS, Beijing, PR China, October 13, 2010
- 2010
- “Biology of the male gamete of flowering plants: From confocal observation of living cells to molecules and gene expression,” Peking University, Beijing, PR China, October 14, 2010
- 2010
- “Gene expression in angiosperm male gametes,” School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen, PR China, October 27, 2010
- 2010
- “Gene expression in male gametes of flowering plants,” Plant Biology Conference, Nanjing, PR China, October 29, 2010
- 2010
- “Male gametes of angiosperms: Gene expression and role of paternal transcripts,” School of Life Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan, PR China, October 31, 2010
- 2010
- “Gene expression and role of paternal transcripts in angiosperm fertilization,” Department of Plant Biology, University of California, Davis, November 3, 2010
- 2011
- “Gene expression in male gametes of flowering plants,” Department of Botany and Microbiology, University of Oklahoma, April 29, 2011
- 2011
- “Why do we do science?” School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China, September 6, 2011
- 2011
- “Communicating science,” School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China, September 7, 2011
- 2011
- “Sexual reproduction in flowering plants,” Undergraduate Campus, School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China, September 8, 2011
- 2011
- “Gene expression in gametes of rice: A gateway to zygotic decisions,” School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China, September 9, 2011
- 2012
- “Early transcriptional dynamics in the unfertilized egg, fertilized egg and zygote of rice,” Plant Reproduction for Food, the 22nd International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, 13-17 February 2012, University of Melbourne, Australia (presented 17 February 2012, with Zhang Y, M Sen, XP Gou, HQ Tian)
- 2012
- “Gene expression in gametes of flowering plants: Transcriptional dynamics in male and female germ lines” Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS, Beijing, PR China, November 21, 2012
- 2012
- “Sporogenesis, gametogenesis and fertilization in flowering plants” School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China, November 27, 2012
- 2012
- “A transcriptomic survey of the rice germ lineage reveals conserved and distinct elements in flowering plant gametes” School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China, November 27, 2012
- 2012
- “Writing a scientific paper,” School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China, November 28, 2012
- 2012
- “Integrity and science,” Undergraduate Campus, School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China, November 28, 2012
- 2012
- “Gene expression in gametes of flowering plants”, School of Life Science and Biotechnology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, December 2, 2012
- 2013
- “Transcriptomes of isolated rice gametes characterized by deep sequencing: Evidence for distinct sex-dependent chromatin and epigenetic states before fertilization,” School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China, July 19, 2013
- 2013
- “Visualizing fertilization events using modern microscopy” School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China, July 22, 2013
- 2013
- “Writing a scientific paper,” School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China, July 23, 2013
- Russell, S. D. and D. D. Cass. 1978. Post-fertilization development in Plumbago zeylanica. Botanical Society of America Abstracts. Allen Press, Lawrence, Kansas. Miscellaneous Series Publications 156:41.
- Russell, S. D. 1979. Developmental modifications of sperm structure during pollen tube growth in Plumbago zeylanica. Botanical Society of America Abstracts. Allen Press. Lawrence, Kansas. Miscellaneous Publication Series 157:18.
- Russell, S. D. 1980. Gamete delivery and syngamy in Plumbago zeylanica. Botanical Society of America/Canadian Botanical Association Abstracts. Allen Press, Lawrence, Kansas. Miscellaneous Series Publication 158:98-99.
- Russell, S. D. 1981. Structure and quantitative cytology of male gametes of Plumbago zeylanica. XIII International Botanical Congress, Sydney, Australia, August 17-29. Xlll International Botanical Congress Abstracts, pg. 61.
- Russell, S. D. 1981. Gamete delivery and gamete fusion in the flowering plant Plumbago zeylanica. OK SEM Newsletter 5(1):10.
- Russell, S. D. 1982. Quantitative cytology and stereology of male gametes and transmitted male cytoplasmic organelles in Plumbago zeylanica. Botanical Society of America Abstracts. Miscellaneous Series Publication 162:23.
- Russell, S. D. 1983. Gametic fusion in Plumbago zeylanica: ultrastructural evidence for gamete recognition and the preferential transmission of sperm plastids into the zygote. Botanical Society of America/Canadian Botanical Association Abstracts. Amer. J. Bot. 70(5, pt. 2): 31.
- Russell, S. D. 1984. Evidence for gametic recognition in the angiosperm Plumbago zeylanica. Ok-SEM Newsletter 6(1):12.
- Russell, S. D. 1984. Gametic recognition and its implications in angiosperm reproduction. VIII Symposium on the Embryogenesis of Ovulated Plants, Wageningen, The Netherlands, pg. 46.
- Russell, S. D. 1984. Three-dimensional reconstruction in the study of the male gamete of flowering plant. Ok-SEM Newsletter 6(2):7.
- Russell, S. D. 1985. Microgametogenesis in Plumbago zeylanica. Amer. J. Bot. 72 (6): 830-831.
- Russell, S.D. 1985. Biphasic pollen tube growth in Plumbago zeylanica. In: Biotechnology and Ecology of Pollen Symposium, Amherst, Massachusetts.
- Russell, S. D. 1985. Dimorphic sperm cells, cytoplasmic transmission, and preferential in the synergid-less angiosperm, Plumbago zeylanica. In: The Chondriome Second International Symposium, Wye College, University of London, Wye, U.K.
- Russell, S. D. 1985. Isolation of sperm cells in Plumbago zeylanica. In: The Chondriome Second International Symposium, Wye College, University of London, Wye, U.K.
- Russell, S. D. 1987. Sperm dimorphism and preferential gametic fusion in Plumbago zeylanica. In: Proceedings of the XIV International Botanical Congress.
- Stramski, A. K., and S. D. Russell. 1987. Computer-assisted three-dimensional portrayal of plant reproductive cell development. Ok-SEM Newsletter 9(2):9.
- Strout, G. W., and S. D. Russell. 1987. Generative cell polarization in Plumbago zeylanica: development and morphogenesis. Ok-SEM Newsletter 9(2):9.
- Geltz, N. R. and S. D. Russell. 1988. Analysis and characterization of mature pollen protein and polypeptides of Plumbago. Amer. J. Bot. 75(6):28.
- Huang, B-Q., G. W. Strout, and S. D. Russell. 1988. Isolation and characterization of isolated embryo sacs and eggs of Plumbago. Amer. J. Bot. 75(6):33-34.
- Russell, S. D., A. K. Stramski, and G. W. Strout. 1988. Three-dimensional organization of generative cells during polarization and morphogenesis of Plumbago zeylanica. Amer. J. Bot. 75(6):44.
- Russell, S. D., and L. J. Mao. 1989. Relationships in sporophytic-gametophytic symmetry in Linum usitatissimum. Amer. J. Bot. 76(6):55.
- Russell, S.D., M. Rougier, and C. Dumas. 1989. Fertilization in Populus deltoides: Implications for male cytoplasmic inheritance. Ok-SEM Newsletter 11: 20.
- Russell, S. D. and B. Q. Huang. 1990. Isolation and characterization of gametes of Plumbago. Amer. J. Bot. 77(6):7.
- Huang, B-Q. and S. D. Russell. 1990. Cytoskeletal organization and modification in the process of fertilization of Plumbago zeylanica. Ok-SEM Newsletter 12(2):17.
- Yu, H-S. and S.D. Russell. 1990. Sperm cells in the pollen tube of Nicotiana. Ok-SEM Newsletter 12(2):17.
- Russell, S. D. and H.-S. Yu. 1991. Male cytoplasmic diminution in generative & sperm cells of flowering plants. American Journal of Botany 78 (6, suppl.): 26.
- Huang, B.-Q., and S. D. Russell. 1991. Fertilization in Nicotiana: synergid degeneration and cytoskeleton modification. American Journal of Botany 78 (6, suppl.): 34.
- Huang, B.-Q., and S. D. Russell. 1991. Cytoskeletal organization and modification during fertilization in Plumbago zeylanica. TSEM Bulletin, Ok-SEM Bulletin 13(1) 31.
- Yu, H.-S. and S. D. Russell. 1991. Three-dimensional reconstruction and quantitative cytology of the pollen of an orchid, Cymbidium goeringii. TSEM Bulletin, Ok-SEM Bulletin 13(1): 28.
- Russell, S. D. and G. W. Strout. 1991. Origin of dimorphic sperm cells in the antiosperm Plumbago zeylanica. TSEM Bulletin, Ok-SEM Bulletin 13(1):29.
- Pierson, E. S., B.-Q. Huang, I. K. Lichtscheidl, S. D. Russell and M. Cresti. 1991. Video microscopy of organelle movement in growing pollen tubes and isolated embryo sacs. International symposium on angiosperm pollen and ovules. Basic and applied aspects, Villa Olmo, Como, Italy. pg. 50.
- Huang, B.-Q. and S. D. Russell. 1991. Cytoskeletal organization and modification during fertilization in Nicotiana and Plumbago. Ok-SEM Bulletin 13(2):39.
- Yu, H.-S. and S. D. Russell. 1991. Three-dimensional ultrastructure of generative cell mitosis in the pollen tubes of Nicotiana tabacum. Ok-SEM Bulletin 13(2):36.
- Russell, S. D. and G. W. Strout. 1992. Freeze-fracture observations of the sperm cells of Plumbago zeylanica in the pollen grain and after isolation. American Journal of Botany (6, supplement): 116.
- Huang, B.-Q. and S. D. Russell. 1992. Synergid degeneration in Nicotiana: a light, transmission and scanning electron microscope study. Abstracts of XII International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, pg. 29.
- Huang, B.-Q., G. W. Strout and S. D. Russell. 1992. The ultrastructural organization of freeze-substituted ovules of Nicotiana tabacum before and after fertilization. Abstracts of XII International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, pp. 29-30.
- Russell, S. D. and B.-Q. Huang. 1992. Cytoskeletal organization within the embryo sac before and after fertilization in Nicotiana and Plumbago. Abstracts of XII International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction. pg. 58.
- Yu, H.-S. and S. D. Russell. 1992. Computer-assisted three dimensional reconstruction of generative cell mitosis in pollen tubes of Nicotiana. Abstracts of XII International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, pg. 80.
- Yu, H.-S. and S. D. Russell. 1992. Three-dimensional reconstruction and quantitative cytology in pollen of Cymbidium goeringii. Abstracts of XII International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, pg. 79.
- Yu, H.-S., B.-Q. Huang and S. D. Russell. 1992. Male cytoplasmic transmission during fertilization in Nicotiana. Abstracts of XII International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, pg. 79.
- Russell, S. D. 1992. Fertilization in flowering plants. Abstracts of Crop Sciences Society of America Meetings, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pg. 309.
- Fields, S. D., G. W. Strout and S. D. Russell. 1992. Development of a spray freezing apparatus for the rapid cryofixation of a fragile, unicellular alga. Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science/Oklahoma Society for Electron Microscopy, Lawton, Oklahoma. OkSEM Newsletter 14(2):12.
- Huang, B.-Q. and S. D. Russell. 1992. Cytoskeletal organization within the embryo sac before and after fertilization in Nicotiana. Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science/Oklahoma Society for Electron Microscopy, Lawton, Oklahoma. OkSEM Newsletter 14(2):14.
- Yu, H.-S. and S. D. Russell. 1992. Mitochondria entrapped within the sperm nucleus of Nicotiana tabacum. Annual meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science/Oklahoma Society for Electron Microscopy, Lawton, Oklahoma. OkSEM Newsletter 14(2):13.
- Yu, H.-S. and S. D. Russell. 1992. Occurrence of mitochondria inside the sperm nucleus of tobacco. Annual Meeting of American Society of Cell Biology, Denver, Colorado. Molecular Biology of the Cell 3 (Suppl.): 1066.
- Russell, S. D. 1993. Gametes, cytoskeleton and fertilization in angiosperms. Congress on Cell and Tissue Culture, San Diego, California, In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology, pg. 17.
- Russell, S. D. 1993. Cytoskeletal organization within the embryo sac before and after fertilization in Plumbago and Nicotiana. XV International Botanical Congress, Yokohama, Japan, pg. 97.
- Yu, H.-S. and S. D. Russell. 1993. Ultrastructure and three-dimensional organization of mitosis in generative cells of Nicotiana tabacum. Annual meeting of Botanical Society of America/Canadian Botanical Association, Ames, Iowa. American Journal of Botany 80 (6, supplement): 39-40.
- Fields, S. D. and S. D. Russell. 1993. Endosymbiosis of the free-living alga Chroomonas in Gymonodinium acidotum: Quantification of endophyte modifications revealed by serial reconstruction. Oklahoma Microscopy Society/Oklahoma Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Ada, Oklahoma. OMS Newsletter 15 (2): 12.
- Russell, S. D. and H.-S. Yu. 1993. Mitosis in the generative cell of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum): ultrastructural and three-dimensional organization. Oklahoma Microscopy Society/Oklahoma Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Ada, Oklahoma. OMS Newsletter 15 (2): 14.
- Russell, S. D. and B.-Q. Huang. 1994. Gametes, cytoskeleton and fertilization in two flowering plant model systems. Abstracts of the XIII International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, p. 22.
- Fields, S. D. and S. D. Russell. 1994. Acquisition of chloroplasts through phagotrophy in the freshwater dinoflagellate Gymnodinium acidotum. OMS Bulletin 16 (2):11.
- Strout, G. W., D. Southworth, A. Reece, S. D. Fields and S. D. Russell. 1994. Ultrastructural characterization of isolated sperm cells of the genus Plumbago. OMS Bulletin 16 (2):14.
- Cao, Y. and S. D. Russell. 1995. Toward in vitro fertilization in Plumbago zeylanica. OMS Bulletin 17 (2):13.
- Russell, S. D. 1995. Microscopy on the Internet: a tool for communication, education and research. OMS Bulletin 17(2):17.
- Tian, H. Q. and S. D. Russell. 1995. Calcium distribution and accumulation in ovules and embryo sacs of Nicotiana tabacum. Harnessing Apomixis: A New Frontier in Plant Science, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, September 25-27, pg. 77.
- Zhang, Z. and S. D. Russell. 1995. Sperm cell surface characteristics of flowering plants in relation to transport in the embryo sac. American Society for Cell Biology, Annual Meetings, December 8-13, 1995, Washington, D. C., pg.
- Zhang, Z. and S. D. Russell. 1995. Surface charge of Plumbago sperm cells estimated from microelectrophoretic mobility. OMS Bulletin 17 (2):14.
- Zhu, H. and S. D. Russell. 1995. The observation of calcium-induced precipitation in Plumbago zeylanica ovule. OMS Bulletin 17 (2):14.
- Zhu, H. and S. D. Russell. 1995. Calcium distribution and accumulation in ovules and embryo sacs of the synergid-lacking angiosperm Plumbago zeylanica. Harnessing Apomixis: A New Frontier in Plant Science, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, September 25-27, pg. 38.
- Cao, Y. and S. D. Russell. 1996. PEG-induced fusion between isolated eggs in Plumbago zeylanica. OMS Bulletin 18 (2): 14.
- Russell, S. D., and H. Q. Tian. 1996. Basis of antimonate precipitation to detect loosely-bound calcium and its relationship to sexual reproduction in tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum. OMS Bulletin 18 (2): 14.
- Southworth, D., G. W. Strout, and S. D. Russell. 1996. Freeze fracture of Plumbago sperm. Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of Sexual Plant Reproduction, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, pg. 49.
- Zhang, Z., G. W. Strout, H. Zhu, and S. D. Russell. 1996. Cell surface biology of male gametes of Plumbago zeylanica. Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of Sexual Plant Reproduction, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, pg. 42.
- Russell, S. D. 1997. Attraction and transport of male gametes for fertilization. American Journal of Botany 84 (6, suppl.): 33.
- Russell, S. D. 1997. Construction and maintenance of Internet sites: rewards and drawbacks. American Journal of Botany 84 (6, suppl.): 256.
- Southworth, D. and S. D. Russell. 1997. Plant gametes and fertilization. American Journal of Botany 84 (6, suppl.): 33.
- Zhang, Z. and S. D. Russell. 1997. Scanning electron microscopy study of isolated sperm cells of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). OMS Newsletter 19(2): 18.
- Mattison, S. and S. D. Russell. 1998. Comparison of hexamethyldisilazane and critical point drying on the surface structure of Nicotiana tabacum pollen tubes. OMS Newsletter 20(2): 22.
- Russell, S. D., Z. Zhang and H-Q. Tian. 1998. Collection and characterization of male gametes of Plumbago and Nicotiana. American Journal of Botany 85(6, suppl.): 18.
- Russell, S. D., Z. Zhang, M.B. Singh, H. Xu, I. Swoboda, and P. Bhalla. 1998. Relearning how to do microscopy in a molecular lab in Australia. OMS Newsletter 20(2): 23.
- Zhang, Z, T. Okada, K. Toriyama and S. D. Russell. 1998. Freeze-substitution of Brassica anthers for preserving Bra r I, a pollen allergenic protein. OMS Newsletter 20(2): 20.
- Zhang, Z, H-Q. Tian, and S. D. Russell. 1998. Immunolocalization of myosin on the surface of isolated sperm cells of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and its relation to sperm cell transport. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, Wageningen, Netherlands, pg. 118.
- Zhang, Z., H-Q. Tian and S. D. Russell. 1998. Flowering plant sperm cell collection, fusion and transport. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, Wageningen, Netherlands, pg. 46.
- Russell, S. D. 1999. Short-distance transport of sperm cells during fertilization in angiosperms. Abstracts of the XVI International Botanical Congress, August 1-7, 1999, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, pg. 103
- Zhang, Z., Tian, H. Q and S. D. Russell. Heterospermy and preferential fertilization in tobacco. Abstracts of the XVI International Botanical Congress, August 1-7, 1999, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, pg. 566
- Zhang, Z., Tian, H. Q and S. D. Russell. Heterospermy during male germ unit maturation in Nicotiana tabacum. Late Abstracts of the XVI International Botanical Congress, August 1-7, 1999, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, pg. 26
- Russell, S.D., Z. Zhang, H. Xu, I. Swoboda, P. Bhalla and M. B. Singh 1999. Discrimination of flowering plant sperm cells using structural and molecular probes. OMS Bulletin 21(2): 19.
- Russell, S.D., Z. Zhang, H. Xu, I. Swoboda, P. Bhalla and M. B. Singh. 2000. Sperm collection and isolation for cDNA libraries. Proceedings of the XVI International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, Banff Centre, Canada, pg. 35
- Russell, S.D. 2000. Interactivity on the Internet and interactive learning environments. Am. J. Bot. 87(6, suppl. 2): 186.
- Russell, S.D., Z. Zhang, H. Xu, I. Swoboda, P. Bhalla and M. B. Singh. 2000. Plumbago zeylanica sperm isolation, collection and cDNA library characterization. Am. J. Bot. 87(6, suppl. 2): 31.
- Russell, S.D. 2000. Biology of angiosperm sperm cells. Abstracts of Frontiers in Sexual Plant Reproduction, Department of Biological Sciences, SUNY, Albany, New York, October 29, 2000, pg. 30.
- Russell, S.D., H.Q. Tian, T. Yuan and Z. Zhang. 2000. Coordinated cell cycle in male and female gametes of tobacco during double fertilization Oklahoma Microscopy Society Bulletin 22(2): 10.
- Russell, S.D. 2001. Two Topics: Cell cycle, sperm dimorphism and sperm cell biology in flowering plants / Internet resources for botany. Proceedings of TSM Spring Meeting, Houston Marriott, Medical Center, Houston, TX, April 5-7, 2001
- Tian, H.Q., T. Yuan and S.D. Russell. 2001. Relationship between double fertilization and the cell cycle in male and female gametes of tobacco. Proceedings of Botany 2001, Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Albuquerque, NM, August 12-16, 2001, pg 26.
- Russell, S.D. 2002. Sex and the single plant. Botanical Society of America, August 3-7, 2002, Botany 2002 proceedings, Address of the President-Elect, pg. 3.
- Russell, S.D., H.Q. Tian and T. Yuan. 2002. Cell cycle and fertilization. XVII International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, Lublin, Poland, July 9-13, 2002, pg. 56.
- Russell, S.D. 2003. “Preferential fertilization in angiosperms.” Abstracts of the Plant Minisymposium research address, Wes Watkins Conference Center, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, March 20-21, 2003.
- Gou, X. P., T. Yuan, M. B. Singh, and S. D. Russell. 2003. “Differential sperm cell gene expression in a flowering plant”. Abstracts of the Plant Minisymposium research address, Wes Watkins Conference Center, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, March 20-21, 2003.
- Tian, H.Q., S.D. Russell, and T. Yuan. 2003. Cell cycle sychronization in the male and female gametes of Nicotiana tabacum. Proceedings of Botany 2003, annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Mobile, Alabama, July 27-30, 2003, pg 30.
- Guo X.P., T. Yuan, and S.D. Russell. 2003. Selection of differentially expressed gene products in the sperm cells of Plumbago zeylanica. Proceedings of Botany 2003, annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Mobile, Alabama, July 27-30, 2003, pg 49.
- Russell, S. D. 2003. “Sex and the single plant” Keynote address at the Congress of the joint meeting of the Botanical Society of Argentina and the Botanical Society of Chile, San Luis, Argentina, October 20, 2003. Proceedings, pg. 10.
- Russell, S. D. 2004. “Seed plant gametophytes: Still the forgotten generation?!?” Plenary symposium at Botany 2004, Snowbird Convention Center, Snowbird, UT, August 2, 2004, pg. 2.
- Gou X.P., T. Yuan, X.P. Wei, S.D. Russell. 2004. “Differential gene expression between the sperm cells of a flowering plant-Plumbago zeylanica” Recent Topics Poster Session at Botany 2004, Snowbird Convention Center, Snowbird, UT, August 3, 2004, suppl., pg. 45.
- Russell, S.D., X.P. Gou, T. Yuan, X.P. Wei, D. Kupfer, S.Y. So, and B. Roe. 2004. Generation and partial characterization of cDNA libraries generated using dimorphic sperm cells of Plumbago zeylanica L. (Plumbaginaceae). Proceedings of XVIII International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, Beijing, China, August 20-24, 2004, pg. 17
- Russell, S.D., X.P. Gou, T. Yuan, X.P. Wei. 2004. “Generation and partial characterization of cDNA libraries generated from dimorphic sperm cells of Plumbago zeylanica", Frontiers in Sexual Plant Reproduction II, Department of Biological Sciences, SUNY, Albany, New York, October 15-17, 2004, pg. 59
- Gou, X.P., X.P. Wei, T. Yuan, and S.D. Russell. 2005. “Expressed gene products in the dimorphic sperm cells of Plumbago zeylanica”, XII International Conference on Plant Embryology, Krakow, Poland (5-7 September 2005), pg. 18.
- Gou, X.P., X.P. Wei, T. Yuan, and S.D. Russell. 2005. “Gene expression in the dimorphic sperm cells of the angiosperm, Plumbago zeylanica.” Annual Meetings of Botanical Society of America, 13-17 August, 2005, Austin Hilton, Austin TX, pg. 33.132.
- Wei, X.P., X.P. Gou, T. Yuan, and S.D. Russell. 2005. “Highly efficient plant regeneration and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Plumbago zeylanica.” Annual Meetings of Botanical Society of America, 13-17 August, 2005, Austin Hilton, Austin, TX (presented 16 August 2005; with XP Wei, XP Gou, T Yuan), pg. 33.133
- Gou, X.P., X.P. Wei, T. Yuan, and S.D. Russell. 2005. “Gene expression in the dimorphic sperm cells of Plumbago zeylanica”, XII International Conference on Plant Embryology, Krakow, Poland (5-7 September 2005), pg. 32.
- Gou, X.P., T. Yuan, X.P. Wei, and S.D. Russell. 2006. Gene expression in flowering plant sperm cells” XIX International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, Budapest, Hungary, July 11-17, 2006, pg. XXX.
- Gou, X.P., T. Yuan, X.P. Wei, and S.D. Russell. 2006. Transcriptional profiling and gene expression of flowering plant sperm cells” Annual Meetings of Botanical Society of America, 29 July-3 August, 2006, Chico State University, Chico, CA, ID: Abs-859
- Russell, S.D., Gou, T Yuan, XP Wei, P Bhalla, MB Singh 2007. “Characterization of the Pollen Transcriptome of Rice (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica Katy)” Annual Meetings of American Society of Plant Biologists / Botanical Society of America aka Botany/Plant Biology 2007, 7-12 July 2007, Downtown Hilton, Chicago, IL, Abs 2311.
- Strout GW, E Vaughn, S Mishina, T Mashima, M Johnson, M Curtis, PR Larson, J Keay, SD Russell. 2007. “Stalking the Silicon Dumbbell: Challenges of Installing a High Resolution 200KV FEG Electron Microscope” Oklahoma Microscopy Society Bulletin 29(2): 26.
- Ge L, XP Gou, SD Russell 2008 “Dynamics of the angiosperm male germ unit during conveyance of sperm cells in Arabidopsis thaliana: Observation of GFP fluorescent cells in elongating pollen tubes.” Annual Meetings of Botanical Society of America/Canadian Botanical Association, Botany 2008, 25-30 July 2008, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada (presented 29 July 2008, with L Ge, XP Gou).
- Russell SD, XP Gou, T Yuan, XP Wei, P Bhalla, MB Singh. 2008. “Profiling of the male gametophyte of rice and other flowering plants.” XXth International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction Research (ICSPR), biennial meeting of the IASPRR, Brasilia, Brazil, 4-8 August 2008
- Russell SD, XP Gou, T Yuan, XP Wei, P Bhalla, MB Singh. 2008. “Expression profile of the rice male gametophyte.” IIIrd Frontiers in Sexual Plant Reproduction (FSPR III), University of Arizona, Tucson, 15-17 October 2008, pg. 82.
- Russell SD; XP Gou, ACE Wong, T Yuan, XP Wei, MB Singh, P Bhalla. 2009. “Genomic profiling of rice sperm cells.” Annual Meetings of Botanical Society of America/Mycological Society of America, Botany/Mycology 2009, 25-29 July 2009, Snowbird Resort and Conference Center, Snowbird, UT, Abs 830
- Russell SD. 2009. “RiceChip: Annotational support for rice (Oryza sativa) microarray analysis.” Annual Meetings of Botanical Society of America/Mycological Society of America, Botany/Mycology 2009, 25-29 July 2009, Snowbird Resort and Conference Center, Snowbird, UT, Abs 930
- Strout GW; SD Russell, D Lee. 2009. “Ultrastructual basis of blue interference color in leaves of Mapania caudata, a Malaysian tropical rainforest understory herb.” Annual Meetings of Botanical Society of America/Mycological Society of America, Botany/Mycology 2009, 25-29 July 2009, Snowbird Resort and Conference Center, Snowbird, UT, Abs 931
- Russell SD, XP Gou, T Yuan, XP Wei. 2009. Male gamete biology in flowering plants. Cell-cell Communication in Plant Reproduction, Biochemical Society Conference Series, September 14-16 2009, Bath UK, pg.
- Strout GW, SD Russell, D Lee. 2009. “Ultrastructure of blue-green iridescence in leaves of the Malaysian tropical rainforest understory herb, Mapania caudata Kük (Cyperaceae).” Oklahoma Microscopy Society Bulletin 31(2): 21.
- Russell SD, XP Gou, XP Wei, T Yuan, Y Zhang, S Miao. 2010. “Male gamete biology and double fertilization,” XX1st International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction Research (ICSPR) Program, pg. 41
- Ge LL, XP Gou, T Yuan, GW Strout, J Nakashima, EB Blancaflor, HQ Tian, SD Russell. 2010. “Sperm cell behavior during pollen tube elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana: Transport, maturation and male germ unit dissociation.” Oklahoma Microscopy Society Bulletin 31(2): 21.
- Russell SD, XP Gou, Y Zhang, S Miao, HQ Tian. 2011. “Genome-wide transcriptional profiles of the pre-and post-fertilization rice gametes reflect unique contributions from the egg and sperm cell.” Botany 2011, Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America, abstract 743.
- Gou XP, T Yuan, XP Wei, JH Zhang, J Li, SD Russell. 2012. Gene expression in male gamete cells. Plant Reproduction for Food, the 22nd International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, University of Melbourne, Australia 13-17 February 2012, P1-22, p. 96
- Zhang Y, M Sen, XP Gou, HQ Tian, SD Russell. 2012. Early transcriptional dynamics in the unfertilized egg, fertilized egg and zygote of rice Plant Reproduction for Food, the 22nd International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, University of Melbourne, Australia 13-17 February 2012, S8-1, pg. 65
- Panoli A, X Song, S Anderson, L Conrad, G Pagnussat, M Alandete-Saez, G Chen, S Russell, V Sundaresan. 2012. Female gametophytes and flowering plant reproduction: Green eggs and no SAM. 54th Annual Maize Genetics Conference, Portland, OR, abstract PLeu3, pg. 23
- Anderson SA, LC Conrad, G Chen, S Russell, V Sundaresan. 2012. Genomics of the maternal to zygotic transition in rice. 54th Annual Maize Genetics Conference, Portland, OR, abstract, P119, pg. 105
- Gou XP, T Yuan, XP Wei, JH Zhang, J Li, SD Russell. 2012. Molecular dissection of male germ lineage-specific promoters reveals multiple regulatory motifs. Botany 2012, Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America, abstract 996.
- Libault M, Z Qiao, L Brechenmacher, GW Strout, C Jones, SD Russell, G Stacey. 2013. GmFWL1, a regulator of soybean nodulation, encodes a membrane raft-associated protein. 22nd North American Conference on Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation, July 14-17, 2013 at the Hubert Humphrey Conference Center at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- Jones, D, S Anderson, C Johnson, M Chen, L Conrad, X Gou, SD Russell, V Sundaresan. 2013. Differential gene expression in the male and female germ lineage of Oryza sativa ssp. japonica. Botany 2013, Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America, abstract 1059.
- Jones, D, S Anderson, C Johnson, M Chen, L Conrad, X Gou, SD Russell, V Sundaresan. 2013. Differential gene expression in the male and female germ lineage of Oryza sativa ssp. japonica. Botany 2013, Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America, abstract 1059.
- Jones, D, J Chesnut, SD Russell. 2013. Three-dimensional visualization of the embryo sac of Oryza sativa through fertilization. Botany 2013, Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America, abstract 1341.
- 1982-85
- National Science Foundation. Division of
Physiology, Cellular and Molecular Biology-Developmental Biology
Program. "Investigations into sperm-specificity and transmission
of male cytoplasmic organelles during early embryogenesis in the
angiosperm Plumbago zeylanica". $70,000.
- 1984-88
- National Science Foundation. Division of
Physiology, Cellular and Molecular Biology -Developmental Biology
Program. "Generative cell formation, polarization and morphogenesis
in Plumbago zeylanica as the developmental basis for sperm
specificity." $102,378.
- 1984
- National Science Foundation. Biological Instrumentation
Program. "Acquisition of a new scanning electron microscope."
$129,740. (not funded)
- 1985
- National Science Foundation. Division of Physiology,
Cellular and Molecular Biology-Developmental Biology Program.
"Acquisition of eucentric gonimeter for use with a Zeiss
10a transmission electron microscope." $3,500 (supplemental
- 1985
- National Science Foundation. Division of Physiology,
Cellular and Molecular Biology-Developmental Biology Program.
"Gametogenesis, fertilization and early embryogenesis in
Drimys: reproduction in a putatively primitive angiosperm."
$72,000 (supplemental grant).
- 1985
- United States Department of Agriculture. Competitive
Grants Program -Genetic Mechanisms. "Sexual reproduction
in Pisum and Phaseolus: a comparison of gametic
fusion mechanisms in flowering plants with differing patterns
of male cytoplasmic inheritance." $174,095. (not funded)
- 1986-88
- United States Department of Agriculture.
Competitive Grants Program Biotechnology/Plant Growth and
Development Program. "Isolation and characterization of male
and female gametes of the angiosperm Plumbago zeylanica."
- 1986
- State of Oklahoma - MOST Program. "Acquisition
of Analytical Electron Microscopy Equipment. " $150,000.
- 1986
- State of Oklahoma - MOST Program. "Acquisition
of a Quantitative Electron Microprobe." $250,000. Funding
redirected to purchase analytical electron microscopy equipment.
- 1986
- Department of Energy-Coal Research Program.
"Acquisition of a Quantitative Electron Microprobe."
(with D. London) $620,000.
- 1986
- Department of Education. "Acquisition of
Analytical Electron Microscopy Equipment and Creation of an Electron
Microprobe Facility." $500,000.
- 1987
- State of Oklahoma - MOST Program, "Matching
Funds for Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Analysis System." $100,000.
- 1987-88
- University of Pennsylvania. "Ultrastructural
Effects of Acid Rain on the Needles of Red Spruce, Picea rubens".
(billable contract)
- 1987
- National Science Foundation. Developmental Biology
Program. "Supplemental Award to Involve Undergraduates in
Studies of Sperm Organization in Plumbago zeylanica".
$4,000 (supplemental grant).
- 1988-91
- United States Department of Agriculture.
Competitive Grants Program. Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms
of Plant Growth and Development. "Isolation and characterization
of male and female gametes of the angiosperm Plumbago zeylanica."
- 1988-90
- University of Pennsylvania. "Ultrastructural
effects of acid rain on the needles of red spruce, Picea rubens."
- 1990-92
- National Science Foundation. Cell Biology
Program. "Biochemical and physiological characterization
of the male gamete of a cytoplasmically heterospermic angiosperm".
$278,976 (denied).
- 1990-92
- Department of Energy. Biological Energy Program.
"Biochemical and physiological characterization of the male
gamete of a cytoplasmically heterospermic angiosperm." $278,976
- 1990-91
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Grants
for International Collaboration in Research. "Characterization
of cytoskeleton of flowering plant gametes during development
and fertilization. " BF 200,000 (approx. $5,150).
- 1990-91
- Italian Ministry of Research, Rome, Italy.
Support for visiting post doctoral research associate for six
months. 15,800,000 lire (approx. $13,000).
- 1990
- National Science Foundation. Division of Cellular
Biosciences. Development Biology Program. "Symposium: 'Plant
gametes and fertilization' at the American Institute of Biological
Sciences meeting in Richmond, VA, August, 1990." $5,000 (Co-PI,
Darlene Southworth).
- 1990
- Pioneer HiBreds International. "Symposium:
'Plant gametes and fertilization' at the American Institute of
Biological Sciences meeting in Richmond, VA, August, 1990."
- 1990
- Botanical Society of America. "Symposium:
'Plant gametes and fertilization' at the American Institute of
Biological Sciences meeting in Richmond, VA, August, 1990."
- 1990-92
- National Science Foundation. Division of
Cellular Biosciences. Instrumentation and Instrument Development
Program. "Acquisition of a Confocal Scanning Laser Microscope
for Biological Research." $150,926 (total, denied) (co-PIs
Paul B. Bell, Jr., Joseph A. Bastian, Ming-Chen Liu, Lois Pfiester
and Brian R. Waldrop).
- 1990-91
- Kerr-McGee. "Materials research using
electron microscopic methods." (billable contract) (co-PI
Bill Chissoe).
- 1990-91
- Support Services Engineering Corporation.
"Materials fracture and corrosion deposit research."
(billable contract)
- 1990-93
- Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science
and Technology. Applied Research Program, "Development of
in vitro fertilization in an angiosperm." $135,984
(denied funding).
- 1990-92
- Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Ardmore.
"Research on elemental distribution in plant tissues using
electron microscopy." (cooperative agreement)
- 1991-92
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Grants
for International Collaboration in Research. "Characterization
of cytoskeleton of flowering plant gametes during development
and fertilization. " BF 200,000 (. approx. $7,000). (denied
- 1991-92
- Hitachi Computer Corporation, Norman. "Analysis
of magnetic heads of hard disks using electron microscopy."
(cooperative agreement)
- 1991-92
- National Science Foundation. Division of
Cellular Biosciences. Instrumentation and Instrument Development
Program. Acquisition of a confocal scanning microscope for multi-disciplinary
studies." (With P. B. Bell, Jr., Joseph A. Bastian, Paul
S. Begovac, Ming-Cheh Liu, Lois Pfiester and John Waldrop) $113,540
([matching funds] total project: $222,910, denied)
- 1991-96
- United States Department of Agriculture.
National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program--Plant
Growth and Development Program. "Cytoskeleton during fertilization
in flowering plants." #91-37304-6471
- 1992-95
- United States Department of Education. Graduate
Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) Program. Approx.
$400,000 (on writing committee, not a direct participant). (denied)
- 1992-93
- CONOCO Inc., Ponca City. "Electron microscopic
analysis of physical sciences specimens." (cooperative agreement)
- 1992-94
- National Science Foundation, Developmental
Biology Program. "Ultrastructural organization of the mitotic
apparatus in the bicellular pollen of Nicotiana tabacum."
$173,374 (denied)
- 1993-94
- Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Ardmore.
"Research on elemental distribution in plant tissues using
electron microscopy." (cooperative agreement)
- 1993-94
- Look Incorporated, Ada. "Evaluation
of surgical needles and improvements in preparation of surfaces."
(cooperative agreement)
- 1993-95
- National Science Foundation. Systematic Biology
Program. "Molecular and ultrastructural adaptations characterizing
the transient symbiosis between Glenodiniopsis acidotum
and Chroomonas sp." $5,300 (With S. Fields) NSF grant
- 1994-97
- National Science Foundation. Directorate
for Integrative and Neurobiology. Developmental Mechanisms Program.
"Gamete interactions in flowering plants" $285,548 proposed.
- 1994-96
- National Science Foundation. Directorate
for Biological Instrumentation and Resources, Multi-User Biological
Equipment and Instrument Resources Program. "Acquisition
of a confocal laser scanning microscope" $106,281 proposed
(total cost of proposal: $212,562) (Denied)
- 1995-98
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
"Sexual reproduction of flowering plants in microgravity"
$239,593 (not funded)
- 1995-98
- United States Department of Agriculture.
National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program - Plant
Growth and Development. "Gamete interactions during fertilization
in angiosperms." $95,886 (NRICRP grant #95-37304-2361)
- 1997-98
- University of Melbourne, Senior Researcher
Travel Grants Scheme (with Prof. M. Singh). "Characterization
of genes of the generative cell of Lilium". A$6,000
- 1998-99
- University of Melbourne, Senior Researcher
Collaborative Research Grants Scheme (with Prof. M. Singh). "Characterization
of gene expression of sperm cells of Plumbago zeylanica".
- 1997-99
- Praxis XXI, JNICT, Lisboa, Portugal. "Biologia
da reprodução em Amaranthus de grão (Amaranthus
hypochondriacus L.) cecamismos de atracção e dicctionamento
do tubo polínico." 6,750,000 Escudos (submitted by
Prof. Roberto Salema, Universidad da Porto) as proposed funded
collaborator (denied funding)
- 1997-99
- United States Department of Agriculture.
National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program - Plant
Growth and Development. "Gamete interactions during fertilization
in angiosperms." $100,000 (NRICRP grant #95-37304-2361)
- 1999-2002
- United States Department of Agriculture. National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program - Plant Growth and Development. "Flowering plant fertilization: attraction, interaction & transport of gametes" $150,000 (NRICRP grant #99-35304-8097).
- 2000-2003
- National Science Foundation. Directorate for Integrative and Neurobiology. Plant and Microbial Developmental Mechanisms Program. "Sperm-expressed genes in the flowering plant Plumbago zeylanica" $634,807 (denied).
- 2000-2003
- United States Department of Agriculture. National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program - Plant Growth and Development. "Flowering plant fertilization: Interaction and biology of gametes" $335,888 (denied).
- 2000-2003
- National Science Foundation. Major Instrumentation Program. "Acquition of multiuser confocal fluorescence microscope" $217,000 (denied) total project $308,000.
- 2001-2003
- United States Department of Agriculture. National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program - Plant Growth and Development. "Flowering plant fertilization: Interaction and biology of gametes" $335,888 (denied).
- 2001-2004
- National Science Foundation. Major Instrumentation Program. "Acquisition of multiuser confocal fluorescence microscope" $216,009 (denied) total project cost: $308,583.
- 2003-2005
- Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) Program: Fulbright Alumni Initiatives Awards Program. "Microscopy Technology Exchange between US and Argentina" $19,430 (denied)
- 2003-2006
- United States Department of Agriculture. National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program - Plant Growth and Development. "Gamete biology of sexual reproduction in flowering plants" $367,827 (denied)
- 2004-2007
- National Science Foundation. Directorate for Integrative and Neurobiology. Plant and Microbial Developmental Mechanisms Program. "Gametic gene expression in a plant with dimorphic sperm cells, Plumbago zeylanica" $444,534 (denied).
- 2004-2006
- Council for the International Exchange of Scholars (CIES), Fulbright Alumni Initiatives Awards Program. “Advances in Sexual Plant Reproduction”. $14,625 Co-PI with Raúl Pozner) (denied).
- 2004-2007
- United States Department of Agriculture. National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program – Developmental Processes of Crop Plants. "Gametic gene expression in a plant with dimorphic sperm cells" $490,638 (denied)
- 2005-2008
- National Science Foundation. Directorate for Integrative and Neurobiology. Plant and Microbial Developmental Mechanisms Program. "Gametic gene expression in a plant with dimorphic sperm cells" $562,423 (denied)
- 2005-2008
- National Science Foundation. Directorate for Integrative and Neurobiology. Plant and Microbial Developmental Mechanisms Program. “Gametic gene expression in a plant with dimorphic sperm cells” $401,936 (denied)
- 2006-2010
- National Science Foundation. Directorate for Biological Infrastructure, Plant Genome Research Program. “GEPR: Functional Genomics of Double Fertilization Related Genes in Rice” $1,169,105 (denied)
- 2007-2009
- National Science Foundation. Directorate for the Physical Sciences. “MRI: Acquisition of a Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscope for Characterization and Patterning of Nanostructures.” (denied)
- 2007-2009
- National Science Foundation. Directorate for the Physical Sciences. “MRI: Acquisition of a Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscope for Characterization and Patterning of Nanostructures.” (denied)
- 2007-2009
- National Science Foundation. Directorate for the Physical Sciences. “MRI: Acquisition of a Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscope for Characterization and Patterning of Nanostructures.” $652,455.00 (denied)
- 2009-2012
- United States Department of Agriculture, AFRI-CGP, Plant Biology: Growth and Development (Program Code 91414), “Cell-Type Specification in the Embryo Sac of Rice” $350,000 (awarded) Co-PI Venkatesan Sundaresan; College of Biological Sciences, Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis
- 2009-2011
- National Science Foundation. Directorate for the Physical Sciences. “MRI-R2: Acquisition of a Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscope.” $683,339.00 (awarded) Co-PI with Matthew B. Johnson, David Schmidtke, Daniel Resasco, M. Cengiz Altan.
- 2010-2014
- (Overseas Expert Application Teachers Program, Ministry of Education, PRC). Co-PI with Jia Li. Visits in October 2010, September 2011, November 2012, July 2013 were funded under this program
- 2011-2014
- National Science Foundation. Directorate for the Biological Sciences. Plant Genome Project. "PGPR: Genomics of the zygotic transition in rice." $1,7M. PI: Venkatesan Sundaresan. Co-PI
Internal Funding:
- 1981
- Arts and Sciences Summer Fellowship. "Relationship of Sperm Cytoplasmic Organelles and Destiny of Male Gametes During Gamete Fusion in Plumbago zeylanica." $3500.
- 1982
- Research Council.
"Purchase of a diamond knife to support studies into sperm-specificity in the angiosperm Plumbago zeylanica". $2260.
- 1983
- Research Council.
Purchase of fluorescence microscope attachments for investigating the cell surface of flowering plant gametes." $4830.
- 1984
- Research Council
"Examination of the developmental basis of sperm-specificity in the male gamete of a flowering plant." $4100.
- 1985
- Research Council
"Acquisition of micromanipulator to isolate the egg of a flowering plant for in vitro fertilization." $1150.
- 1985
- OU Associates Research/Creative Activity Fund
"Equipment for quantitative fluorescence microscopy." $30,000 (with P.B. Bell, J. N. Farmer, H. Haines, J. Murphy and T. Yoshino).
- 1986
- Research Council
"Protein characterization equipment for studies on fertilization in flowering plants". $5,000.
- 1987
- OU Associates Research/Creative Activity Fund
"An ultrarapid propane jet freezing device". $9,800 (with L. A. Pfiester, J. S. Fletcher, B. M. Fung and W. Ortiz-Leduc).
- 1987
- OU Interdisciplinary Research Support Fund "Technical and operations support for interdisciplinary electron microscopic research". $51,000. (not funded)
- 1988
- Career Development Grant
"Training for new electron microscopy equipment". $5,000.
- 1988
- Biomedical Research Support Grant
"Research support for electron microscopy work". $16,055
- 1989
- Biomedical Research Support Grant
"Acquisition of cryo-pumped freeze-fracture device". $12,500
- 1990
- Personal Computer Proposal, Merrick Computer Center "Three-dimensional reconstruction facility for electron microscopy." $6,502
- 1991
- Research Council. "Acquisition of preparation equipment for physical sciences transmission electron microscopy". (co-PIs: G. Atkinson, T. Batchman, R. Daniels and D. London) $7,500 (matching funds: $5,760; total project: $13,260).
- 1991
- OU Research Council. "Acquisition of metal mirror contact-freezing device" (with L. Beevers, M-C. Liu) $6,700.
- 1995
- OU Research Council. "Purchase of osmometer to support studies into in vitro fertilization in flowering plants" $4,341.
- 1996
- Vice President for Research. "Upgrade existing energy-dispersive x-ray analysis system for scanning electron microscopy" $18,000 (Total project cost: $22,500)
- 1996
- Research Council. "LaserTweezers to support research on in vitro fertilization in angiosperms." $10,000 (Total project cost: $11,500) (denied)
- 1998
- Travel support for airfare to Australia sought and received from Vice President for Research, Dean of College of Arts and Sciences and Department. (Total: $1,650)
- 1999
- Vice President for Research. "Upgrade existing energy-dispersive x-ray analysis system for transmission electron microscopy" $22,000 (Total project cost: $29,500)
- 2000
- Vice President for Research. “Upgrade existing energy-dispersive x-ray analysis system for transmission electron microscopy” $15,000 (Total project cost: $22,500)
- 2001
- Vice President for Research. "Purchase of confocal laser scanning microscope" $150,000 (Total project cost: $293,893.10)
- 2004
- Vice President for Research. “Acquisition of high capacity thermal cycler for high throughput PCR studies” $10,000 (Total project cost: $12,000) (Declined)
- 2008
- College of Arts and Sciences. “A Proposal to Construct Web Server to Implement Rice Microarray Annotation and Interpretation” $1,200
Instructional Funding - Internal:
- 1993
- Instructional Resources Program. "Acquisition of Video Microscopy Equipment for Botany Courses." $8,500 (with G. E. Uno)
- 1994
- Instructional Resources Program. "Facilities enhancements for General Botany laboratories" $13,000 (with G.E. Uno)