ISSN 1188-603X |
No. 206 November 2, 1998 | Victoria, B.C. |
Terry & Rosemary Taylor: "Plants of Greece." University of Victoria, Elliott 168, November 17, 1998, 7:30 p.m. Admission: $3.-
The International conference on Phragmites-dominated wetlands, their functions and sustainable use. Trebon, Czech Republic, April 18-23, 1999. Convener: Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
All aspects of the biology and ecology of Phragmites and Phragmites-dominated wetlands will be considered. The following topics will be given priority:
For details see the website or contact the Organizing Committee c/o Hana Cizkova, e-mail:
We need a few plant slides at the British Columbia Conservation Data Centre; these plants are rare in our province, but may be common in your area:
These slides would be used to illustrate a brochure on grassland species at risk in British Columbia, put out by the B.C. Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks. If you have any good slides of these species in your collection, please contact me at:
Thank you for your help.
The Michigan State University, East Lansing, seeks a full-time 2 year Collections Assistant for Lichens. The salary ($23,566 minimum, depending on experience) will be funded by a National Science Foundantion grant for physical and curatorial improvements to lichen collection. The MSU Herbarium houses one of the largest lichen collection in the world and has strong representation from Southern Hemisphere. During the two-year grant period the Collections Assistant will be responsible for processing our backlog of lichen species, overseeing a shift of the lichen specimens in the herbarium, assisting visiting scientists, coordinating our lichen exchange and loan programs, and assisting with curation of the lichen collection. The position requires a 4 year college degree in botany or a related field, basic computer literacy, and experience with lichen or plant identification. Strong preference will be given to any applicants with lichenological training, experience in a herbarium setting, and database management skills. We would ike to have the position filled by 1 January 1999, and applications are being accepted now. Priority will be given to applications received by 12 November 1998. Send applications and refer questions to: