ISSN 1188-603X

No. 141 August 20, 1996 Victoria, B.C.
Dr. A. Ceska, P.O.Box 8546, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 3S2


From: Kathy Ahlenslager (/S=K.AHLENSLAGER/

The dynamic duo of Herb and Florence Wagner, along with their botanist friend Art Gilman from Vermont, treated Colville National Forest botanists to a visit on their way from the University of Michigan to the American Institute of Biological Sciences meeting in Seattle. Both Wagners conduct research on ferns and fern-allies. The Wagners were interested in seeing some populations of our odd Botrychium species (moonworts or grape ferns).

On the Colville National Forest they visited 14 Botrychium locations in 4 days (July 28-31) and identified two new species of them for Washington (B. hesperium and B. lineare). In addition we saw several populations of an undescribed Botrychium species, which is also known from the Wallowas.

The Wagners were treated to the largest Botrychium paradoxum (7 inches tall) and the smallest sporulating B. virginianum (1 inch tall) that they'd ever seen. We also saw B. campestre, B. crenulatum, B. lanceolatum, B. minganense, B. montanum, B. multifidum B. pedunculosum, B. pinnatum and B. simplex. The Wagners commented that the western U.S. forms of Botrychium minganense and B. simplex differ from those in the east and both species need taxonomic work.

Herb, Florence and Art additionally identified ferns, clubmosses and horsetails. They found Equisetum nelsonii and E. pratense in Stevens County, neither of which are shown for Washington in the "Flora of North America."

Special thanks to Kirk and Karen Larson, Jean Wood and Linda Swartz for leading us to "their" Botrychium sites, so that we all could join in puzzling over this interesting genus.


From: Jan Leps (

We would like to invite you to participate in the 40th Annual Symposium of the IAVS (International Association of Vegetation Science) in 1997. The Symposium will be organized jointly by the Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of South Bohemia, and the Institute of Botany, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic. The Symposium will take place from 18 to 23 August 1997, in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic.

The Symposium will be centered around the following three topics:

  1. Vegetation mapping: scales in space and time and hierarchical vegetation classification
  2. Experimental tests of mechanistic hypotheses of community patterns
  3. Closely related species in plant communities: from genetic differences to different ecological roles

Pre-symposium excursion: There will be a four day pre-symposium excursion in the Czech Republic, featuring the main vegetation types in the country.

Post-symposium excursion: There will be a ten days post-symposium excursion to Bulgaria, organized by Tenyo Meshinev and Iva Apostolova. This is a not well known, but botanically fascinating area, and one of the few easily accessible places in the Balkans. To avoid lengthy travelling, we will go to Sofia by plane. The transport Praha-Sofia and back will be arranged by the organizers (it is likely that we will be able to get a substantial price reduction). The approximate cost of the excursion will be 450 USD (without the air fare).

Please, address all correspondence to:

IAVS Symposium
Institute of Botany
CZ-252 43, Pruhonice, Czech Republic
fax: +42 2 6775003

Current information on the Symposium (and the on-line registration form) can be found at the WWW homepage: or

Hope to see you at the Symposium. Zdena Neuhauslova, Frantisek Krahulec, Jan Leps, Tomas Herben, Petr Smilauer


From: Sharon Palmer ( [abbrev.]

Forest Sciences Department
Faculty of Forestry
University of British Columbia

Applications are being accepted for a tenure-track position at the Instructor level to teach in the Natural Resource Conservation undergraduate program, which will graduate 40-50 students per year. Responsibilities include teaching two courses, and in addition, carrying out management and coordination of an integrated course that addresses ecological and social issues in conservation.

Applicants must have at minimum, a Masters degree in an appropriate field with at least three years additional relevant experience. They must have field and data analysis skills and a demonstrated ability to teach in field and classrooms settings. Candidates with backgrounds in ecology, forestry, conservation biology, geography, or hydrology are encouraged to apply. A familiarity with conservation issues in British Columbia is beneficial.

Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications. The University of British Columbia welcomes all qualified applicants, especially women, aboriginal people, visible minorities and persons with disabilities. In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements this advertisement is directed to Canadian Citizens and permanent residents.

Please direct inquiries, and applications consisting a CV, the names and addresses of three references, prior to October 31, 1996 to:

Dr. Scott Hinch, Search Committee Chair
Forest Sciences Department
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 1Z4
Tel: (604) 822-9377 Fax: (604) 822-9102

Submissions, subscriptions, etc.: BEN is archived on gopher The URL is: gopher:// Also archived at