Allelopathy/ Phytotoxins Clear The Way: Displacement of Native Plants by Centaurea is Aided by Phytotoxic (-)-catechin Release - No. 314 September 23, 2003
Alpha-amanitin Producing Galerina Species From British Columbia - No. 538 May 24, 2019
Antennaria/ The Systematics of Antennaria in Western Canada Revisited: Recognition of two Neglected Agamospecies Clarifies the Taxonomy of a Notoriously Challenging Agamic Complex - No. 495 August 19, 2015
April Fool/ Ecological Thinking of The Two Czech Leaders: King Charles iv (1316-1378) Vs. President Vaclav Klaus (born 1941) - No. CCCVII April 1, 2003
April Fool/ Effects of Recreational Rock Climbing and Environmental Variation on a Sandstone Cliff-Face Lichen Community - No. CDLI April 1, 2012
April Fool/ How Many Annotations Can Your Computer Herbarium Database Handle? - No. DXVI April 1, 2017
April Fool/ How to Hire an Environmental Consultant Who Would Get Your Environmental Disaster Through the Environmental Assessment Process Without a GlitchNo. CCCLXXVI April 1, 2007
April Fool/ In the Northwest: a Clearcut by Any Other Name is Still a Clearcut - No. CCCXXV April 1, 2004
April Fool/ It is Illegal to Pick Mushrooms in Oregon: Self- Sustaining Bureaucracy - Fines for Breaking This Nonsense Law Will Pay For Its Implementation, People of the State of Oregon Say - No. CDLXVI April 1, 2013
Biography/ Nancy J. Turner and John N. Owens (both from the University of Victoria) Honoured at the Botany 2002 Meeting in Madison, WI, and our BEN Webmaster Became President of the Botanical Society of America - No. 294 August 28, 2002
Biography/ Michel Sarrazin (1659 - 1734): a Botanist at Heart, This Physician's 18th-Century Plant Observations Are Still Used Today - No. 383 November 14, 2007
Biography/ Lucia Summers - The Pacific Northwest's First Resident Botanist? - No. 395 June 5, 2008
Book Announcement: Bryophytes and Seedless Vascular Plants (Engler's Syllabus Pt. 3) - No. 412 August 21, 2009
Book Announcement/ Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Saskatchewan and the Provincially and Nationally Rare Native Plants in Saskatchewan - No. 322 January 29, 2004
Book Review: Ascomycete Fungi of North America. A Mushroom Reference Guide: Review of Beug, M.W., Bessette, A.E. & Bessette, A.R. 2014. - No. 496 September 2, 2015
Book Review: the Latest, Greatest, Must-have Guide an Indispensable Edition, Particularly for Travel Across Ecological Zones in the Pacific Northwest - No. 364 July 19, 2006
Botany 2002/ Nancy J. Turner and John N. Owens (both from the University of Victoria) Honoured at the Botany 2002 Meeting in Madison, WI, and our BEN Webmaster Became President of the Botanical Society of America - No. 294 August 28, 2002
Botany BC 1996 - July 18 - 20 - Special Habitats Field Tour - No. 136 May 23, 1996
British Columbia/ The New Canadian Federal Species at Risk Act (SARA) and British Columbia Plants - No. 302 February 14, 2003
British Columbia/ New Introduction to British Columbia: Ranunculus parviflorus - No. 292 June 28, 2002
British Columbia/ New Publication: Brooks Peninsula: An Ice-Age Refugium - No. 182 January 29, 1998
British Columbia/ Six New Introduced Species in British Columbia - No. 163 April 19, 1997
British Columbia/ A New Record of Zizania L. (Wild Rice) for British Columbia - No. 363 June 17, 2006
British Columbia/ New Records Of Lichens From The Queen Charlotte Islands - No. 122 December 16, 1995
British Columbia/ New Records Of Vascular Plants For British Columbia - No. 123 January 6, 1996
British Columbia/ New Special Feature Protected Areas On Vancouver Island - No. 127 February 17, 1996
British Columbia/ New Species for British Columbia: Clarkia viminea (Onagraceae) - No. 171 July 30, 1997
British Columbia/ Notes on the Geographic Distribution and Taxonomy of Lupinus sulphureus Ssp. kincaidii (Fabaceae): Watch for it in Your Neighborhood ... - No. 243 March 14, 2000
British Columbia/ Noteworthy Collections From British Columbia in 2004 - No. 344 March 14, 2005
British Columbia/ Noteworthy Vascular Plants from the Cascade Lee, British Columbia - No. 401 November 26, 2008
British Colombia/ Only in British Columbia: There is More Old-growth Forest Now Than 100 Years Ago - No. 299 December 13, 2002
British Columbia/ Pterospora andromedea: Morphological and Molecular Assessment of Mycorrhizae From Plants Growing in a Coniferous Forest Ecosystem in Central British Columbia - No. 259 October 24, 2000
British Columbia/ Biological Control of Purple Loosestrife in Vancouver, B.C. - No. 233 October 2, 1999
British Columbia/ School For Field Studies Centre In Barkley And Clayoquot Sounds, British Columbia - No. 116 October 19, 1995
Bromus/ Taxonomy of Bromus Sections Bromus, Bromopsis and Genea (Poaceae) in British Columbia: a Summary, a Key, New Records, Specimen Citations, and Miscellaneous Notes - No. 415 October 6, 2009
CD-ROM: Map of The Natural Vegetation of Europe [re: Ben 326] - No. 332 July 23, 2004
Cemetery Erections: Phallus impudicus l. In the Old Reykjavik Cemetery - No. 477 June 10, 2014
Centaurea/ Phytotoxins Clear The Way: Displacement of Native Plants by Centaurea is Aided by Phytotoxic (-)-catechin Release - No. 314 September 23, 2003
Chamaecyparis nootkatensis is Now Callitropsis nootkatensis: Yellow Cedar by Any Other Name Would Still Smell as Yellow Cedar - No. 340 January 6, 2005
Chaemerion (Epilobium) angustifolium/ Fireweed (Chaemerion (Epilobium) angustifolium) with White-edged Flowers - Duplicates Available - and a Story No. 469 June 27, 2013
Chamaecyparis/ New Name for Yellow Cedar: Chamaecyparis Becomes Xanthocyparis - No. 296 October 8, 2002
Coast Mountain Field Institute: a New Organization Offering Field-based Educational Opportunities in British Columbia, Introducing the - No. 332 July 23, 2004
Coast Mountain Field Institute Launches Season 2 with 18 Field Courses in Southwestern BC - No. 348 April 26, 2005
Cody, William J. (Bill)/ Honorary Doctorate for Willam J. (Bill) Cody - No. 380 June 28, 2007
Egeria najas at the Canadian Border and its Separation from the Related Aquatic Weeds Egeria densa and Hydrilla verticillata (Hydrocharitaceae) - No. 278 December 8, 2001Eleocharis in British Columbia: Species Descriptions, Key, and E. nitida Newly Reported for B.C. No. 375 March 21, 2007
Eleocharis/ Separation of Eleocharis obtusa and Eleocharis ovata - No. 131 March 24, 1996
Elodea bifoliata (Hydrocharitaceae) Excluded from the Flora of British Columbia and Manitoba - With Notes on Its Classification and Conservation Status - No. 336 November 10, 2004
Elymus/ Taxonomic Revision of Elymus alaskanus and Elymus violaceus (Poaceae) in British Columbia - No. 442 September 19, 2011
Garry Oak/Seedling Ecology of Garry Oaks [Quercus garryana] in British Columbia And Dispersal of Garry Oak Acorns by Steller's Jays - No. 298 November 18, 2002
Garry Oak/Site and Tree Factors in Oregon White Oak [Quercus garryana] Acorn Production in Western Washington and Oregon - No. 298 November 18, 2002
Garry Oak/What's in a Name: an Opinion on the Importance of the Common Name "Oregon White Oak" for Quercus garryana, or Who Was Garry, Anyway? - No. 298 November 18, 2002
Genetic Structure of Camas (Camassia quamash) in Western North America: Postglacial Colonization and Transport by Indigenous Peoples - No. 413 September 10, 2009
Henderson's Checkermallow (Sidalcea hendersonii): Part 1. Facing Extinction in Oregon? - No. 303 February 26, 2003
Henderson's Checkermallow (Sidalcea hendersonii): Post Scriptum - No. 308 April 16, 2003
Heracleum mantegazzianum (Giant Hogweed): a Nasty Invasive Plant Species in British Columbia - No. 314 September 23, 2003
Heracleum mantegazzianum/ Experiences from Management of Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) in Denmark and Results from a Pilot Study on Nonchemical Control Methods: Abstract - No. 316 November 23, 2003
Heracleum mantegazzianum/ Waipuna and Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) - No. 316 November 23, 2003
Heracleum mantegazzianum/ Use of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum as a Mycoherbicide to Control the Spread of Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) in the Netherlands and Denmark - No. 318 December 15, 2003
Hydrilla/ Egeria najas at the Canadian Border and its Separation from the Related Aquatic Weeds Egeria densa and Hydrilla verticillata (Hydrocharitaceae) - No. 278 December 8, 2001
Hydrothyria venosa/ Looking for the Distribution of Hydrothyria venosa - No. 435 May 4, 2011
Hypericum/ The Genus Hypericum - St. John's Wort - in British Columbia - No. 166 June 1, 1997 I
Iceman/ Life, Death and Origins of Ancient Icemen: Palaeoforensic Botany - No. 281 January 31, 2002
Identification and Distribution of The Small White Water-lilies, Nymphaea tetragona and N. leibergii, in Northwest Territories - No. 348 April 26, 2005
Identification of Fescues and Allies (Poaceae) in the Pacific States and British Columbia - No. 411 August 5, 2009
In the Northwest: TGIF -- It Must be Time for Bush Policy Changes: How the White House Uses Stealth Tactics (on Fridays) in U.S. - No. 319 December 23, 2003
International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (St. Louis Code), The Book You Will Love to Hate: - No. 251 June 10, 2000
International Code of Botanical Nomenclature/ Important Decisions of the Nomenclature Section of the XVIII International Botanical Congress, Melbourne, 18-22 July 2011 - No. 441 August 8, 2011
Invasive plants/ New "Top of the List" Invasive Plants of Natural Habitats in Canada - No. 345 March 24, 2005
Invasive plants/ The Bradley Method of Eliminating Exotic Plants from Natural Reserves - No. 312 August 4, 2003
Invasive plants/ Community Dependent Invasion and Removal of English Cordgrass, Spartina anglica (Poaceae), in Puget Sound, Washington - No. 312 August 4, 2003
Invasive plants/ Everlasting Thorn (Pyracantha coccinea), Another Woody Invasive for Ontario? - No. 425 April 14, 2010
Invasive plants/ Hemerophyta - A Special Case of Invasive Organisms - No. 333 July 30, 2004
Invasive plants/ Japanese Honeysuckle, an Addition to the Prioritized List of the Invasive Alien Plants of Natural Habitats in Canada - No. 357 February 16, 2006
Invasive plants/ A New Lease on Life for the Rare Marsh Plant: Phragmites australis Subsp. americanus: A Note of Caution When Attempting to Control Invasive Species - No. 475 March 12, 2014
Isoetes minima/ Taxonomic Status and Evolutionary Relationship of Isoetes minima A. A. Eaton (Isoetaceae) Based on Nuclear Ribosomal DNA Internal Transcribed Spacer Sequences - No. 304 March 6, 2003 J
Japan/ A Phytosociological Study of Alpine Vegetation of Japan, Kurils and Amchatka - No. 332 July 23, 2004
Japanese Honeysuckle, an Addition to the Prioritized List of the Invasive Alien Plants of Natural Habitats in Canada - No. 357 February 16, 2006
Prof. Jan Jeník – a Tribute to a Remarkable Plant Ecologist of the Czech Republic on the Occasion of his Joining the Ranks of Nonagenarians No. 531 January 29, 2019
Krajina/ In his own Voice: Recordings of a Series of Lectures by Dr. Vladimir J. Krajina on the Biogeoclimatic Zones of British Columbia - No. 527 May 23, 2018
Lasthenia californica/ The Common Goldfields (Lasthenia californica of California: A species complex for the study of adaptive differentiation and parallel speciation - No. 313 September 5, 2003
Lasthenia glaberrima/ Smooth Goldfields, Lasthenia glaberrima: a New Plant For Canada - No. 313 September 5, 2003
Lomatium roneorum (Apiaceae) - A New Species From Washington State - No. 537 May 16, 2019
Long-term Survey and Inventory of Macrofungi on Observatory Hill, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (November 2004-March 2009) - No. 409 June 17, 2009
Lupinus/ Notes on the Geographic Distribution and Taxonomy of Lupinus sulphureus Ssp. kincaidii (Fabaceae): Watch for it in Your Neighborhood ... - No. 243 March 14, 2000
A Lust for Crust: Succession and Microbiotic Crusts in British Columbia - No. 251 June 10, 2000
Luzula/ Call For Help: Luzula multiflora Group in the Pacific Northwest - No. 248 April 11, 2000