Undergraduate Biology Degree Requirements
To obtain a major in Biology, students must complete 36 hours of major coursework, with 16 of these hours to be major electives. Two upper division laboratory courses must be completed and may not include independent study, honors reading or honors research. A grade of C or better must be earned in each course.
The following courses may not be counted as major work in Biology: Biology 1114, 1121, 1203, 2124, 2234, 2255 and BIOL 1003, 1005.
Majors in Biology must take the following BIOL courses: 1124 Introductory Biology: Molecules, Cells, and Physiology, 1134 Introductory Biology: Evolution, Ecology and Diversity, 2013 Evolution, 3333 Genetics, and 4983 Senior Capstone.
At least one course must be takenfrom: Psychology 2113 Research Methods I: Statistics or Biology 2913 Introduction to Quantitative Biology or Biology 4913 Quantitative Biology.
Major Electives - (16 hours) must include two upper division laboratory courses. (The laboratory courses may not include independent study, honors reading or honors research.) Up to 6 elective hours in a biological science outside of biology can count toward major hours. Check with the Biology Advising Office for approved biology courses outside of biology that will count toward major credit.
Optional Career Advisory Tracks (PDF) can be followed to fulfill major electives. These tracks have been developed to help organize course selection for students with specific interests.
At least one field course and participation in the summer program of the Biological Station, Lake Texoma, are strongly recommended.
The following courses in related sciences are also required for all biology majors:
- Chemistry 1315 and 1415
- Chemistry 3053and 3152, 3153 or 3653
- History of Science 3013, 3023, 3243, 3313, 3333, 3223, 3413, 3423, 3443, 3473, 3813, 3823, 3833, 3990 Charles Darwin and Evolution in the Galapagos [Summer Study Abroad], HON 3993 “So what exactly is science, anyway?”, HON 3993 Historical and Ethical Issues in American Medicine”, HON 3993 “Lives in Science”
- Mathematics 1743 or 1823
- Physics 2414 and 2424 (or Physics 2514 and 2524)
- A computer science course is strongly recommended.
See detailed information here.
A minor requires a minimum grade of C in 20 hours of courses, including Biology 1114, 1121, nine upper-division hours, and at least two laboratory courses beyond 1121.
Minors may substitute Human Anatomy (2255 or 2234) for Comparative Anatomy (2204) or Human Physiology (2124) for Principles of Physiology (3103). BIOL 2124, however, will not count toward upper-division credit
See detailed information here