Visiting Scholars Program
The Carl Albert Center accepts applications on a rolling basis for its Visiting Scholars Research Grant Program. The grant provides funding for on-site research in the Congressional Collections to support the creation of monographs, journal articles, books, theses, and dissertations. Primary emphasis is placed on research proposals centered on the U.S. Congress and its members, but given the wide-ranging subject matter of the archival holdings at the Center, other topics will be considered.
Eligibility and Requirements
All serious scholars are eligible for this program. Scholars of history and political science pursuing postdoctoral research are especially encouraged to apply.
Grants range up to $1000. Funding is intended to defray travel costs incurred during a personal visit to the archives, which generally include travel, lodging, and photocopies. Funds may not be used to employ proxy researchers.
In return for accepting support, each grantee is required to include appropriate acknowledgment in any work produced with the assistance of this program and to provide to the Center a copy of each resulting published work.
Researchers are limited to one funded proposal every three years and priority is given to those not previously funded.
Required documents for application to the Visiting Scholars Program include:
1. C.V.
2. Project proposal with detailed list of archival materials chosen for research.
3. Budget proposal.
4. Student (non-faculty) researchers should provide one letter of reference.