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Fire Marshal

The OU Fire Marshal's Office operates under the University of Oklahoma Campus Safety Department. Our mission is to provide a fire safe environment for faculty, staff, students and visitors on the campus of the University of Oklahoma.

The University Fire Marshal's Office is responsible for inspections, fire safety education, plan reviews & code interpretation, fire investigations, permits and other policies for the Norman Campus and University owned property outside the campus.

  • FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY INSPECTIONS-Both new and existing facilities are inspected in accordance with governing codes and standards in order to eliminate hazards and ensure that fixed suppression systems, portable fire extinguishers, detection systems , exit systems and other systems and materials are installed correctly and maintained properly. Any observed fire hazards can be reported to the University Fire Marshal’s Office to investigate. The University Fire Marshal’s Office also conducts other types of inspections such as float inspections, hot work, restricted open flame usage, Greek housing and other specialized inspections as needed.
  • FIRE SAFETY EDUCATION- Fire extinguisher training classes, along with fire evacuation planning and drills, and general fire safety hazard recognition and fire prevention training are some of the services offered by the University Fire Marshal’s Office.
  • PLAN REVIEW & CODE INTERPRETATION- The University Fire Marshal’s Office is responsible for ensuring that applicable fire and life safety codes and standards are addressed in all campus projects involving both new construction and remodels. This includes review of plan submittals and the issuance of permits for building construction, suppression systems and detection systems.
  • FIRE INVESTIGATIONS- Any fire in progress, observed smoke, burning or noxious odors should be immediately reported to the University Emergency Number (911). All fire incidents should be reported to the University Fire Marshal’s Office (405-325-2983) for investigation.
  • DECORATIONS AND FLOATS - The University Fire Marshal has developed an informational brochure dealing with decorations and another brochure about floats. A memorandum concerning holiday decorations is usually circulated shortly after the Thanksgiving holiday. Copies of these brochures can be accessed below. Additional information should be requested from the Fire Marshal's office at
The University of Oklahoma, Fire Marshall's Office, ets. 1890 logo.

Code Compliance

The Department of Campus Safety sign with fire hose located in the Department of Campus Safety office.

Commitment to building safety is the highest priority.

The Code Compliance Division consists of Building, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Inspectors who work together with the Fire Marshal's Office in a concerted effort to make our campus facilities safe.

This is achieved through plan review, permitting, inspections, and education.

Code Compliance Inspectors ensure construction, new installations, remodels, and alterations meet national building codes, as well as national standards and university specifications.  Code Compliance Inspectors witness the testing of equipment, conduct structural inspections, inspect plumbing, mechanical, electrical, and other systems to ensure they are code compliant.

Clery Act

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) is federal law that requires colleges and universities across the United States to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. 

The Clery Act is named in memory Lehigh University freshman Jeanne Ann Clery, who on April 5, 1986, was sexually assaulted and murdered in her dorm room while asleep. Jeanne's parents, Connie and Howard, discovered that students hadn't been told about 38 violent crimes on their daughter's campus in the three years before her murder. They joined with other campus crime victims and persuaded Congress to enact this law, which was originally known as the "Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990."

All public and private institutions of higher education that particpate in federal student financial aid programs must adhere to compliance regulations and annually disclose campus crime statistics. It is enforced by the U.S. Department of Education.

Emergency Management

Emergency Prepardness

Family Communication Plan

  • Identify a contact, such as a friend or relative, who lives out-of-state for household members to notify they are safe.
  • Be sure every member of your family knows the phone number and has a cell phone, coins, or a prepaid phone card to call the emergency contact.
  • Teach family members how to use text messaging. Text messages can often get around network disruptions when a phone call might not be able to get through.

Emergency Supply List


It is important to have a grab-and-go bag ready for each member of the family in case you have to evacuate your home quickly.  For more information about how to pack a grab-and-go bad, click the link below.

Disasters and Emergencies

Emergency Evacuation

Arrangements can be made to reasonably assure that assistance with evacuation is provided to anyone who is known to require it; contact the faculty or staff member in charge of the facility or area.

When no prior arrangements are made, assistance may not be available at the time an emergency occurs.

Persons with disabilities may not be readily identifiable to others. Anyone with a disability not readily apparent should inform the person in charge of a facility that assistance with evacuation may be required to ensure it is available in the event of an emergency.

When assistance arrangements are made, there is no requirement to make them public.

Arrangements for assistance are usually best accomplished through establishing a personal relationship between the individual requiring assistance and one or more of his/her peers in the form of a "buddy" plan.

Redundant arrangements should be made to ensure the needed assistance is provided even when the primary provider is absent when an emergency occurs. Volunteers can usually be readily arranged.

Assistance with making arrangements should be sought from the faculty or staff member responsible for the activity or area.

The emergency evacuation alarm systems in most University facilities include visual and audible signalling devices which alert hearing impaired persons to alarm conditions.

In residential facilities, signalling components may be added or modified within individual units to accommodate a resident with a disability.

Elevators cannot safely be used for emergency egress, and are typically programmed to cease operating when a fire alarm is activated.

A wheelchair can constitute an unacceptable impedance to the ability of others using the stairway to evacuate, and may therefore have to be abandoned.

There are specific techniques to enable two persons to safely carry a third while descending stairs, but these must be learned and practiced prior to an actual emergency and are therefore impractical for occupants of a transient nature such as students.

Areas of safe refuge have been identified within many Norman Campus facilities (typically inside the protected emergency egress stairways) which wheelchair users can reach on their own, and where they can safely await assistance from public safety personnel in a position which does not impede or prevent emergency egress by other occupants.

Public safety personnel should be made aware of anyone needing assistance by other occupants who have evacuated. On campus, the stairway landing in most buildings is large enough to accommodate at least one wheelchair occupant and still be viable as a means of emergency egress for others.

While not all stairways fully qualify as "areas of safe refuge" as defined by code, they are usually substantially safer than any other area of the building and much preferable to remaining in an area where exposure to heat, smoke, and products of combustion are a hazard.

Pre-identifying and trying out an "area of safe refuge" is an acceptable alternative to assisted evacuation.

Emergencies should be reported as soon as possible by dialling 911 (TDD:325-1911)

For other questions regarding fire safety issues on the OU Norman Campus, contact the University Fire Marshal at Campus Safety e-mail at

Questions pertaining to campus emergency procedures should be referred to the OU Police Department, (405)-325-2864, or by e-mail to Operations at OUPD OPERATIONS.

Questions on ADA compliance and/or accommodations for physically disabled persons should be referred to:


Severe Weather Prepardeness


The best way to assess heat risk is to use the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Map from the Oklahoma Mesonet.  WBGT uses heat, humidity, sunshine and wind to determine risk. To better understand what the WBGT categories mean and how to implement appropriate hydration and work-rest schedules, refer to this guide (PDF).


Summers in Oklahoma can be very hot and humid. Know what to do if you experience heat stress or heat illness and the signs to look for. Below are some helpful fact sheets and links to sites where you can get more information.

The combination of temperatures well below freezing and strong winds can be dangerous if you are outdoors for significant periods of time, and if you are not wearing appropriate warm clothing.

The National Weather Service uses "wind chill" as the most accurate way of calculating these dangers during extreme cold weather. A combination of the latest weather knowledge, medical knowledge, computer modeling, and clinical trials have informed the guidance on wind chill and safety.


During the Winter Months!
Have a Plan - Make a Kit - Stay Informed

For most individuals, wind chills of -18F or colder, combined with skin exposure of greater than 30 minutes can lead to frostbite. If wind chills drop to -30F, then frostbite can occur in 10 minutes. (See Wind Chill Chart for Critical Values)

For the OU Norman Campus, weather monitoring commences when the wind chill factor is expected to go below freezing (32F). Expected wind chill factors below zero (0F) means a heightened awareness of weather conditions, and campus safety officials monitor the weather on a minute-to-minute basis.  

Always dress appropriately for the weather. In extreme cold, wear a hat or a coat with a hood because half of your body heat can be lost from your head. Use your hood, earmuffs or cover your ears with a scarf or the collar of your coat. Wear tight-fitting mittens and socks as your fingers and toes are the next most vulnerable parts of your body. Wear several layers of loose-fitting, lightweight, warm clothing. Trapped air between the layers will insulate you. Stay dry! If your clothing is wet, your body is likely to lose heat more quickly. When wind chills are below zero, limit your outdoor exposure by spending as much time as possible indoors.

We are always available to address your specific concerns when bitterly cold air arrives. You may email us your questions at  


"When thunder roars, go indoors!"


Postpone activities promptly if you hear thunder and go to a safe shelter immediately. Get out of the water and don’t stand in puddles of water, even if you are wearing rubber boots.

Sturdy buildings are the safest place to be. Avoid sheds, picnic shelters, baseball dugouts, and bleachers. If no sturdy building is nearby get in a hardtop vehicle with windows closed. The steel frame of the vehicle provides some protection if you are not touching metal.

If you can’t get to a shelter, avoid trees. Crouch in the open, keeping twice as far away from a tree as it is tall.

Coaches and leaders should monitor the weather during practice sessions or games.

Avoid metal! Drop metal backpacks, stay away from clotheslines, fences, exposed sheds, and electrically conductive elevated objects. Don’t hold on to metal items such as golf clubs, fishing rods, tennis rackets or tools.

Stay several yards away from other people. Don’t share a bleacher bench or huddle in a group.


Call 911 immediately. Get medical attention as quickly as possible.

Give first aid. If the victim has stopped breathing, begin rescue breathing. If the heart has stopped beating, a trained person should give CPR. Use an AED if available. If the person has a pulse and is breathing, address any other injuries.

People struck by lightning carry no electrical charge that can shock other people. You can attend to them without risk of shock.

Earthquakes have been on the rise in recent years in Oklahoma. In 2014 Oklahoma officially became the most seismically active state in the lower 48, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, with 567 temblors magnitude 3.0 or greater. Below are some helpful fact sheets and links to sites where you can get more information about earthquakes.


The City of Norman maintains a citywide civil defense warning siren that will be sounded in the event of a tornado warning. If severe weather is imminent and
you are outdoors, move indoors as quickly as possible.

Consider obtaining an emergency kit and weather radio for your department.

Shut off any equipment that might be affected by a temporary loss of electricity.

Close hallway doors as you leave to shield the corridors from flying debris.

Move to any of the best available refuge areas in the building. Become familiar with the location of the best available refuge area in your building before a storm occurs. 

When you are off-campus or in buildings without designated shelters, move to a small room on lower levels, an interior hallway, or a basement. GET IN, GET DOWN AND COVER UP!

Avoid upper floors, large glassed areas, auditoriums, and windows.

Stay out of parking garages, auditoriums, and exterior walkways. Stay away from electrical appliances.

Use the telephone for emergency calls ONLY.


Call 911 to report any damage.

There WILL NOT be an all-clear signal from the siren system in Norman.

Campus Weather

Norman weather data courtesy of the Oklahoma Mesonet, a 30-year partnership between OU and OSU.

Want real-time, 5-minute updates of current weather conditions from the Oklahoma Mesonet on your phone? Download the Oklahoma Mesonet smartphone apps by clicking on the appropriate link.

iPhone  Android

Oklahoma Radar

Courtesy of the NOAA National Weather Service WSR-88D radar network and the Oklahoma Mesonet

Severe Weather Refuge For Students/Staff/Faculty During Class/Business Hours

Adams Hall or
Price Hall
1003 Asp Ave.Room E4: Main corridor first floor of Adams;
Room 1C: Office storage; Room 1Q: Copy/storage room;
Room E5: Corridor in Adams, first floor
Andrew M.
Coats Hall
300 West Timberdell Rd.First floor, below gradeJim
Animal Holding
730 Van Vleet OvalGeorge Lynn Cross Hall BasementMike
Anne and Henry
Zarrow Hall
700 Elm Ave.Kitchen room 140; First floor bathrooms,
hallway in front of family restroom; First floor
hallway if everyone is on the floor in front of
classrooms 115, 120 and 105/110; Either one of the
stairwells if on the first floor
Armory290 W. Brooks St.First floor gym within the midshipman roomNesha
Bizzell Memorial
401 W. Brooks St.Lower levels one and two in designated areasLarry
Boomer Outreach
300 Kellogg Dr.OCCE Forum Basement; OCCE Administration BasementTom
Buchanan Hall1000 Asp Ave.First-floor bathrooms; Admissions office room 131;
Admissions office closet in front office area;
Bursar office break room
Burton Hall610 Elm Ave.First Floor Hallway; One of the interior offices
on the first floor with no windows
Carnegie Building650 Parrington OvalBasement level of the building in areas with no
outside doors or windows, for example, area at
bottom of stairs outside room 112, Men's and
women's restrooms; Hallways outside restrooms;
Interior offices and hallways, keeping all doors and windows closed
Carpenter Hall840 Asp Ave.Center Hallway on ground floorJessica
Carson Engineering
202 W. Boyd St.Subbasement and tunnelKristi
Cate Center
Dining Hall
 Closed for remodelTBDTBD
Cate Center 1 Move to Honors via covered walkway, and seek
refuge in east side first floor restrooms
Cate Center 2 First floor men's and women's restrooms and west wing first floor hallway with all doors closed.
Cate Center 332 Cate Center Dr.Second and third floor hallways for the two center
houses in each building with all doors closed
Cate Center 4 East side corridor first floor from OUPD to double doors.
West side first floor corridor between two overhead exit sides.
Ceramics Studio
and Kiln Facility
401 E. Congress St.Room 114; The kiln room; The NE corner of the
building with all the doors and windows closes
Collums Building201 E. Lindsey St.Room 132 for Biology staff and students;
Room 130 for Health Exercise Science staff and students;
Printing break room and adjoining hallway for Printing,
Mailing and Document Services staff
Copeland Hall860 Van Vleet OvalRestrooms located on the first floor of Copeland Hall;
Hallway outside the restrooms on the first floor;
Oklahoma Daily Break Room 170; Oklahoma Daily
Conference Room 173; Sooner Yearbook office Room 174
Collings Hall820 Van Vleet OvalBasement, if basement utilized to capacity move
overflow to first floor hallway with all doors closed
Couch Restaurants309 W. Third St.Central hallway between walk-in coolers and freezers  
Couch Center
1524 Asp Ave.Students, faculty, staff into hardened storm shelter;
Basement thru 6th floor elevator lobbies except first floors;
Basement laundry;
Basement restrooms and hallway;
Hallways of floors 1-6 (with all hallway doors closed);
Restrooms of floors 1-6 (with doors closed)
Cross Village1691 Asp Ave.Cross A: Black Box Theater (east wing, faces east)
Cross B: DIY Space (west wing, faces west)
Cross C: Cycle Studio (South east wing, faces east)
Cross D: Rehearsal Nook (south wing)
Dunham College250 W. Lindsey St.Storm Shelter in the basement of Dunham Hall  
Headington College200 W. Lindsey St.Storm Shelter in the basement of Headington  
Headington Hall100 E. Lindsey St.Stairwells 3, 4, and 5Kyle
Kraettli Apartments212-A Wadsack Dr.Storm Shelter at KraettliMason
Traditions Square
2500 Asp Ave.Storm Shelter at Traditions EastMason
Traditions Square
2730 S. Chautauqua Ave.Storm Shelter at Traditions WestAdisha
Walker Center1400 Asp Ave.Storm Shelter (on site); Basement thru 6th floor elevator;
Lobbies except first floors; Basement laundry;
Basement restrooms and hallway;
Hallways of floors 1-(with all hallway doors closed);
Restrooms of floors 1-5 (with doors closed)
Dale Hall433 W. Lindsey St.BasementJanie
Dale Hall Tower455 W. Lindsey St.First floor hallways outside Rooms 105 and 107
(with all doors closed); Stairwell on first floor
Devon Energy
110 W. Boyd St.Basement and adjoining tunnelsRodney
Ellison Hall633 Elm AveInterior hallway in advising on the first floorSteven
200 Felgar St.First floor in the interior offices, classrooms;
Restrooms and hallways with all doors on the
exterior side of the building closed
Evans Hall660 Parrington OvalBasementToni
Rawl Engineering
Practice Facility
850 S. Jenkins Building 34In the tunnelJimmy
160 Felgar St.Ground floor restrooms, or lower level of Sarkeys Energy CenterAllison
Felgar Hall865 Asp AveHallways of first floor with all doors closed  
Sarkeys Fitness Center1401 Asp AveBasement, particularly the locker rooms and associated hallwaysMalinda
Murray Case Sells
Swim Complex
1701 Asp AveLifeguard room, men's and women's restroomsStephanie
Gaylord Hall395 W. Lindsey St.Stairwells on first floor;
Rooms 1113, 1115, 1033, 1031, 1050, 1605, 1565, 1561, 145A
George Lynn
Cross Hall
770 Van Vleet OvalBasementMike
Goddard Health
620 Elm Ave.Basement, Seminar Room, and HallwayRoy
Gould Hall830 Van Vleet OvalGarden level ground floor of
Gould Hall: A, C, and D wings, away from windows 
Greenhouse Facility770 Van Vleet OvalGeorge Lynn Cross Hall BasementN/AN/A
Cultural Center
1335 Asp Ave.Men's and women's restrooms on the first floorSteve
Cate 5, Honors College,
David L. Boren Hall
1300 Asp Ave.The S1 basement of David L. Boren Hall (CCD5).
The S1 basement is located in the student resident
entrance in the foyer of David L. Boren Hall (CCD5)
Tanya Miller
Cate 1, Honors College
and OU Scholars
east wing only
1300 Asp Ave.Move to Honors via covered walk way.
Seek refuge in East side first floor restrooms.
Farzaneh Hall
(Formally known
as Hester Hall)
729 Elm Ave.Stairway C; Room 145, Room 149, Room 144A, Room 138,
Room 135, Room 108; Family Restroom on first floor;
Hallway outside restrooms on first floor
Jacobson Faculty
550 Parrington OvalBasementCrystal
Kaufman Hall780 Van Vleet OvalFirst floor interior hall on the east side of
building with all doors closed
Landscape and
Grounds Building
1341 Asp Ave.1341 Asp Ave employees should immediately
seek shelter at the Huston Huffman Center
in the east locker room in the basement
Monnet Hall630 Parrington OvalBasement rooms 2;
First floor: Small office in Carl Albert main office;
Small closet in Carl Albert main office;
Small kitchen in Carl Albert main office;
Copy Room in Carl Albert main office;
World Lit room 105B
Lin Hall440 W. Brooks St.Basement Area outside elevatorChad
Nielsen Hall440 W. Brooks St.Basement HallwaysChad
Nuclear Engineering
Laboratory (NEL)
905 Asp Ave.Room 109, 109c, 109F and interior hallways
with all doors closed-Risk Management;
Room 113- Open Records; Room 120-Telecomm;
Room 128-Telecomm
OCCE Administration
1700 Asp Ave.Basement level, away from center of the buildingMehl
OCCE McCarter Hall
of Advanced Studies
1610 Asp Ave.BasementJennifer
OCCE Sooner Suites1775 Maple Ave.Restrooms, interior hallways, and closets;
IF enough time move to Forum Basement
OCCE Thurman J.
White Forum Building
1704 Asp Ave.BasementJacob
Biological Survey
111 E. Chesapeake St.First floor hallway and restroomsJessie
900 Asp Ave.Occupants who are in the Crossroads area should
use the Crossroad Manager's office; Boomer Room;
Hallway to the Conoco Wing (outside the Boomer room);
The Crossroads office;
Crossroads Lounge;
If possible, the OU Federal Credit Union back office.
Protection should not be taken in areas with
exterior windows or doors;
Lowest level of the Annex and remain in the hallway
with all the doors closed
Old Chemistry
Building and Annex
620 Parrington OvalBasement hallway away from stairwells with all doors closed,
areas B4 and B5 on east side of building
Old Faculty
409 W. Boyd St.Lower level; The 1/2 basement level interior hall;
Interior hall restroom (under and east of the stairs
and in the center of the south end of the building)
Parkway South3200 Marshall Ave.First floor tenants use first floor restrooms;
Second floor tenants use room 127;
Overflow use bottom of the north stairwell;
Counseling Psychology use 140
Physical Sciences
601 Elm Ave.Floors 1 through 4: Interior corridors and lobbies
away from glass entrance areas;
All classrooms, laboratories, offices and toliet
rooms are also considered equally safe
Recruitment Services
(suites 130, 204, 205, 213)
756 Asp Ave.restrooms on first floorN/AN/A
Richards Hall730 Van Vleet OvalBasementKimberly
Robertson Hall731 Elm Ave.first floor center hallway with all doors
and windows closed
Sam Noble
1060 Asp Ave.Basement of George Lynn Cross HallPreston
S.J. Sarkeys
1401 Asp Ave.In the laboratory areas in the basement;
Through the door that joins our building
to the fitness center and then into the locker areas
Sarkeys Energy
100 E. Boyd St.First floor corridors without sky lights,
first floor classrooms
Jim Thorpe
1620 Asp Ave.BasementSteve
Lissa and Cy
Wagner Hall
1005 Asp Ave.Freshman Programs Suite, including workroom
(excluding the Director's office with the overhead window);
men's restroom
Wallace Old
Science Hall
640 Parrington OvalSouth central hallway on the first floorJessica
765 Asp Ave.Restrooms on the first floor of recruitment servicesTom
Whitehand Hall339 W. Boyd St.first floor hallway south of reception area with all doors closedLaura
Zarrow Hall700 Elm Ave.Kitchen room 140;
First floor bathrooms, hallway in front of family restroom;
First floor hallway if everyone is on the floor in front of
classrooms 115, 120 and 105/110;
Either one of the stairwells if on the first floor
Catlett Music
500 W. Boyd St.Men's Restroom Room 039; Women's Restroom Room 040;
Hallway west side of men's restroom between
rooms 029 and 036 away froom windows;
Hallway with lockers and stairway behind stairs;
Classrooms 0006, 007, 008, 009, 014, 015, 022;
Hallway near vending machines; Stairway 023;
Area behind Short Hall
Fine Arts Center563 Elm Ave.BasementJeff
Fred Jones Jr
Art Center
520 Parrington OvalBasementBrent
Fred Jones Jr.
Museum of Art
555 Elm Ave.BasementN/AN/A
Arts Center
560 Parrington OvalThe basement area between the hall side of the
building and the dance school area.
This area is just outside the elevator doors in
the basement. Do not go in the pit area of the
hall that is attached to the hallway.
L. Dale Mitchell
Baseball Park
401 West Imhoff RdHome and visitor locker rooms, coach's office,
training room, tunnel between dugout and clubhouses;
Fan accommodations will be determined game by
game and likely move to Lloyd Noble Center.
Lloyd Noble
2900 S. Jenkins Ave.Patrons  sitting in the upper levels of the arena
should go to the upper concourse, concourse
restrooms, and concession stands.
Patrons, players and staff sitting in LW2-LW6,
LN1-LN8, LE1-LE5 and the floor area should
proceed to the south ramp and lower
level dressing rooms
365 E. Lindsey St.Move to Mosier indoor locker rooms;
training rooms;
bathrooms, and "cross shaped" hallways with doors closed.
Gaylord Family
180 W. Brooks St.Will vary depending upon event taking placeN/AN/A
Charlie Coe Golf
Learning Center
4 Par Dr.Restrooms off lobby both men's and women'sN/AN/A
Sam Viersen
Gymnastics Center
325 W. Imhoff Rd.Men's and Women's locker rooms and laundry roomN/AN/A
Varsity Rowing
Practice Facility
500 GT Blankenship Blvd.Bathroom; Staff locker rooms and 2 team locker roomsN/AN/A
Al Velie Rugby
Football Complex
N/AMove to Wadley Tennis Pavillion next doorN/AN/A
John Crain
Soccer Field
2915 Chautauqua Ave.Move to Wadley Tennis Pavillion next doorN/AN/A
Marita Hynes
Softball Field
2500 S. Jenkins Ave.Relocate to Coats HallN/AN/A
Headington Family
Tennis Center and
Wadley Tennis Pavillion
500 W. Imhoff Rd.Interior guest, women's and men's locker rooms;
Interior OU team locker room;
2 interior bathrooms
Jacobs Track and
Field Facility
1060 Asp Ave.Move to Mosier indoor locker rooms;
training rooms;
bathrooms, and "cross shaped" hallways with doors closed.
Mosier Indoor
Athletic Facility
395 E. Lindsey St.Move to Mosier indoor locker rooms;
training rooms;
bathrooms, and "cross shaped" hallways with doors closed.
Howard McCasland
Field House
151 W. Brooks St.First floor locker rooms and restroom
and concessions with no windows
North Base
Facilities Management
1620 Westheimer Dr.Airport Terminal building restrooms and interior hallwayN/AN/A
Max Westheimer
Airport and
Terminal Building
1700 Lexington Ave. Ste 212Restrooms and interior hallway in terminalKim
NC210N/ANC201 subbasementKenneth
Merrick Computing
1424 Halley Ave.Men's restroom;
Rooms 151, 153, 170, 173, 174, 174A, 175, 179, 180
Theta M. Dempsey
Transportation Operation
Center/Fleet Services
510 E. Chesapeake St.Conference room 116Leon
Hazardous Materials
Management Center
519 Chesapeake St.Room 105; 100.
If Hazmat in those areas, move to OUPD next door.
Operators Shop
2729 S. MonitorLowest Approved area in Lloyd NobleN/AN/A
OUPD Joseph K.
Lester Building
2775 Monitor Ave.Computer server room 103  
National Weather
120 David L. Boren Blvd.Rooms 1313 and 1350Kyle
One Partners
350 David L. Boren Blvd.First floor hallway through/behind door 1500;
First floor restrooms;
Rooms 1070/1071/1072 (WNI employees);
Rooms 1524,1600,1650 (Atkins employees)
Two Partners
3100 Monitor Ave.first floor restrooms and room 189(CSA employees)Kiley
Three Partners
201 David. L Boren Blvd.Interior stairwell up to 2nd landing;
First floor restrooms/showers;
Second floor restrooms for overflow
Four Partners
301 David L. Bored Blvd.First and third floors go to first floor restrooms;
Second floor go to second floor restrooms;
Room 1000A (OU Title IX employees)
Ruth Ann
Five Partners
201 Stephenson ParkwayFirst floor restrooms, 1004, 1005, 1006;
First floor showers 1015 and 1016;
First floor Stairwell A up to 3rd landing.
Radar Innovations
3190 Monitor Ave.Fabrication Lab/Machine Shop:
Go to hallway between these two rooms;
Highbay: Go to men or women's locker rooms;
All others: Go to first floor men or women's restrooms
Stephenson Life
Sciences Research
101 Stephenson ParkwayLowest level of the stairwell in southeast
corner of the building.
Stephenson Research
and Technology Center
101 David L. Boren Blvd.First floor rooms 1150, 1150C,
Men's and Women's restrooms;
Room 1007

Weather Support Handbook

Central Oklahoma is home to the strongest tornadoes, largest hail, most frequent and dangerous lightning and damaging winds on the planet. Central Oklahoma also deals with the devastating impacts of crippling ice storms and extreme cold snaps, intense periods of deadly heat and drought and wildland fire danger occurring at the urban/rural interface. 

To deal with these recurring weather threats, the OU Department of Campus Safety has developed and implemented one of the most comprehensive campus weather safety programs in the nation. On-site professional weather monitoring and support are part of daily operations at OU, and every outdoor event has a proactive weather safety and contingency plan. OU has also invested millions of dollars in severe weather refuge areas to create a safer environment for campus residents against the winds sweeping down the Plain.

The OU Department of Campus Safety's state mandated mission is the maintenance of life safety systems, and to provide support for safe buildings, events and activities. The Department also engages in emergency planning for securing the safety, health and well-being of each of the OU's students, staff, faculty and visitors. Our weather safety efforts are a crucial component of the overall safety mission at OU.

The details of OU-Norman's comprehensive weather safety activities are provided in the report linked below. Should you have any questions, or require weather safety information for your college, department, unit, office or event, please contact the OU Department of Campus Safety at 405-325-5073.

The Great Eight For Your In-Home Tornado Refuge Area

  1. Tennis Shoes: Glass is the most vulnerable exterior material in your house. You don't want to be barefoot or in your socks if your windows break.
  2. Bicycle Helmet: Prevention of head injury is the most important action should your house be hit by a tornado.
  3. Bottled Water & Snacks: If you DO get stranded in your place of refuge, you will want plenty of water to get you through.
  4. Leash For Your Pet: Take your pets WITH you to your shelter and put them on a leash.
  5. Battery Operated Radio/Weather Radio: Buy one! It is worth it.  If your power goes out, you will want to be able to hear what is happening in your area.
  6. First Aid Kit: You should have one anyway!
  7. Flashlight (New Batteries): Power outages are the most likely impact with storms in your area.  You likely already have one! Put new batteries in it now!
  8. Phone Charger: A tornado watch should prompt you to put your phone on a charger.  Take a full-battery portable phone charger with you to your refuge area.

*If there is time, close all doors, especially the interior bathroom/closet/hallway doors.