OU Budget Office General Information
Operating Budget Timetable
July - April
Departments enter permanent revisions throughout the fiscal year to develop the subsequent-year base budget. Budget Office distributes updated versions of the subsequent-year budget to department heads and deans for review and update as needed.
January - May
Preliminary budget plans reviewed and refined by the President, University Vice Presidents, campus leaders, colleges, and departments.
Early May
Proposed budget distributed to departments and colleges for final review.
Last Friday in May
Legislature adjourns; final allocation to higher education is approved.
Early June
Budget allocation provided by State Regents to institutions. President approves final revenue and expenditure changes.
Mid June
Operating budget detail and summaries, possible salary recommendations, and capital budget mailed to the University Regents for review at the June Regents meeting. The Budget Office prepares separate schedules and the operating budget detail for the State Regents' Office.
Late June
Review and approval by OU Regents and Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.