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Additional Resources

Airport Information

  • What is a Master Plan?
    • An Airport Master Plan is a comprehensive study that is used to determine the development plans of an airport. The Airport Master Plan acts as guidance in planning future airport facilities over a 20-year period. It considers future aviation demand, available funding, environmental components, and airport needs that are associated with current demand as well as future growth.
  •  What is the Goal or Purpose of an Airport Master Plan?
    • The primary goal of an Airport Master Plan is to provide guidance for future airport development. Additionally, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires airports to maintain a current Master Plan and Airport Layout Plan (ALP) to remain eligible for federal and state grant funds. Master Plans establish guidelines and timelines for development, so projects are completed in-line with demand forecasts. While Master Plans can be complex documents, they are important tools that ensure fiscal responsibility, identify and address industry uncertainties, and help balance airport improvements with local concerns.
  • What Information Does the Plan Include?
    • Airport Master Plan components are established by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The Max Westheimer Airport Master Plan will include the following:
      • An inventory of existing conditions including review and analysis of environmental considerations;
      • A series of aviation activity forecasts to identify growth trends and changing conditions;
      • A determination of facility requirements to meet current and projected levels of aviation demand;
      • The development and analysis of alternative solutions to meet defined facility requirements for the 20-year planning period;
      • A financial implementation plan or capital improvement plan that identifies funding sources and project sequencing for the short term (1 to 5 years), intermediate term (6 to 10 years), and long term (11 to 20 years); and
      • An updated Airport Layout Plan (ALP) set.
  • Master Plan Document        
  1. Inventory
  2. Forecast
  3. Facility Requirements
  4. Alternatives
  5. Implementation
  6. Environmental
  7. Airport Plans


Whether you are coming to the airport to fly away on an amazing adventure, touring the University of Oklahoma School of Aviation, or grabbing a bite to eat, we have your parking needs covered.

Parking is free.

There is currently no charge for extended parking but, if you plan on leaving your car for an extended period of time, please make arrangements through the following:

OU Real Estate Operations:
: 405-325-0530

Drone Information

Airport Administration recommends UAS operators visit Know Before You Fly and might consider the B4UFLY smartphone app from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).  

Operators, considering operations on the University of Oklahoma property should familiarize themselves with the University's UAS Review Committee Guidelines and fill out the UAS Flight Application prior to operations.  


All UAS operations on OU Property require pre-approval.

UAS pilots are prohibited from operating within controlled airspace (which includes flights within 5 miles of the airport) unless a waiver and an airspace authorization are acquired through the FAA's Dronezone and the use of the LAANC System. Those flying drones for recreation may continue to fly below 400 feet in uncontrolled airspace without specific certifications or preauthorization. It is important to note commercial UAS flights have more rules associated with their operations, and it is imperative that UAS pilots visit FAA Drone Zone to ensure compliance with FAA Guidelines and Regulations.

Violators of the rules and regulations are subject to being reported to law enforcement and/or the FAA.  Please help keep our skies safe by following the rules and regulations set forth by the FAA.

As of May 16, 2019, recreational UAS pilots are now prohibited from operating within controlled airspace.  Those flying drones for recreation may continue to fly below 400 feet in uncontrolled airspace without specific certifications or preauthorization. 

The previous procedure was to notify the airport operator and the airport air traffic control tower prior to flying within five miles of an airport.  Under the new guidelines, air traffic control facilities will no longer review or accept requests to operate recreational drones in controlled airspace on a case-by-case basis The FAA is granting temporary airspace authorizations to fly in certain "fixed sites" in controlled airspace throughout the country, but there are currently none within 5-miles of Max Westheimer Airport.

The FAA will help recreational flyers learn and understand the changes by posting updates and additional guidance on the FAA website.

Please keep our skies safe by following all FAA Guidelines.

If you have any questions/concerns, please contact our office at 405-325-7233 or email us at

LAANC is the Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability, a collaboration between the FAA and Industry.  It directly supports UAS integration into the airspace.

LAANC provides:

  • Drone Pilots with access to controlled airspace at or below 400 feet.
  • Air traffic Professionals with visibility into where and when drones are operation.

Through the UAS Data Exchange, the capability facilitates the sharing of airspace data between the FAA and companies approved by the FAA to provide LAANC  services.  The companies are known as UAS Service Suppliers - and the desktop applications and mobile apps to utilize the LAANC capability are provided by the UAS Service Suppliers (USS).

LAANC System is required prior to any commercial or recreational drone flight within five miles of the airport.

If you are planning an operation in controlled airspace that requires a waiver and an airspace authorization you must apply for both through the FAA's Dronezone.

Drone pilots planning to fly under 400 feet in controlled airspace around airports must receive an airspace authorization from the FAA before they fly.

The LAANC capability is available to pilots operating under the Small UAS Rule Part 107, OR under the exception for Recreational Flyers.

Access to the capability is provided through one of the FAA-approved UAS Service Suppliers listed below.  There are two ways to use LAANC:

  • To receive a near real-time authorization for operations under 400 feet in controlled airspace around airports. (available to Part 107 and Recreational Flyers)
  • To submit a "further coordination request": if you need to fly above the designated altitude ceiling in the UAS Facility Map, up to 400 feet.  A minimum of 24 hours advance notice is required, and applicants may apply up to 90 days in advance of a flight and the approval is coordinated manually through the FAA.  (available to Part 107 pilots only)

To qualify under Part 107,  you must register your drone and hold a Remote Pilot Certificate.

To qualify for a Recreational Flyer, you must register your drone and follow the FAA guidelines.

Site NameLatitudeLongitudeCityStateZip CodeAltitude Height
Good Ole Okie Flying Society Goofs 136.674856-97.049413Ponca CityOK74604-6059400 feet

Military & Vintage Aircraft Suas

Association 1

35.490555-97.6925Oklahoma CityOK73127200 feet
The Ok Radio Kontrol SOC Torks 135.548777-97.5893055Oklahoma CityOK73116300 feet

Upcoming Events

Annual Aviation Festival

Date: September 13, 2025

Hours: 9:00AM to 2:00PM

Parking & Admission: Free


  • Aircraft static displays
  • Kid's Corner - Jr. Sooner Club and the Sooner Schooner with Boomer & Sooner.
  • Sooner Flight Academy hands-on hangar with STEM activities for children of all ages.
  • Food trucks will be on-site for take-away meals.
  • OU Student Club Section will have bottled water and t-shirts for sale.
  • National Weather Museum - Science Center
North American T-6 Texan in hangar at Max Westheimer.

The Economic Impact of Max Westheimer Airport

In 2017, as part of the Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission's (OAC) research project, the annual economic impact for 109 airports was estimated.  The economic impacts reported by the OAC study reflects a snapshot of conditions that characterized the airports.  Each airport was investigated, as applicable, to identify potential economic impacts related to airport management, airport tenants, investments in capital projects, and spending from visitors.  The OAC study mainly used four primary measures to express airport-specific annual economic impacts.  These areas include employment/jobs, annual payroll, annual spending, and total annual economic activity.

Economic impacts reported in the study reflect not only direct impacts but also indirect/induced impacts that result from a multiplier effect.  Together, direct and indirect/induced impacts equal total statewide and airport-specific annual economic impacts.  A state model, specific to Oklahoma, was used by the Oklahoma Department of Commerce to estimate total economic impacts. 

Max Westheimer Airport for 75 years has provided flight training as part of its curriculum through the University of Oklahoma.  The University's School of Aviation, and AABI-accredited program, offers degrees in air traffic control aviation management, and pilot training.  There are currently more than 200 students enrolled in the University's aviation programs.  By supporting the University and its flight training activities, the airport plays an important role in training tomorrow's aviation professionals.

Several local businesses rely on aircraft based at MWA to support their operations.  Bob Moore Auto Group, a large car dealer in Oklahoma City, frequently flies to visits its other dealerships, clients, and suppliers.  R.T. Oliver Invetmenst flies around the region to oversee its real estate and oil and gas investments.  Toby Keith has a flight department located at the airport which allows him to visit his restaurants and to quickly reach his concert venues across the U.S.   

Overall, the airport's economic impact on the surrounding community is substantial.  On average, Max Westheimer Airport's total annual economic activity is around 37.4 million dollars.

MWA gives general aviation, business aviation, military flights, and medivac flights a centralized location that provides easy access to the University and the City of Norman.  If you would like additional information on our Economic Impact Study, you may click on the link below.