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Guifu Zhang

Guifu Zhang, Ph.D.

Sam K. Viersen Presidential Professor

Guifu Zhang.
NWC 4620, National Weather Center
(405) 325-3507
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  • Wave propagation and scattering in geophysical media
  • Remote sensing for understanding and quantifying weather and earth environment
  • Radar polarimetry for quantitative precipitation estimation and forecast
  • Phased array radar interferometry to measure wind, shear, and turbulence
  • Formulation, design, and calibration of polarimetric phased array radars for multi-missions
  • Cloud/precipitation microphysics and parameterization

  • B.S. in Physics, Anhui University, 1982
  • M.S. in Radio Physics, Wuhan University, 1985
  • Ph.D.  in Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, 1998