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Greg McFarquhar

Greg McFarquhar, Ph.D.

George Lynn Cross Research Professor
Director of CIWRO

Greg McFarquhar.
NWC 2104, National Weather Center
(405) 325-3041
Greg's Website

  • B.Sc., Mathematics & Physics, University of Toronto, Canada, 1987
  • M.Sc., Atmospheric Physics, University of Toronto, Canada, 1989
  • Ph.D., Atmospheric Physics, University of Toronto, Canada, 1993

  • Microphysical structure of snow bands in winter cyclones
  • Role of cloud microphysical processes in mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) and storms
  • Properties of tropical clouds generated by deep convection
  • Role of cloud microphysical processes in the rapid intensification of tropical cyclones
  • Processes controlling the amount of supercooled water and freezing drizzle in clouds
  • How aerosols and other synoptic conditions affect the evolution of clouds in the Arctic and over the Southern Oceans
  • Transmission of radiation through the cloudy atmosphere
  • Representation of clouds in climate and weather models, and especially the development of a stochastic framework for representing cloud processes
  • Impact of aerosol particles on the water and energy budgets of clouds
  • Impact of biomass burning on cloud properties
  • Retrieval of cloud properties from space-, air- and ground-based remote sensors
  • Use of air and ship-based instrumentation for measuring the properties of clouds