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Office for Civil Rights Digital Accessibility

Office for Civil Rights Digital Accessibility

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is proud to announce a video series covering a variety of topics on digital access in education, including how people with disabilities use technology, applicable Federal regulations, and identifying and remediating barriers to access.  Whether you are in the educational field or not, these videos have wide-ranging coverage for those who want to know: What makes technology accessible for individuals with disabilities? And how can I make my site or platform more accessible?

The following resources are from OCR's Video Series

Intro: An Introduction to Digital Accessibility

Meet Catherine Lhamon, the Assistant Secretary for the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, as she introduces key topics in the area of digital accessibility in education.

3 minutes 26 seconds

Watch An Introduction to Digital Accessibility on YouTube

Topic 1 : Digital Accessibility: Three Points About the Law

Learn about two Federal civil rights laws relevant to digital accessibility in the educational context: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

5 minutes 58 seconds

Watch Topic 1 on Youtube

Topic 2: How Some People with Disabilities Use Technology

Meet some students and parents with disabilities and learn how they interact with and use technology.

6 minutes 2 seconds

Watch Topic 2 on YouTube

Topic 3: Recommended Practices & Tips for Digital Accessibility

Learn some helpful tips to providing quality online experiences to everyone.

6 minutes 25 seconds

Watch Topic 3 on YouTube

Topic 4: Vendors and Partnerships

Explore ideas for partnering with institutions and working with vendors to meet your digital accessibility goals.

3 minutes 55 seconds

Watch Topic 4 on YouTube

Topic 5: Creating an Organizational Culture that Embraces Accessibility

Explore thoughtful approaches to partner with key stakeholders and mission-critical individuals within your organization to create a seamless, supportive culture around digital accessibility.

3 minutes 17 seconds

Watch Topic 5 on YouTube

Topic 6: The Importance of Manual Testing for Digital Accessibility

Learn why manual testing is important and how to incorporate reliable testing protocols into your workflow.

5 minutes 10 seconds

Watch Topic 6 on YouTube

Topic 7: Keyboard Access and Visual Focus Indicators

Explore fundamental concepts of testing for keyboard access and visual focus indicators, barriers typically missed by automated checkers.

4 minutes 6 seconds

Watch Topic 7 on YouTube

Topic 8: Testing When the Screen is Magnified

Dive deeper into manual testing, and see what can happen to navigation and content when web pages are enlarged by people with low vision.

3 minutes 6 seconds

Watch Topic 8 on YouTube

Topic 9: Logical Reading Order

Check out what can go wrong when web pages don’t follow a logical reading order for people who rely on keyboard navigation and screen readers.

4 minutes 5 seconds

Watch Topic 9 on YouTube

Topic 10: Alternative Text

Learn about alternative text and why it is important for people who cannot see photographs and graphic images.

5 minutes 8 seconds

Watch Topic 10 on YouTube

Topic 11: Fillable Forms

Forms can be a useful way of collecting information from your users. Do you know how to make sure everyone can use them?

4 minutes 33 seconds

Watch Topic 11 on YouTube

Topic 12: Buttons & Form Controls

Learn about form fields and buttons used on web pages, and how to test them for specific accessibility concerns.

3 minutes 39 seconds

Watch Topic 12 on YouTube

Topic 13: Use of Color Alone to Convey Information

What to think about when using color to convey information.

5 minutes 14 seconds

Watch Topic 13 on YouTube

Topic 14: Color Contrast

How to check for sufficient color contrast, and why it’s important.

3 minutes 40 seconds

Watch Topic 14 on YouTube

Topic 15: Links

All about links: how they are used in navigation, labeling concerns, and distinguishing them from surrounding text.

3 minutes 58 seconds

Watch Topic 15 on YouTube

Topic 16: Tables

Do you need to use a data table on your web page? If so, learn how to appropriately format table content to ensure everyone can understand your data.

4 minutes 11 seconds

Watch Topic 16 on YouTube

Topic 17: Heading Structure

Learn how to use heading structure on a web page so everyone can navigate your content with ease.

3 minutes 11 seconds

Watch Topic 17 on YouTube

Topic 18: Video Captioning

What counts as “success” when captioning your videos – and how to avoid epic (and embarrassing) gaffes.

5 minutes 11 seconds

Watch Topic 18 on YouTube

Topic 19: Reporting & Responding to Digital Barriers for People with Disabilities

A discussion of best practices for how schools can be aware of potential barriers and respond to such concerns, and tips for people with disabilities who experience barriers.

3 minutes 53 seconds

Watch Topic 19 on YouTube