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Alex Core

Alex Core

Alex Core
Bachelor of Music Education
From Frisco, Texas

My Sooner Legacy...

I hope to leave a legacy of trailblazing and perseverance. Our class started at an unprecedented time. We persevered through the unknown and are now graduating! I hope that future Sooners have the same perseverance through their degrees and help shape our future world.

What has your OU experience been like?

My experience at OU has been a rollercoaster! Starting during the epidemic, everything was either online or a hybrid. It was such an unprecedented time but the friends I made in the resident halls and through class made all of it worth it. After freshman year, everything changed. Life started returning to normal, and I finally had the chance to begin studying in my field and grow my community at OU. The School of Music put music education majors like myself into classrooms to finally put our knowledge to the test. The Pride of Oklahoma was in full swing. I decided to become an OU Tour Guide! All of these combined allowed me to learn so much about music, teaching, myself, and life! Now, as I prepare for my next steps in my professional career, I feel completely ready because of my experiences at OU.

What achievement are you proudest of as an OU student?

The achievement I am the proudest of is my senior recital. I worked for months on the musical pieces I chose to represent my time at OU. I took charge of my preparation, learning, and performance. I collaborated with my friends and created a production that truly encapsulated me. It represented me as a musician and performer, and that I was ready to start my teaching career.

What does your OU degree mean to you?

My OU degree means opportunity. It shows the hard work I have put forth, the times I have struggled yet powered through, and my ability to learn. With my degree, I can confidently set forth on the next steps of my journey.

What will you miss most about OU?

My community. I have created a community of amazing people to surround myself with. From my Pride of Oklahoma friends to my Kappa Kappa Psi family, they have given me many memories to cherish forever.

Alex's Next Chapter...

I will be starting my teaching career as a Band Director.