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Andie Aston

Andie Aston

Senior Associate Director of Marketing & Communications

Andie serves as the senior assistant director of marketing and communications for Oklahoma Admissions and Recruitment, assisting in marketing and outreach efforts throughout the department.

Andie graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor of arts in journalism and a minor in communication from OU in 2017. She came to Oklahoma from Olathe, Kansas, which sits just southwest of the Kansas City Metro area.

Prior to joining the Admissions and Recruitment team, Andie served as the Assistant Director of Communications for OU Athletics. She primarily worked with the OU softball and volleyball teams, coordinating publicity efforts for both teams including social media, website updating, media relations, publications and statistical management.

What advice do you have for prospective students?

Be willing to get outside of your comfort zone. Look into all the academic programs and student life activities that a school offers — you might find the perfect fit somewhere you weren't expecting!