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Admission Process

Admission Process

We have provided you with a step-by-step process that will explain how to apply to be admitted to the University of Oklahoma Concurrent Enrollment program.

Once admitted, concurrent student do not have to re-apply for the next semester they wish to enroll in. Students only must re-apply if they were admitted and not enrolled for two consecutive terms.

Three students at Admitted Student Day holding OU signs

Discuss With a Counselor

Apply Online

Submit Documents

  1. Discuss With a Counselor     

    Discuss the Concurrent Enrollment program with your high school counselor or principal. Your counselor or principal will need to support your application.

  2. Apply Online
    • Submit an online application for admission
    • Click 'Create an account' under 'First-time users'
    • Register
    • Check your email for your temporary PIN
    • Click 'Activate your account' in your email
    • Create new password
    • Click 'Start New Application'
    • Click the term you wish to enroll in
    • Select 'Concurrent Enrollment'

  3. Submit Documents
    • Before your application can be reviewed, OU must receive the following items. Please have your counselor send your documents to or you can mail these materials to the Office of Admissions & Recruitment (address below) once the online application is submitted:
    • Completed Concurrent Enrollment Recommendation Form (pdf) signed by you, your principal or high school counselor, and one of your parents/guardians (we will also accept it completely filled out and signed by the guardian and student and sent in with a approval from the counselor in email)
    • Official high school transcript
    • Official ACT or SAT score (required unless you are applying test optional) 
      • Please send OU official scores from the ACT or SAT website.
      • Pre-ACT or PSAT scores can be utilized for concurrent admission. Students sending Pre-ACT or PSAT scores are required to submit all subscores and overall composite score for consideration.
  4. OU Office of Admissions:

    University of Oklahoma
    Office of Admissions & Recruitment
    1000 Asp Ave, Room 127 
    Norman, OK 73019-4076