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What is Biology?

Biology provides students a background that can be used for a variety of careers. Students majoring in Biology can go on to study in such health-related fields as Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing and Public Health. Other students choose to pursue a career in Environmental Law or Science. The Department of Biology provides students a solid base from which to explore these different career paths.

Faculty members in the department work to provide Biology students with opportunities to conduct research. Students can participate in ongoing faculty research in areas such as evolution, animal behavior, cell biology, development and neuroscience. Students are also encouraged to pursue their own research interests, and faculty members work with students to design and carry out experiments. Some students publish their work or present at national or international conferences.

Biology students can participate in numerous clubs and programs. In Biology Aid Program (ZAP), upperclassmen tutor students in Introductory Zoology. The program is usually mutually beneficial for both students. Students can also be members of the Zoological Society, which allows them to network with other Biology and advance their Biology knowledge.

Professor shows biological features of a scorpion

So, what's my degree?

A Biology student graduates with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. Students can then choose to further their education and pursue a Master of Science, a Master of Natural Science or a Doctor of Philosophy degree.

Many Biology students continue their education by pursuing graduate-level studies. Students often pursue a wide a variety of advanced degrees including Dental, Medicine, Environmental Sciences and Veterinary Sciences.

Do my interests fit?

Biology students typically have interests in:

  • Science
  • Mathematics
  • Animals
  • Medicine
  • Health

High school preparation should include courses in math and science, particularly biological sciences.

What courses will I take?

Biology courses include:

  • Intro. Biology: Molecules, Cells & Physiology
  • Intro. Biology: Evolution, Ecology & Diversity
  • Evolution
  • Genetics
  • General Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Biochemistry

How can I study abroad?

OU has numerous study abroad opportunities for students of all majors. Whether you want to take electives, lower-division courses, or major requirements, be sure to check out what education abroad opportunities are available to you through the Education Abroad

What kind of career could I pursue?

  • Universities
  • Hospitals
  • Private practice
  • Federal and State Government
  • Veterinary clinics
  • Biology teacher
  • Laboratory technician
  • Family physician
  • Dentist
  • Biotechnologist

How much will I make?

Visit the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ website to explore the median pay for jobs you can pursue with this degree. 

Contact Us

Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences The University of Oklahoma

Department of Biology
Phone: (405) 325-5661