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Spanish Course Exams

Spanish Course Exams

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Time Limit

Passing Percentage

2113 - Intermediate Spanish 

Study Materials for both: Puntos de partida: An Invitation to Spanish by Dorwick, Perez and Becher (ISBN: 978-0073385419

2 Hours75%

2223 - Intermediate Spanish Continued

Study Materials for both: Puntos de partida: An Invitation to Spanish by Dorwick, Perez and Becher (ISBN: 978-0073385419

2 Hours75%

SPAN 3073 - Spanish Conversation

Study Materials: Please contact the department for scheduling and study materials

Oral exam with department75%

3423 - Grammar in Written Communication

Study Materials: Taller de Escritores: Grammar and Composition for Advanced Spanish (Spanish Edition) by Bleichmar and Canon (ISBN: 978-1617671081)

1.5 Hours75%