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German Course Exams

German Course Exams

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2113 - Intermediate German

Study Materials: Deutsch: Na klar! by Di Donato and Clyde, 8th edition;  Chap: 1-12

Note:  This test consists of a grammar section, a reading section, and an essay/writing section, with most points coming from the grammar section. The grammar section reviews and tests all major grammar areas from OU’s first-year elementary German sequence, i.e. GERM 1115 & 1225, but places a special emphasis on the new grammatical areas from GERM 2113, i.e. grammar from chapters 11 and 12 of Deutsch: Na klar!.

1.5 Hours80%

2223 - Intermediate German

Study Materials:  Note: This test consists of a grammar section and a 200-word essay. The grammar section tests all major grammar areas from OU’s first- and second-year elementary and intermediate German sequence (ie. GERM 1115, 1225, 2113, and 2223).  **Students are encouraged to study from any edition of our textbook, Deutsch: Na klar! to make sure they study all areas that will be on the test but they can also consult any recent university-level introductory textbook of German to prepare

2 Hours80%

3423 - Advanced German Composition

Study Materials:  Any good grammar book or general textbook for German to review grammar. For how to structure an essay, consult any respected book on essay writing, e.g. Gerald Graff, They Say, I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing (W.W. Norton, 2009). 

Required Materials:  Bring an unabridged German-English dictionary with you.  

3 Hours80%

3523 - Advanced Conversation

Study Materials:  Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik (World Languages) 6th Edition, ISBN-10: 1305078845

Oral Exam given by department70%