May 4, 2021
Dear Colleagues,
I write today to share exciting news about the progress and vitality of our research enterprise. Despite the unprecedented challenges we have faced during the pandemic, I am thrilled to announce that research expenditures at the University of Oklahoma achieved record levels in FY2020 – up 22.19% over the previous fiscal year, resulting in a record-high total of $377.6 million.
The total, which accounts for research expenditures on all three of our campuses, eclipses any in our university’s history. These expenditures also are a key contributor to OU’s overall $2.6 billion annual statewide economic impact – underscoring our role as Oklahoma’s flagship institution to fuel economic growth and foster new discoveries.
This extraordinary accomplishment is a direct reflection of the talent and momentum of our world-class research community. The brilliance and resourcefulness of our researchers has always been a source of pride at OU, but their remarkable productivity during this unprecedented year demonstrates the critical importance of OU research. I invite you to read more about our record-setting research expenditures here.
Our exceptional research performance illustrates our progress toward becoming a nationally leading public research university. Guided by our “Lead On, University” Strategic Plan, and supported through your enthusiastic commitment, our trajectory toward achieving the next generation of OU excellence is accelerating with great promise.
Live On, University,
Joseph Harroz, Jr.