To schedule an appointment, call (918) 660-3102. The OU-Tulsa Student Health Clinic staff will make every effort to schedule your appointment at a time that is convenient for you. Appointments are offered from 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM and 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM, Monday - Friday.
OU-Tulsa Student Health is located in the Student Affairs office in the Main Academic Building at:
All OU-Tulsa students in both HSC-based and Norman-based programs pay a student health fee each semester (exception: Liberal Studies students). This health fee provides certain and limited student health services at the Student Health Clinic. The student health fee is not health insurance.
A student may request that their Health Fee be waived if they meet certain enrollment criteria. Contact OU-Tulsa Enrollment at 918-660-3474. Waivers must be requested for each semester.
Please note there is no copay or visit charge for an appointment at the Student Health Clinic.
Medical Services Covered Under the Student Health Fee
Acute Care Visits:
Additional medical services that may be billed to health insurance:
Immunizations available through Student Health include:
Student Health administers TB skin tests on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. TB tests cannot be placed on Thursdays. Please schedule an appointment to receive your TB test. Please click here to find more information on TB testing.
If you need other vaccines please contact Tulsa Health Department at 918-595-4509 or visit their website.
Pricing related to Hep B Titers & Vaccines
1st Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Titer (to follow completion of Hep B vaccination series). Must be drawn > 4 weeks from last dose: $15
If Completion of 2nd Hep B series is required:
To schedule an appointment or if you have any questions, please call 918.660.3102.
Prices are based on actual cost of supplies lab processing charged to Student Health, and are cheaper than Tulsa County Health Department. We only accept cash or check (payable to OU-Tulsa) payments.
Titers are not covered by the student health fee. To obtain titers, students prepay at the time of visit, based on the costs provided in this document (pdf).
Lab services provided by Diagnostic Laboratory of Oklahoma are not covered by the health fee. Labs will billed to the student's personal health insurance or a cash pay option will be taken at the time of service.
X-rays are available through Student Health and are covered by the health fee.
Report incident to your proper supervisor immediately. If possible, report to Student Health within two hours of exposure.
If exposure occurs after hours or at a clinical site that is 50 miles from campus, report to the nearest emergency room and to Student Health the next business day.
The Student Health fee does not cover laboratory costs for baseline or follow up testing or for prophylactic medicines as a result of an exposure. Labs will be billed to the student's personal insurance, needlestick policy, or to the student directly (pdf).
For the University of Oklahoma's current notice of Privacy Practices, please visit the University's general HIPAA website.