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In an effort to inform the OU-Tulsa community of the mission, focus, and reporting mechanisms for the Behavioral Intervention Team, multiple avenues are used to increase publicity and campus awareness.

Managing Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom

The OU-Tulsa BIT wants to work with our faculty (and students) to make sure the learning environment (and the campus in general) is safe.

Managing Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom (JPEG) (PDF)

To request a print version of the flyer or for more information on how BIT can assist our OU-Tulsa faculty, please please email Josh Davis at or call him at (918) 660-3107.


All incoming students receive in-person training regarding the BIT program at their program-specific and/or campus-wide new student orientation sessions.  We stress our focus on care and concern, rather than disciplinary action, and ensure students know that our goal is to keep them on a successful path toward graduation and their goals beyond OU-Tulsa.  We want the students to know that we take this responsibility seriously, and that we work to establish a customized plan to assist students, faculty and staff if and when they are reported to the BIT.  For more information abou a past training you attended or to request a training for your department, please email Josh Davis at

Faculty & Staff

In fall 2013, OU-Tulsa President Gerry Clancy, MD, mandated that all campus departments receive a personalized BIT training to discuss how the program works, and why we have it in place.  Also since the fall 2013, the OU-Tulsa BIT Chair has conducted a brief training for all new OU-Tulsa employees at the "New Hire Orientation" that occurs approximately every 2 weeks.  For more information abou a past training you attended or to request a training for your department, please email Josh Davis at

Marketing Materials

We have strategically placed at least one of our BIT posters in every OU-Tulsa classroom, restroom, elevator, break room, lounge, and on every bulletin board. 


BIT Magnets are placed around the OU-Tulsa campus, primarily on office doors and common areas.


Business Cards are distributed at every new student or staff orientation.