Chapter leaders should use the information on this page to complete all necessary paperwork deadlines. Common links, useful resources, and other policies can be found below.
Use the documents below to ensure that your chapter's forms and documents are completed on time. Additionally, view community event dates and information. Please note dates are subject to change.
All University of Oklahoma fraternities and sororities must read and sign the Minimum Expectations Covenant each semester. The signed Covenant is due by the end of the first week of each semester and is uploaded as the chapter re-registers on OU Engage.
Greek organizations at OU are required to register all chapter events two weeks in advance. Please note that this registration. process does not replace any form that may be required by a fraternity or sorority's national or local group. Event registrations should comply with all University of Oklahoma and Student Life policies and procedures.
Events should be registered using the "events" tab in the chapter portal on Engage. Learn more about how to register an event here.
Learn more about what is considered an "organizational event" using the document below:
Standards of Excellence is a set of common community standards, which all our diverse chapters can aspire to achieve. Chapters are encouraged to use the standards listed under each category as a best practices guide to aid in planning, goal setting and general chapter operations. FSPS will recognize those chapters that demonstrate excellence in meeting these standards at our annual Greek Awards program.
Chapters are provided a Google link each January for that year's Standards of Excellence submission. If you do not have access to your chapter's Google folder, email your chapter coach for assistance. All chapters are required to participate in the Standards of Excellence program.
Chapters should keep general membership rosters updated with FSPS at all times. Accurate rosters are needed for proper dues and fees billing, grade reports, and more. It is the responsibility of the Chapter President to keep the chapter's membership roster accurate throughout the entire semester.
Use the forms below to update your roster with FSPS. For questions, contact your Council Advisor.
Use the form below to notify FSPS of house closing dates. This form only need to be filled out by chapters with housing facilities.
All other required housing forms are integrated into the RSO Registration Process including the Live-In Roster, Alcohol-Free Verification Form, and House Director Employment Verification Form.
Each semester, Greek organizations are required to register as an RSO. FSPS has integrated much of the required paperwork into this registration process. This registration is due the first Friday of each semester in order to remain in Good Standing. Chapter Presidents should complete this process on their chapter's Engage profile. For help, reach out to your Chapter Coach.
OU fraternities and sororities recruiting new members should thoroughly read the Fraternity and Sorority Membership Intake and Recruitment (MIR) Packet for all university policies and expectations. This paperwork should be completed and sent to your Chapter Coach for review.
Organizations planning a new member showcase, presentation, emergence, probate, or unveiling should review the university expectations in the document below. The required meeting should be completed with your Council Advisor.
Your Chapter Coach can assist with any support or campus resource connections your chapter might need. Below are some common links chapter leaders might need.