
歡迎來到 OU 台灣學生會的首頁,本站之前已許久沒有更新了,但自2017年起充新啟動後,相關活動與訊息將持續更新(請參考活動快訊),如果有任何建議與指教請與我們連絡

Welcome Back Party 2012 / 2012 迎新

Hello OU Taiwanese Student Association members,

We would like to invite all of you to our Annual Welcome Back Party at 12pm on Saturday, August 25, 2012. This year, it is being hosted at the Thai Kumkoon Restaurant (1347 West Lindsey Street, Norman, OK 73072, Map: http://goo.gl/maps/5XNQu). Even if this will be your first welcome party, we would like as many of you to join us as possible! The event will be $3 for members and $8 for non-members.

Please let us know if you will or will not be attending. You can RSVP at the following link: http://ppt.cc/Fmgz or email outsa@ou.edu .

We will be collecting membership dues at the event. Dues are $12 per member for the entire year.

As a reminder, we still have officer positions that need to be filled! There are many leadership opportunities available, and they look great on a resume! If you are interested email outsa@ou.edu .

Hope to see you there!

* This event is sponsored by UOSA


台灣學生會邀請大家參加本年度的迎新聚餐。本次聚會將在 Thai Kumkoon 舉行,時間地點如下:

時間: 2012 年 8 月 25 日 星期六 中午十二點
地點: Thai Kumkoon Restaurant (1347 West Lindsey Street, Norman, OK 73072, 地圖:http://goo.gl/maps/5XNQu)
費用: 會員 $3 非會員 $8

您可以在 http://ppt.cc/Fmgz 報名或 email 至 outsa@ou.edu 。若有意加入正式會員,我們會在聚會時收取本年度( Fall 2012 ~ Spring 2013 )的會費 $12 。



*本活動由 UOSA 贊助

2012 秋季班新生


(1) outsa@ou.edu
(2) Facebook Page

Mid-Autumn Festival BBQ 中秋烤肉

We would like to invite all of you to our Annual Mid-Autumn Festival Barbecue at 5:00pm on Sunday, September 18th, 2011. This year, it is being hosted at Dr. Yu's House (2831 Misty Ridge Drive, Norman, OK, Map: http://mapq.st/nJfbbl ). Even if this is your first OUTSA party, we would like as many of you to join us as possible! This event will be free for members and $5 for non-members.

Please let us know if you will or will not be attending. You can RSVP at the following link: http://http://goo.gl/Ev2Zc or email outsa@ou.edu .

Hope to see you there!

* This event is sponsored by UOSA

Fall 2011 Welcome Back Party / 2011 秋季迎新

Hello OU Taiwanese Student Association members,

We would like to invite all of you to our Annual Welcome Back Party at 6pm on Sunday, August 28, 2011. This year, it is being hosted at the newly opened Panda Garden on the corner of East 12th Street and Alameda (1000 Alameda Street, Norman, Google Maps: http://g.co/maps/kpy5 ). Even if this will be your first welcome party, we would like as many of you to join us as possible! The event will be $3 for members and $8 for non-members.

Please let us know if you will or will not be attending. You can RSVP at the following link: http://tinyurl.com/4xos263 or email outsa@ou.edu .

We will be collecting membership dues at the event. Dues are $10 per member for the entire year.

As a reminder, we still have officer positions that need to be filled! There are many leadership opportunities available, and they look great on a resume! If you are interested email Ying-Ting at Ying-Ting.Chen-1@ou.edu or shoot a quick text over to (405)640-8175!

Hope to see you there!

* This event is sponsored by UOSA.


台灣學生會邀請大家參加本年度的迎新聚餐。本次聚會將在新開幕的 Panda Garden 舉行,時間地點如下:
時間: 八月 28 日星期日下午六點
地點: 新開幕的 Panda Garden (1000 Alameda Street, Norman, Google Maps: http://g.co/maps/kpy5 )
費用: 會員 $3 非會員 $8
您可以在 http://tinyurl.com/4xos263 報名或 email 至 outsa@ou.edu 。若有意加入正式會員,我們會在聚會時收取本年度( Fall 2011 ~ Spring 2012 )的會費 $10 。

最後提醒大家,台灣學生會目前仍需要幹部,這是一個很好的學習機會,如果有興趣可以跟映廷聯絡: email: ying-ting.chen-1@ou.edu或簡訊 (405)640-8175 。


* 本活動由 UOSA 贊助。

台灣學生會歡迎大家來到 OU


在此歡迎舊朋友回到 OU ,以及新夥伴的到來。如果剛到 OU 有任何疑問或需要幫忙,可以與其他在此待比較久的夥伴聯絡,相信他們都會樂意協助。


8 月 27 或 28 日: TSA 迎新,時間與地點等細節確定後會另行以 email 通知。

9 月 10 日: 中秋節,由於校內會有一些活動,因此日期暫定。

11 月 26 日:期末聚會,我們計畫在這次聚會一起享用傳統感恩節晚餐,並為上半學期活動劃下句點。

如果有餘力以及足夠的人力、物力等資源,我們將會舉辦台灣文化之夜,或者代表台灣參與 AASA 的 Asian festival 。

台灣學生會目前急需幹部,這是一個很好的學習機會,以後可以放在履歷表上,對求學及就業都有加分效果喔!有興趣可以跟映廷聯絡: email: ying-ting.chen-1@ou.edu或簡訊 (405)640-8175 ,目前尚缺副會長、秘書,以及總務。


Taiwanese Student Association Welcomes You!

Hello fellow Taiwanese Student Association members!

For those of you new to OU, congratulations on making it into the best 4-year university in the region! If you need any help at all getting situated, orienting yourself around our campus, or finding out all the cool little hotspots off campus in Norman, feel free to contact any of the members who've been here a while, we'll help you out.

For those of you returning to OU for another great year, welcome back and congratulations on making it through the summer! Hopefully we'll be able to have another successful year and continue to expand our presence on campus in full force.

With the semester starting soon, many of you will be wanting our calendar of events so you can plan trips and other events around them accordingly. The tentative dates are as follows:

August 27th, 2011- TSA's Annual Welcome Back Party - The exact time and location are still being deliberated, but expect it to be on this weekend for sure. An email will be sent out regarding details of the party when it is set (which should be by tomorrow)

September 10th, 2011- TSA's Mid-Autumn Festival - This is going to be on the same weekend as the IAC's annual retreat for International Student Organizations (ISOs). This weekend will also be busy because of many other events being held, so know that this is a very tentative date. In all likelihood, we'll probably have to send our officers out on these other events.

November 26th, 2011- TSA's End of Fall Semester Party - This will be the halfway point celebration. As it falls near Thanksgiving break, expect to be enjoying a traditional American Thanksgiving meal.

If possible, we may fit a Taiwanese culture night into this semester somewhere, or attach it onto the back of the AASA's Asian festival.

If you would like to help out in any way, and would like some leadership experience, we still have three open officer positions. Our spots open include Vice President (who will receive a free trip to Falls Creek Retreat Camps on September 9th-11th with the IAC president), Secretary, and Treasurer. If you are interested, please don't hesitate to email Ying-Ting at ying-ting.chen-1@ou.edu or send a quick text message to (405)640-8175.

Thanks for staying with us through another fruitful year and we hope we can make it a good one!

Fall 2011 新生

首先歡迎大家來到 OU ,關於各方面資訊,可以閱讀本網站,若有其他疑問,請與我們聯絡:

Email: outsa@ou.edu

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tsa.ou

Arbor Day Hotpot Party


地點:大鈞家 (1011 Raleigh Circle, Norman, OK, 73071)


The Taiwanese Student Association at OU (OUTSA) is happy to announce that we are going to have an Arbor Day Hotpot party in the coming week. We will also celebrate the Youth Day, Children's Day, and everyone who was born in January to April during this event. The date and location are as follows.

Date: 5:30pm, April 8, 2011 (Friday)
Location: Tachun's place (1011 Raleigh Circle, Norman, OK 73071)
Fee: FREE for members, $5 for non-members.
Please sign up through the following link :
Sign up here!

Due to the limited parking space in front of Tachun's place, please do carpool if possible. Thank you for your consideration.
OU vs Florida State Football Game Watch Party

時間: 2:00pm, Sep. 11, 2010 (2:30pm比賽開始,請提早抵達以免塞車)
地點: 俞教授家 (2831 Misty Ridge Dr., Norman, OK
Google Maps:http://tinyurl.com/chj3hw
*** 感謝俞教授,俞師母全家熱情提供場地 ***
TSA 將會準備烤漢堡,零食跟飲料。
已加入會員免費(可現場繳交 $5 入會)

Date: 2:00pm, Sep. 11, 2010 (Please arrive earlier to avoid the traffic)
Place: Dr. Yu's. (2831 Misty Ridge Dr., Norman, OK, Google Maps:http://tinyurl.com/chj3hw
*** Many thanks to the generosity of Dr. Yu's family for providing their place and grill. ***
Hamburgers, snacks, drinks will be provided by OUTSA during the event.This event is free for all OUTSA members (membership fee $5), and $3 for non-members.
Sign up here!!!
Fall 2010 迎新 - 已舉辦

迎新照片:OUTSA Welcome Party Fall 2010

地點: Panda Garden
3720 West Robinson Street, Norman, OK
地圖: http://tinyurl.com/2fprv6s
時間: 2010 年 8 月 28 日(週六) 中午 12:30

TSA 2010-2011 幹部

會長: 林大鈞 djlin[at]ou.edu
副會長: 賴致瑜 cylai[at]ou.edu
秘書兼財務: 陳毓嶸 yrchern[at]ou.edu

若有任何意見歡迎跟我們聯絡,我們的信箱是 outsa@ou.edu

給 2010 秋季班新生

如果你決定到 OU 就讀,或有任何疑問,請與我們連絡以獲取我們的協助。

我們的信箱是 outsa@ou.edu


歡迎來到 OU 台灣學生會的首頁,本站正在進行更新,如果要前往舊板首頁請按這裡,如果有任何建議請與我們連絡

  • 左邊的選單有些項目仍在施工,仍在施工的部份會有一個星號 * 作為標示。

  • 關於 OU, Norman, Oklahoma 介紹部份暫時連結至 Wikipedia ,稍後將會進行更新。


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