About Us
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The Flags of some of our members:

"Once while talking with a friend from South America, I was surprised as he began to apologize to me. During the last weekly meeting, we had talked about the role of women in our different societies as our Conversation Topic. He was apologizing because he felt he had been acting macho during his part of the discussion. I tried to tell him that I hadn’t noticed anything wrong, but he suddenly gave me and ISF one of the biggest compliments I have ever heard. He said that when he was in ISF, he just felt like he could act normal and not like he was a foreigner outside of his home country..."

Wayne Edwards, OUISF leader

How would you like to make new friends, have some fun and learn about other cultures in the process? That's what we do all the time!

International Student Friendship at OU provides both one-on-one friendships and group activities. By having friends at OU like this, you will grow in your understanding of America and other cultures (represented by international students at OU from all over the world).

Sometimes we go together to events sponsored by the International Advisory Committee, other international student organizations at OU, or multicultural events around Norman. Our goal is to build a bridge from one culture (yours) to many others. It's exciting, educational, and a lot of fun.

International Student Friendship is associated with Chi Alpha Campus Ministries internationally, and Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship (XA) at OU. They have a lot of helpful information as well.

Anyone can be involved, no matter what your racial, ethnic, religious, or national background may be. You are welcome! We simply want to help you make new friends while you are at the University of Oklahoma.

Check out our special events page often or send us your e-mail address and we will keep you informed about events as they come us.

Also, feel free to contact any of us.

The ISF Leadership Council

Go With God's Blessing!

Until very recently, Kerwin Nygren was the full-time director for ISF but he has ressigned and is currently living in Taiwan with his New wife Sunny. We wish him the best and pray for God's blessing.