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Work Assistance Tuition Waiver

Work Assistance Tuition Waiver

The application for Fall 2025 is now open and will close on May 15, 2025.

WATW Application

The Work Assistance Tuition Waiver is designed to assist current undergraduate students that work 25+ hours per week during the academic year. The intent of the tuition waiver is to help these students with their finances so that they are able to work fewer hours during the semester and focus more time and energy on their studies. Students receiving the tuition waiver are not required to continue working 25+ hours a week during the semester(s) the tuition waiver is applied to their account. Please see below for recipient hour requirements.

This award will be automatically applied to your Norman campus tuition expense each semester, following the add-drop period, for fall and spring only.

  • This award cannot be used toward fees (i.e. enrollment deposit, facility, health or activity fees, housing, correspondence courses, etc). 
  • This award cannot be used for tuition and fees through the OU Law School, Graduate College, OU Health Sciences Center graduate studies, OU-Tulsa campus, or at any other institution. 

Please note: Tuition waivers may stack. If stacked with other tuition waivers the combined offers may not payout beyond the cost of tuition. Your initial WATW offer is subject to change based on this policy. A non-resident tuition waiver may never be applied to the resident portion of tuition.  

2024-2025 Academic Year Work Assistance Tuition Waiver Award Amounts

Please be aware that the numbers provided may fluctuate each academic year.

Hours WorkedResidentNon-Resident
25-34 hours worked per weekup to $3000/yearup to $4000/year
35+ hours worked per weekup to $5220/yearup to $6000/year

Program Requirements to Maintain the Award

Eligibility Requirements

  • A degree-seeking undergraduate student enrolled in 12 hours on Norman Campus
  • Maintain minimum 2.0 GPA
  • Work 25+ hours per week during the academic year

Maintain Your Award

  • Continue to be a degree-seeking undergraduate student enrolled in 15 hours on Norman Campus
  • Maintain minimum 2.0 GPA
  • Work 10+ hours per week during the academic year
  1. Enrollment – Work Assistance Tuition Waiver recipients must enroll and successfully complete at least 15 hours at OU each fall/spring semester that the student receives the award and be subject to flat-rate tuition. Only Norman campus students who are subject to flat rate tuition are eligible for this award. Students enrolled in only on-line Center for Independent and Distance Learning courses are not eligible. Hours taken at other learning institutions (transfer hours) will not count toward hours needed to receive the scholarship. 

  2. Grade Point Average – Work Assistance Tuition Waiver recipients must achieve at least a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) each semester that the student receives the award.

  3. Pay Stubs – In order to renew the award annually, recipients must provide 4 weeks of consecutive pay stubs during each spring semester verifying that the student is working, at a minimum, 10 hours a week on average.

For more information, please contact the Scholarship Office at

Work Assistance Tuition Waiver Checklist

How do I know if I’m eligible?

  • Be a degree-seeking undergraduate student enrolled in 12 hours on Norman Campus
  • Have a minimum 2.0 GPA
  • Submit 4 weeks of consecutive paystubs showing an average of 25+ hours worked per week via the Work Assistance Tuition Waiver Application

I'm eligible! Now what?

  • Maintain your undergraduate student status and complete 15 hours per semester!
  • Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA
  • Continue to submit 4 weeks of consecutive paystubs, every Spring semester, showing you worked an average of 10+ hours per week on average

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Once you have successfully completed the minimum required hours worked to become eligible or maintain eligibility for the OU WATW, you may adjust your hours worked as necessary as long as you continue to work a minimum of 10 hours per work week. 

Don’t panic! The Work Assistance Tuition Waiver is disbursed after the Add/Drop period once we have verified you meet the requirements to maintain eligibility. Check the Program Requirements above to make sure you meet the requirements.

Yes! As long as your total accumulative worked hours meet the minimum requirement for eligibility, you can submit paystubs from multiple employers. Make sure to verify that the worked hours take place during the same pay period!

Yes! To maintain eligibility for the Work Assistance Tuition Waiver, you must re-complete the application and submit paystubs every spring semester after your initial application.

If you intend on taking a leave of absence for study abroad, an internship, or medical leave, please complete our Special Conditions Form. If approved, you will be able to demonstrate the minimum required hours worked to re-gain your tuition waiver.

In the event that a student does not complete the required 15 hours of regular enrollment, they will not be eligible to receive the Work Assistance Tuition Wavier for the following semester (fall or spring). They will also be required to re-apply and submit paystubs demonstrating four weeks of work at 25+ hours per week during the academic year.

Yes! You must be enrolled in 15 or more hours only when receiving the award but not during the semester you complete the application.  Please note that incoming freshman are not eligible to apply until during their first semester at OU.

The Work Assistance Tuition Waiver application is made available twice a year. Applications for the Spring tuition waiver are accepted between September 15 and December 15, and applications for the Fall tuition waiver are accepted between February 15 and May 15. Late applications are not accepted.