Microscopy: References
Cambridge Structural Database System
- format data for Quest
- Crystallographic database
Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information - CISTI
- One of the world's leading sources for scientific, technical and medical information
Chemical Database Service
- at Daresbury
Chemistry Resources on the Internet
Federal Web Locator
Fluorochromes Database
Fundamental physical constants
Imaging Technologies Bibliography
Materials Microscopy Book Bibliography
- a searchable bibliography
Microscopy Terms
- a searchable glossary of microscopy related terms
Periodic Table
Periodic Table with Characteristic Emitted X-rays for WDS/EDS
Principles of Protein Structure
Questioned Document Examination Page
Sheffield ChemDex
The Virtual Metallography Lab
- Links to materials-related information
WWW-VL: Related Topics
WWW-VL: Standards and Standardization Bodies
WWW-VL: US Government Information Sources
XCOM: Photon Cross Sections Database
- a photon (x-rays and gamma rays) cross sections database
X-Ray Notational Systems
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