Microscopy: Biologically-Oriented Sites
- Aberdeen Univerities EM unit - SEM, TEM and LM images
- Abteilung für Ultrukturforschung
- Actinomycete-Streptomyces Internet Resource Center
- The Ant: A Morphological Tour of the Super Organism - SEM images and text about the Fire Ant
- Arachnology
- BIOSCI WWW sites - Archives of biology sites
- ASU Life Science facility
- NCSA Biological Imaging Group - University of Illinois, Champagne-Urbana, IL, US
- Biology Department
- The Biomicroscopy Unit - Center for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lund University, Sweden
- C. elegans from the Ambros Lab Dartmouth - Dartmouth College - Hanover, NH, US
- California Criminalistics Institute
- Center for Structural Biology - University of Florida center for the study of biological function using advanced spectroscopic, diffraction, and imaging techniques
- Department of Biophysics
- Department of Cell Biology
- Dept. of Entomology
- Entomology WWW Server
- FishScope
- Fly Brain Atlas
- FlyBase: a genetic and molecular database for Drosophila
- ISC WWW Server, Texas A & M USA
- Journey Into The Cell: Celebrating 50 Years of Electron Microscopy and Cell Biology
- Microbe Zoo
- Microstructural Physics
- The Myers Laboratory - Development of the Zebrafish Nervous System
- Neuroscience Research Group
- Paleolimnology & Diatom Home Pages
- Postgraduate Diploma/MSc course in Biological Electron Microscopy
- Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories Overview
- Research Activities
- Resource for Molecular Cytogentics
- Rice Info
- Root Biology and Mycorrhiza Group
- SEM Microscopy Services Laboratory
- Softshell
- The CMS Molecular Biology Resource
- The Microbial Underground
- The NCBI GenBank Server
- University of Alberta - Medicine/Dentistry Electron Microscope Unit - SEM, TEM and LM images
- The Zebrafish Book - A guide for the laboratory use of zebrafish Danio (Brachydanio) rerio
- WFCC World Data Center for Microorganisms (Japan)
- Welcome to the Botany Department, University of Guelph
- Yale University - Center for Cell Imaging (CCI)
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