The Magnetic Resonance Facility houses four Varian Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometers (Inova 600, VNMRS-500, VNMRS-400 and Mercury-VX 300) and one Bruker EMX Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer. We provide access to all researchers who wish to use our instrumentation. Training and/or collaboration with experimentation, analysis, and presentation can be obtained from the staff of the Magnetic Resonance Facility.
Users are trained to run their own experiment. Beginning training is offered on the 300 and 400 MHz NMR Spectrometers to run 1H and 13C one-dimensional experiments. Higher field instrument training, variable temperature and advanced experimental training is provided per request and as a graduate course during the summer session. Collaboration with the Magnetic Resonance Facility staff is available per request. Instrument rates are $8.00/hour Monday-Friday 8 am-8 pm and $4.00/hour nights and weekends.