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Student Standing

Student Standing

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Students’ academic standing is noted each term on their transcript. See the Academic Retention, Probation, and Suspension Regulations on the Grading Policies webpage for more details on academic standing.

Students’ non-academic standing is not indicated on the transcript UNLESS they have been assigned a non-academic sanction for Academic Integrity violations requiring a transcript notation. Those notations may or may not be permanent, depending on the sanction. Any request for information on a student’s non-academic standing should be submitted through Open Records.

Non-Academic Sanctions

Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity sanctions range from a censure (an official reprimand recorded as a note in the student's file), to classes or tutorials on integrity-related topics, to suspension, to expulsion in the case of repeat or especially bad offenses. Suspensions and expulsions are noted on the student's transcript. At the University's discretion, transcript notations can be temporary or permanent. See the Academic Integrity webpage for more information.

Student Conduct

Student Conduct sanctions include, but are not limited to, disciplinary probation, suspension, and expulsion. See the Student Conduct webpage for more information.


Good Standing on a student’s transcript indicates that they remain in Good Academic Standing with the University by meeting minimum retention GPA requirements.

Students with 0-29 attempted credit hours and a 1.70-1.99 cumulative GPA are placed on Academic Notice. This is indicated on the student’s transcript.

Students with greater than 30 attempted hours and less than a 2.00 cumulative GPA OR less than 30 attempted hours and less than a 1.70 cumulative GPA are placed on Academic Probation.  Academic Probation is noted on the student’s transcript.

Students placed on Academic Probation are required to maintain a 2.0 GPA each subsequent semester. Failure to do so results in Academic Suspension and a transcript notation stating the student was Suspended for Poor Scholarship.

Disciplinary Probation is a non-academic sanction that may be assigned by the Student Conduct office. Disciplinary Probation is not indicated on a student’s transcript.

Disciplinary Suspension is a non-academic sanction that may be implemented by the Student Conduct or Title IX offices.

Academic Misconduct Suspension is a non-academic sanction that may be imposed by the Academic Integrity office. It is noted on the student’s transcript with the language “Suspended for Academic Misconduct” and the term of the suspension. The notation may be limited or permanent, according to the University’s discretion.