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Patricia Angle

Corey Phelps

Patricia Angle

Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems
(405) 325-5721

About Angle

Patricia Angle is a 2019 graduate of the Scheller College of Business at Georgia Tech, with a concentration in management of information technology and a minor in economics. Her research centers on the economic implications of IT use to facilitate productivity and innovation. Teaching interests include analytics, cybersecurity and networking. Her background includes industry experience as an aerospace engineer, earning graduate and undergraduate degrees from the University of Michigan.

Research Areas:

  • Innovation
  • AI
  • Digital Transformation


  • PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Masters of Science in Engineering, University of Michigan
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering, University of Michigan


  • Subramanian, H., Angle, P., Rouxelin, F., & Zhang, Z. (2024). A decision support system using signals from social media and news to predict cryptocurrency prices. Decision Support Systems, 178, 114129.

About OU's Price College of Business

The University of Oklahoma Michael F. Price College of Business has experienced significant growth over the past five years, becoming OU’s second-largest college with over 5,800 students. The college offers highly ranked undergraduate, master’s, executive and doctoral programs across six academic divisions. More information is available at